Why is there so much hatred for Nintendo?

Why is there so much hatred for Nintendo?

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Sonyfags and people having a poor taste in their mouths after the 3DS kept stealing attention from the Wii U.

success breeds jealously

BotW has scored higher than any PC/sony exclusive despite some horrid frame drops and this makes them extremely salty, especially the PCbros who will spam CEMU threads every minor update despite it not being nearly finished

Because I bought a Wii U.

Zelda games always score high, reviewers have rose colored nostalgia glasses and forget every Zelda except Majoras Mask has a rehashed story


is this your biggest complaint? who gives a fuck about story in zelda

>under powered, 'last gen' hardware
>gets some of the best, most recognized and acclaimed games
>people who constantly boast about graphics and their platforms power get BTFO

Clearly they do.

because they make great games still and exclusive release them on their console hardware.

thats why.

if they were ps4 pc devoloper all those s0nyggers and PcUcks would love them to death

>things that never happened.

Because we know that if they stopped fucking around they would be able to save console gaming.

>tfw CEMU caused so much butthurt that it finally ended the "muh Nintendo + PC" meme

I love breath of the wild and it might even be my favorite game ever but it's seriously the last time I'm giving money to this garbage company

the 3DS was shit and only had a few spikes of ridiculous quality mostly from other devs than nintendo.
the wii u was shit, similar reasons.

I don't expect them to actually cultivate an actual fuckin library on the switch

nintendo doesnt give a fuck about you the consumer, they're not trying to build a fucking rapport with you, they don't want your trust. They just shit things out, hope you buy them from "loyalty" and if things stop working they just stop trying.

Nintendo didn't even try to save the wii u. They didn't do anything. They didn't slash the price to 150 and release a shit ton of quality games or anything. They just let it die, same with the 3DS, it's become their dumpster. They basically let other devs release shit on it and nintendo them selves haven't actually made anything incredible on that hand held in ages. It's getting to the point where I think the vita's library is just superior.

People without games get mad at people who have them.

Yet we still have daily threads of shills whining that BotW (and many other Zelda and Nintendo games) aren't deserving of their score because of graphics or their consoles power.

>I don't expect them to actually cultivate an actual fuckin library on the switch
It'll have a worthwhile library... at the end of the system's life.
Look at all these people who have bought Wii U's recently now that its hacked, they make posts like "wow Wii U has such great games why did you guys hate it?"
Well yeah if I got to have all 10 good Wii U games for free instantly instead of drip fed over a 4 year period then I'd probably think it was a great system too

Having a Sony and Nintendo console has always been the way to go since the gamecube era. Only poorfags shit on one or the other.

Thats just Sup Forums every time any game comes out on any system.

Ain't this the fucking truth man. I feel like nintendo is some girl that lead me on saying we could finally be together at the end of the school year and then the school year ends and she moves to alabama or some shit.

I like nintendo for what it is, but it could be so much better if it were not so god damn stubborn and isolated. it could stand to get with the times.

This is the reason I hope the switch bombs. Fuck them.

I hate the fans more than anything. They are nostalgia driven retards that would throw money multiple times at ports.

Yep and guess what, now that the Switch is doing well, Nintendo will port all the great games from the Wii U onto the Switch and Nintendo fans will eat that shit up.

>Nintendo will port all the great games from the Wii U onto the Switch
Don't count on it. The two systems have completely different architecture. They would've announced more Wii U ports if they were coming. You MIGHT get a Smash port, that's it. All the actual good Wii U games like Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, The Wonderful 101, and Xenoblade Chronicles X are not getting ported.

Not only that, but the 3DS feels like its on its own last leg, and if Nintendo is going to treat the Switch as its successor, that's a huge library coming its way in the future with no other system competing for Nintendo's titles.

If the switch was able to play even 1/4 of the 3DS library, I would definitely consider one.

I'm honestly surprised nintendo didn't port EVERY good wii u game to switch. that could have been a really good launch

>because they make great games still and exclusive release them on their console hardware.
Is this what fanboys tell themselves to feel better?

People only hate the business side of Nintendo and the fact they use such underpowered hardware. For example, we've all seen the dock teardowns. They are charging $80 for that shit. they are demanding us pay online when their track record thus far has been literal dogshit

People also hate fanboys. Nintendo's are the worst of all who can speak no wrong. What's worse is they create a hivemind around people like Etika and OBE1plays, hyping up every little god damn thing and trashing anyone who speaks ill or doom and gloom of Nintendo. Does more damage than good because that is the fanbase that Nintendo sees and they don't demand better products, services, features, or games. They are like starved dogs who will eat the small scraps their master Nintendo feeds them like its a meal blessed to them from the gods.

The fact that the Zelda Switch port is rather subpar and that Mario Kart 8 isn't coming until 2 months after launch tells me that porting Wii U titles to Switch isn't as easy as most people on Sup Forums would like to think

Sounds like a failure on the software side of things to me.

They do shit that has been done for years and then everyone praises them for it like they've just invented the wheel. It's like everyone showering praise on an autistic kid learning how to tie his shoes when he's 16.

About as much hate that there is for any other relevant video game company
Nintendo drones just have a strong victim complex

It might be a case of Nintendo spacing out the games to hide game droughts Wii U owners are way too familiar with. I'm sure it could've been released on launch if they wanted to.

honestly same

I'm sure switch will have good games and I'm gonna buy one but nintendo really needs to fuck off with this underpowered hardware shit, you can still innovate and have a decent console e.g. N64

>Nintendo drones just have a strong victim complex
This, what the fuck do they expect to come here and be treated as royalty or something?

Not him

I personally don't get it though.
Did the timelines ever really make sense?

The adult timeline does to me, but then again everything in that line was intended to be a sequel to each other. The other two lines and the games between Skyward Sword and OoT are so loosely connected they can be swapped in and out as anyone so desires.

Prejudice against things associated with children and anything effeminate. Nintendo represents a threat to their fragile sense of artificial adulthood and masculinity that they try to preserve with grimdark media and wagecuck lifestyles.

Which is ironic when you consider once you get past the superficialities much of what they embrace are what is childish all along. Pic related.

I can't believe Horizonfags are delusional enough to believe that it has better combat that BotW or even fucking Witcher 3

>I'm not immature, you are! My collection of McDonald's toys proves I'm more mature than you!
This are some advanced mental gymnastics

i think they're very overrated as a company. Made some good games in the past, but haven't made anything worthwhile in the past 10 or so years.

If you wish to prove me wrong, then please name a genuinely good game. Keep in mind the following though:

A good game would not succumb to the following crutches/cancers:

>sex fanservice
>high end graphics
>anime kids
>gritty realism
>online multiplayer

Poor taste. Even with there being a lot of valid complaints about Nintendo and some Nintendo games, they still prove that they're some of the absolute best at designing and making games like all the time.

>zelda gets 10/10 everywhere
>Sup Forums froths at the mouth about how it's the best game of all time

>Zelda gets 10/10

Explain to me why this is a good thing. You're not allowed to defend gaming journalism at all.

Might want to take another look at that WEBM, because your precious Horizon is a fucking pacifier in comparison.

>still prove that they're some of the absolute best at designing and making games like all the time.
Good joke tell us another one

Horizon: Zero Dawn

They deserve it. All of it. There's a reason developers don't want anything to do with them. In fact, Sony's gaming division exists SOLELY because Nintendo fucked them over and it pissed Sony's president off so much he went ahead with the development of the Playstation despite everyone in the company thinking it was a terrible idea.

I never mentioned Horizon I just said its childish to call others immature and even more childish to put words in other peoples mouth to look better

People either like Nintendo games or hate them. I normally hate them but BoTW convinced me to get switch and the game is pretty fantastic. Only other nintendo game I liked a lot was chibi robo

No, Sony made the Playstation because Nintendo didn't want to get fucked by Sony's jewish shenanigans so they ghosted them. Sony had all the developed Nintendo hardware ready and done, so there was no reason not to release it. Quit acting like Nintendo was the only one at fault for something that happened decades ago.

this, the nintendo bias is huge, but especially the zelda bias, just look at the reaction that people had when twilight princess only got an 8.8 lmao, they acted like the entire gaming world was crashing down.

and they also gave skyward sword massively good reviews despite being the game everyone hates because it was always way too fucking gimmicky for anyone to seriously care about it, so honestly you can't give a shit about zelda reviews.

botw is the same shit, everyone is acting like this is the first open world game with survival elements and weapon breaking they have ever seen, like its to the point where its LITERALLY okay when nintendo does it, thats why people get salty over this shit


Because there is too much love for it, like a parent who refuses to scold their child when they do something wrong because they love them too much even though it is not in the child's benefit.

Someone has to put their foot down and speak up over all the paid praised.

This is oddly specific user, are you okay?

He said a joke user, not a travesty

Because they refuse to board the cinematic story based game bandwagon.

They've been triggering JRPG fats since 1997 because of that.


>Why is there so much hatred for Nintendo?

One of two things.
>1. Zelda coming out at the same time as Horizon shows quite a dramatic ineptitude on Sony's part in what they have to offer in the "quality" of their gaming experience today.
Zelda is such a simple looking game, that's only around 13gigs or so(?) and it somehow blows Horizon to hell and back in what you can do and how much potential fun a player can have. This is how games should be made, and it's kind of unfair Nintendo is one of the only devs bothering to go that extra mile.
You should be able to play games how you want in general, rather than be locked to their dumb stories. You should be able to experiment without limit with objects and enemies. You should be able to have fun with it the way you want to.

>2. Nintendo being successful might mean a more universal return to games more centered around gameplay and just having fun. The "muh cinematic experience/mature games for mature gamers like myself" crowd would be left in the dust.
You've seen the raging insecurity from people here talking about playing videogames in public. Imagine how much worse that will be once the face of videogames changes back to an image of entertainment and not "maturity".

>Because they refuse to board the cinematic story based game bandwagon
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