The animations are pretty bad, but...
you DO realize who's really behind all this negative feedback, don't you?
The animations are pretty bad, but...
you DO realize who's really behind all this negative feedback, don't you?
To be fair that actually was true for a while. Every single thread about the game was muh SJWs. I know it's not anymore, but just thought I'd point that out.
I guess the first step is admitting you look ugly and fat.
You know it's possible to make something less funny by driving it into the ground, right?
>RPS is "Post-Gamergate"
SJW turning on SJW
*drops mike*
what now goofergoobies
holy shit. its goblingravy and the alt-wright trying to destroy Mass Effect Andromeda
wtf I hate the alt reich now
is this a twitstorm for ants
>the two deaths caused by GamerGate were both transwomen
Shitty kill score, to be honest mi familia.
i'm gonna buy 3 copies now
how do you like that grumblygaf?
Well even if there's some united council of basement virgin neckbeards plotting to say mean things about the game because the main character "looks like a feminist" the animations are pretty bad. The cast selection isn't appealing at all to me and the bios I read were so bad as to be unbelievable. Also that horrid abomination of a marketing campaign that you guys attempted an hour or two ago also puts an extremely bad taste in my mouth.
Because you're on Sup Forums, retard. Anti-SJW is ingrained in Sup Forums's culture. That doesn't detract from the criticism. Fuck man, animations are nearly-objective fact.
Now go on Reddit or NeoGAF or whatever and the people there are bashing the shit outta this game too.
Man, blaming the alt-right is the Jews of the PC crowd huh? Just yesterday Amy Schumer blamed her show having a 1.5 stars rating on MUH ALT-RIGHT.
SJWs are hilarious and terrible
t. actual tranny who believes there are only two genders
I should have known
Am I suppose to be impressed, cuck? I am buying 5 copies; all collector's edition.
This person posts/has made posts in /r/Marxism, if that tells you anything. Also made several comments about gamergate in an /r/masseffect thread about the game's damn score.
i already have 3 collector's editions, i'm getting 3 more copies
step up
>Hitler says the sky is blue
>"omg well hitler said it so the sky must be green. If you acknowledge the same facts as hitler you are basically him"
Can libshits even think critically?
Patrie-Archie's comics are overplayed shit. Does Sup Forums really find this drab funny?
Remember, you're stuck here with us on the ride.
weird. i just head George Soros owns stock in Netflix. What a (((coincidence)))
It's the current year and people still bring up GG as if that matters or people even care to remember it?
Never forget the greatest tragedy we all had to live through.
Feminists wish they looked like femrydery
Are they really getting rid off their review system because of this comedic amoeba? I'm sure it's the "alt rights" fault she isn't funny.
this is retarded, every single piece of content related to gamergate makes me cringe
When did he defeat the alt-right?
No, it's actually rather plebeian and mainstream.
This is a Sup Forums comic.
Hitler is dead bro
1. Who the fuck is Ktotwf?
2. Why should we care what they think?
3. What the hell does gamergate, SJW (what?), feminists and whatever the hell he's talking about have to do with the animations?
Honestly, if the animations are bad, and need fixed, the animations are bad and need fixed.
Further, the animations are far from the only criticism. While some of the main cast have great voice acting, some of the other characters barely seem to care about taking their roles seriously. The UI is every bit as bad as people claim, and the planet scanning and resource gathering is indeed worse than ME2's. The very, very handicapped character customization, the plastic doll eyes, the weird oily clay skinned aesthetic, and many more issues with this game are issues regardless of what perspective you see them from. I also have some issues with the combat, it's not as bad as ME1 or ME2, and it does make some improvements over ME3, but other aspects are massively limited, while those that are at their best still come off as mediocre compared to better third person shooters (some of which came out even before the first Mass Effect).
I definitely have issues with the removal of classes, and the extremely limited active ability slots in combat. I read somewhere that you weren't actually limited to 3 active power slots, but, so far, in game, I've yet to see how you can have more than 3 abilities, and it's a real issue because combat is far, far too gun based without them and I've already made it clear that the gun/shooter elements are mediocre at best. As someone that liked Vanguard and Adept characters in the trilogy, and really enjoyed being able to just use powers (because they were, and still are, more fun than the shooter elements), and ignore guns, I'm finding this to be a downright intolerable change.
If I'm wrong about being limited to three ability slots, please, correct, me, but for the life of me - in game - I'm not seeing how to fix this.
This is the face that strikes fear into every basement-dwelling gamergater, alt-righter, and neofacist.
>called the FBI because a Youtube personality threatened her to a death race on motorbikes
>Sup Forums's culture
>claim people are trying to kill you
>don't die
>declare victory
Remember, if you don't share the exact same opinions as all 20ish liberal woman your the "alt right" gamer gator.
I remember when Sup Forums used to be pro gay and thought bikini armor was silly. But I also used to masturbate to crackychan.
Say it with me: Madame President
thank you for cherry-picking the fucking moron for me OP. Quality ass post
Anyone else looking forward to seeing how big of a mess that would be? I can't wait to see that faggot get blown the fuck out by the real world.
I just assumed she was out in Cali or something. I am 100% voting for her. Executive branch is full on meme-status time to make the Legislative branch too.
imagine the butthurt if the first female president was actually a man.
kinda like how the first "black" president was half white
The game is clearly shit, the politics of the people shitting on it is irrelevant. EA needs to pay off a whole lot of reviewers and get an army of sjw turds to salvage the mess.
I want more SJWs to be on Sup Forums after I read this.
To be fair I'm pretty sure it would strike fear into just about anyone.
Wtf is that thing
Most people here honestly don't care what your sexuality is, or about bikini armor, one way or the other. Sup Forums is contrarian. When bikini armor was common, they hated on it, and wanted practical. Now 'practical' armor is more common, so they hate on it to get people's goat just the same. The same with gays, even if you're pro-gay, it's still fun to make fun of gays because it pisses off the people that whine about it constantly. Same with everything.
This shouldn't really need explained.
Personally I figure a good mix of everything is preferable to one extreme, or another, or another, or another, etc. Skimpy armor, practical armor and lots of armor somewhere in between? All at once? Cool? Just skimpy stufF? Cool. Just practical stuff? Cool. Just stuff that fits a time period where practical would be different from what was considered practical in another time period, such as now? Cool.
It's all good in the right context, for the right reasons. And, let's not forget, too much of anything is bad for you. Practical armor is cool, but I wouldn't want every game to take a practical approach to everything all the time or it'd get boring fast. I like variety.
That's the beauty of it, they would all have to pretend.
Its such a great logic trap for feminists
I dunno, some of the previews so far are positive
>In the absence of government intervention companies must take action.
Oh lordy.
>Reddit spacing
I want you to get off Sup Forums after I read this.
Patricia Hernandez is literally retarded.
.but ...the alt right wasnt even a problem until these people started throwing fits
the popularity of the alt right came as a reaction to dip shits like wu
i blame people like wu for the alt right being as big at it is now
and they certainly didnt fight the alt right and win
they made the alt right bigger than its ever been
is patricia the tranny or is it her sister?
Fuck off, Sup Forums has always liked Kotaku and Patricia.
If my rabid armchair feminist sister thinks you're an insufferable piece of shit then just accept it you dumb cunt.
>bikini armor is silly
Lmao. Reddit please
>taking patricia hernandez seriously
you'd best be trolling me
the edits had more integrity than her actual articles
Gamergate strikes again and ruins another great game.
>blaming the alt-right is the Jews of the PC crowd
In my opinion you are a completely wrong retard. Ten years ago western culture wasn't completely non existent, there was much less cuckoldry, Mexicans weren't so prevalent as they are today, bush got us into a questionable war, and people with liberal agendas were less militant. People just don't want society to collapse I think.
>Sup Forums used to be pro gay
>used to
>implying Sup Forums, especially Sup Forums, isn't completely enamoured with feminine penises
wait what? deaths?
Thank you I had a hard time reading it
t. Ant
>feminine penis
Okay fag
The root problem is that Niggers and SJW's are fucking shit at making video games.
Why can't we address the root problem with Bioware?
No, penis is pretty male bro
>In the absence of government intervention companies must take action.
Who bladerunner here
I feel like you intended to respond to someone else. You just seem to be ranting on about things I didn't even talk about.
>Sup Forums
Hello Shareblue.
but user, now you are content related to gamergate
damn dude tell me more about how bad niggers and SJWs are
Yes goy keep talking about the SJWs goy we don't want those filthy niggers to take over
Damn dude tell when they've ever made a good game.
It took me a while to acknowledge that there is a very real segment of the population that actually thinks the way you describe. On the other hand, I know there have to be people like me who are just sick of all this extremist seesawing back and forth all the time. It's not a contradiction if you disagree with two radical sides.
You claim Sup Forums is contrarian, I refute that and claim that Sup Forums just generally doesn't like to be raped and beheaded.
Why are there politics
they left twitter
>giving oral sex to a prostitute
wew lad
rip in spaghetti never forgetti
bring our brave >girls home
That's pretty obvious judging by the gap in quality between Andromeda and Witcher 3. You won't find any sjw clowns making games in poland.
Yes that's what he said.
What's so hard to understand?
Alt. right is a meme, fyi. It doesn't exist
Imagine if people could form their own political opinions rather than crowding behind extreme ideologies in order to oppose other extreme ideologies.
So, your opinion is . . . contrary . . . to mine?
The left is never going to leave video games alone unless you force them out.
It's a beautiful woman according to Gamergate-news on tumblr
there was that one time where American McGee's sister was murdered after American got threats on facebook that someone was going to kill his sister and the police failed to investigate and American's private detective ended his investigation when he arrived at a hotel room paid for by sister's BF covered in blood with no leads and then he's lived with this unsolved-but-you-know-deep-down-she's-dead-and-you'll-never-get-closure case ever since
...ok then...
stop it
Sup Forums became contrarian the moment they decided they were right wing
No, it's not completely opposite of what you're saying, it's completely different. A contrary opinion would be to say that Sup Forums always feels the exact same way about everything.
Oh come on, this is a witch hunt.
I mean, ME3 had everyone go all exorcist on you when talked to them but they continued to fiddle around.
But if people said that was a good indicator of the quality of the whole game I would call them crazy.
People have a bone to pick with Bioware. I looked at some of the "lulz, Andromeda animation" videos with added sound effects and everything in YouTube. Atleast two of the channels I found also had uploaded video in the style of "how Sjw ruined Biowhere" and "why does Bioware pander to gays so much?". I think that is important to remember, some groups have hated Bioware for a long time.