Ambient Occlusion: On/Off

>Ambient Occlusion: On/Off

Other urls found in this thread:

imagine having HBAO and SSAO as standard ambient occlusions

>Brightness: On/Off

imagine HDR as a slider

>Sound settings: Master: 1-100

>FOV Slider with no numerical values

>resolution isn't a drop down box and you have to click through every resolution individually

imagine 7.1 dolby audio with central, sub woofer and satellite support on all video games


i diddly lost it

>FOV slider maxes out at 85

> and then you accidentally click too many times, pass your resolution, and can't move backward

I mean to say,

>have to restart game to change resolution


>Have to go through every different refresh rate as well

>and 16 and 32 bit for each resolution

>resolution: on/off

>No borderless option

>Ten years-old game
>Anisotropic filtering defaults to 0x

>play the game for a while and notice option you have to change so your eyes don't bleed out
>"The game will now restart to apply these changes"
>didn't save

>borderless windowed is the default

>10 year old game
>no option for AF

>vertical FOV

>Ambient Occlusion: On/Off
And thats the end of that.

>graphics on/off



>AA drop-down
>Some other form of AA that will nuke your performance

>breast physics: on/off

>nudity: on/off

hey. who is she. I've seen the sauce before, and I obviously didn't like it enough to remember it because I'm asking for it again, but I wanna know my disappointment again

>gender slider

>Can't access settings unless in main menu

>Gore: On/Off

who the fucc turns this off

>Enter code to unlock extra content
>It's 24 characters long
>There's 15 codes to unlock everything
You have to use an on screen keyboard controlled with with the arrow keys
The input is laggy

Possibly an excuse to make it Peggy-13

>Aim Assist: [Enabled]/Disabled
this is the default for andromeda on PC
even on multiplayer

>ambient occlusion: off
>chormatic aberration: off
>depth of field: off
>motion blur: off
>letterbox: off

and everything is as it should be, fuck ""cinematic"" effects

>PC game
>can't turn the aim assist off


Ambient occlusion is meant to simulate the way that shadows are made that the shadow tech in games don't do well. It can look like shit but we need non-screen space types. It'll be pointless once we get ray tracing though.

Ambient Occlusion is actually really good sometimes.

In Assassin's Creed Unity the difference between AO off and HBAO is enormous.

Everything else I turn off too.

>no fov slider whatsoever
>ultrawide resolutions applicable but add black bars on the sides
>no texture filtering settings

I do with L4D2. Just didn't seem worth the performance hit.

>live in Australia
>Gore Off was the only option

I think you have bigger problems if you have performance issues in L4D2.

Oh I don't deny I've got a toaster. But I'm really only able to break even right now between a mortgage and student loans.

>mortgage and student loans
>probably married with like 6 kids too

god dammit user.


Just engaged, but I've got a job I'm happy with so it's not a bother.

>I've got a job
>I'm happy

>Beast Mode: On/Off

>10 year old game
>Detecting hardware
>Your optimal settings have been defaulted to: Ultra Low

>Graphics: Low - Ultra

>Graphics: High - Ultra

>vfx: high
>sfx: medium

What does ambient occlusion even do?

>Only options are low or ultra

>what is google

It adds shadows between two objects that are close together. General shadow tech misses areas like that and ambient occlusion is meant to cover that. It can look like garbage depending on how it's implemented though. And the majority of games use screen space ambient occlusion or some similar form that only uses information from what's on your screen which can cause problems.


the worst of all

Post Processing

>a slider

>FOV: 1 - 350




>Warning! Setting graphics to gamer may be too radical for some machines!

What game does that?

>Chromatic aberration

Let's add a defect of camera lenses to our video games that people have dedicated their lives to removing because it looks so shit.
This is a worthwhile pursuit.

It can look good.
But it must be very subtle, at a point you can't point at the screen and scream.
It's like make up pretty much.

RE7 does it pretty well. I didn't even know it had it until someone pointed it out.

Bloodborne's sticks out like a sore thumb.

Options : Yes / No

Pretty much on this.
Worse are the VR games that make shit look like a submarine window.

Really? I noticed it immediately in RE7 and promptly turned it off.

Because I hate faggots who post cropped porn and never provide source, here you go, user:

It's 2017 and I still don't know how to get past sadpanda.

Well, if it helps, the title is Daremo ga Kanojo wo Neratteru.

It's NTR.

Also, you can just google for a way to get on exhentai.


>google how to get to
>"A account is required, so if you don’t have an account then go to and create one"

>lets add a whole range of camera lens effects to this first person game where you're ostensibly looking through the character's eyes

>BGM/SE/Voice: On/Off
>Fullscreen: On/Off (no adjustable resolution, no borderless)
>Antialiasing: On/Off
>Difficulty: Easy/Hard
Why the fuck some people did this to their game?

>Hard literally gives the AI cheats

>Brain: Off/Off

>Newfag Meme: Ultra/Max

Doom 3.

>Adjust screen brightness until both logo visible
>no brightness slider

>try to fit in: yes (attempt) / yes (ultra hard)

>Graphics options
>Resolution and nothing else

>Restart required to apply the changes. Restart now?
>you're in the middle of ongoing game

I don't remember it using the word radical

>Adjust screen brightness until the left logo is invisible
>still visible on minimum brightness