Giving away a couple Steam Keys quick from recent Humble Bundles

Giving away a couple Steam Keys quick from recent Humble Bundles

Post SteamID and comment if you want:

Aurion: Legacy of the Kori-Odan
Star Wars™: X-Wing Alliance™

More to come.

If it's cheap on HumbleBundle you can request it also.

Other urls found in this thread: to Play/

Turmoil please,



i'll take anything


Just dump the keys and get it over with.

To all the newfriends, know that this guy is legit.

[email protected]

I'm too paranoid but I would like the star wars if you're generous.

>Just dump the keys and get it over with.
>I'm too paranoid but I would like the star wars if you're generous.

Thank you!

OP isn't replying to my messages...

OP just dumped the code even when I asked for it... kuso OP.

Do you still have Legends of Eisenwald? Like that kind of games. Would greatly appreciate it.
[email protected]

Can I have Jotun?
[email protected]

>Legends of Eisenwald
post if you get it

I don't feel like emailing. Post if you get it

>post if you get it
Alas :(

These folks are way too fast.

>Enter code
>Steam crashes

I think I saw a key redeemed window first. So possibly thank you?
Either way you're awesome.

You need to go back.

Someone has Vermintide please? I said sorry to a friend after years we don't talk to each other, I'm waiting for his response. I need some action to distract me

[email protected]


Got it, thanks OP! I really appreciate this!

>Someone has Vermintide please?
Post if you get it..

Legit. OP this you?

oh shit thanks
missed that humble monthly

i'll take Aurion if its available

>OP this you?
does it matter? it's vidya

Thanks op

Going to ask here. Is anyone kind and generous enough to spare Dragon Quest Heroes II? The game looks pretty amazing.

On a side note, you're doing god's work OP

[email protected]

Post if you use it

Town of Salem

Post ify ou use it

2064: Read Only Memories

got it, thanks

Both used

Pretty dead thread, but bumping with hope

(Reposting with different email)

Have a doc of 34 keys and have no idea what any of them are - picked them up in bundles/10x random cd key things.

Looking to trade them all at once for Hollow Knight, Doom, Night in the Woods or Little Nightmares.

I'd like it to be a steam gift if possible, as I'll want to pass it on in the future.

fuck you, it's real: 3RI0V-C3MVR-W3ENG

I'm a mongo, I forgot the email: [email protected]


was duped for me too

Somebody probably got to it first


>more dupes
Jew alert

Email me a working one to prove it.

[email protected]


actually sent

I can verify the guy is legit. I got a product already owned so I'll give you guys the code. You can trade with him.


XX = political party in france.

Claimed, thanks for Ace Combat

Do I look like im french user?...

No problemo

>ass horizon
You should be cursing him, you got a fucking awful game.

Just dump em man.


Dumping all the random keys I have, so be on your toes bois.

If anybody wants to gift me any of the games I listed, I'd super appreciate it (Doom, Hollow Knight, Night in the Woods, Little Nightmares --contact me via [email protected])

I have no idea what any of these are, so good luck.


Thanks, I managed to get five of them before steam locked me out.

Enjoy o/

someone just hoarded a shitload of them, i got none...

Wew lad I got 4 of these and used up all my activation attempts all at once. My dumb ass screwed up by using the same keys multiple times, probably could've got a couple more lol

I hope you get what you're looking for user. You are Based.

>look away for a sec to play zelda
>miss this

cry more shitters

Sorry dude

no problem

kys jew

same, but hollow knight

anyone gifting or giving keys in private
since i have too many bla bla

>Duplicate product code for every single one of them.

Nigga, they go in like in ten-fifteen seconds.

managed to get one 100mb game

Is it really as good as the hype says?

I'm thinking of getting it on switch when it gets there.

I know this kind of a stretch, but is there any nice user around that can help me out with this, please? been wanting it ever since it was announced.
I hope someone considers it and thanks in advance :)
[email protected]

>dat feel when some random faggots adds me on Steam
>attempts to guilt trip me into buying him the latest $60 game
>"or you can ignore me like everyone else has done because no one wants to help me"

Yeah, I think that's exactly what I'll do.

What's good to me might not be good for you. Tastes are subjective and all that shit.

It's absolutely brilliant. Best metroidvania of the decade.

Any kind user willing to send me any codes? Anything can do.

generalbokawltry @

It's a long shot but user would you have a code Total War Warhamer from the recent Humble Montly? Please don't post since my connection is the best thanks

[email protected]

That you should. Don't reward that kind of behaviour.

>"no one wants to help me"
fucking disgusting... even people that go hungry don't talk like that.

May I have Shadow of Mordor please?

[email protected]

Thank you.

Enjoy your porn newsletters family.

Pretty much. There's a difference between snagging a key that's been posted as fair game and outright begging for shit.

I asked for anime girls... I am not begging for keys.

Lol yes you are dude. That's a weak little story at a hope of a better chance of keys. Just be real.

>implying they aren't using alt emails
I don't think anyone is stupid enough to use their main email.

Hey, I straight out beg for shit (altough very rarely). The difference is that if I beg for a game, it will be something that's on sale and under 10$. Not a fucking 60$ fad of the week game.

Never underestimate human stupidity.

any help would be really appreciate :)

How do people beg this shamelessly

ffs... a 53$ game...

i have no idea. i'm not even able to publicly beg for a 7.50$ game that i want, and these people keep begging for expensive shit.

dude weebs lmao

Can anyone send Wallpaper Engine my way? It's only $3. Godspeed and thanks.

[email protected]

I would send you this if i had any money. Got it for myself by selling cards, and it's the best 4€ i've ever spent on steam.

I wouldn't send it to an email account though.

Definitely a bit of a stretch, but I'd like MGSV, please.

Bless you user. Keep the 4 and buy something for yourself.

I'll wait for someone else with more than enough and is feeling generous

Hope a kind senpai will notice me


Missed it but made it up with my friend.


Didn't receive anything, but thanks for the bump at the very least.

did you get it now?

>50 bucks game
>single player
What the fuck? Just pirate it.

wrong reply but right response.


I'll play literally anything

Here you go: to Play/

Bump. Hope someone is generous enough