There's actual sex scenes where it shows you fucking aliens

>there's actual sex scenes where it shows you fucking aliens
>you fuck a raptor on top of a cliff
>you get fucked by a shark alien in a car
>minutes of awkward moans play the entire time

How is the media going to respond given what happened with Mass Effect 1?

Other urls found in this thread:

Is Krogan dick confirmed in MEA?
I really wnat to get my character KROGAN'D (regardless of it's gender ofcourse)

One sec, I'm going to go jerk off to this

Wait. Femryder can get fucked by a shark alien in a car?

Goddammit, I'm trying not to buy this.

>EEEUUGgghh Eeeuughh
>Phew-- that was close!

>shark alien

delete this

Got any more leaked dialogue?

My sides were never designed to take a beating like this, they simply lack the tonnage for this engagement.





Are we sure those grunts aren't them climbing?

A whole new generation of
>dad walks in
stories are about to be born

Yeah I'm confused now.

>that dialog after the grunting
they ain't climbing

I don't know man, those grunts by the end of video certainly didn't look like they were climbing

>shark alien
Wait what?

every time it's
like someone made an entire
game of the plane scene

Well at least it's clear.

>How is the media going to respond given what happened with Mass Effect 1?
they won't care, because the media doesn't pander to christian soccer moms anymore?


Holy Christ

Yeah, but it almost seems preliminary. Like she's trying to establish whether or not you want to be a thing before you actually fuck her.

Then again, the dialogue is so fucking goofy and off that the entire sex scene could just be made to sound like rock climbing.

Is andromeda the biggest joke of the year?

Nobody gives a fuck about news media other than olds, and I think they're always up for a good video game demonization story.

I know Andromeda is gonna be a fuckup like anyone else but you guys are real retards if you think this is the actual fucking audio

The biggest joke of the year already happened. We're almost two months into it.

I hate how even vetra looks like a butterface compared to other turians.

I thought they had trouble doing this one for the dlc but she looks great.


>I don't have a magic sword.

This can't be real

Bioware is all SJW now so the jews won't give em trouble

The real is probably worse. The animation and writing in this game will only make each scene more hilarious.

>"Scott, is this real?"
>"Yeah, I think the sky is real."
>"No... This... How you are towards me..."

They were talking about how they earned that Mature rating, about all the "banging", etc. If the voice files are real, this will be something allright.

>careless whisper starts playing
shit I laughed. If only that were actually in the game it would be clear that this whole game was made as an elaborate prank.

what are the odds that one of the squad mates will be a pacifist monk vorcha or the avatar of a star?

So bad that its brilliant.

Hey buddy. You just blow in from reddit town?

>I thought we were just playing

Haha, thank you for Correcting the Record™!


I'm pretty sure this audio's just from a scene where Vetra gives Ryder extra homework, not sure what the big deal is

But can I fuck this gorgeous creature? That's the real question.

>Not wanting some of that hot, tight, krogan puss-puss


Krogan dick so good

>Andromeda is actually a joke by Bioware Montreal and the true Mass Effect 4 with silver fox Shepard is in development at Bioware Edmonton
Make it happen.

I want to see PeeBee fucking

>it's rock climbing

This is not rock climbing noise.



If you are bothered by the insane cynicism and hatejerk mentality of places like /r/games, just don't go there.

Having played most of my 10 hours in the single player, this is not NMS. This game is rough around the edges. Yes there are some tech problems. Yes the animations are all over the place and some character models are subpar.

But man if you are a Mass Effect fan, you are going to love it. I spent last night wandering around the Nexus, and everything I was doing, the quests, the conversations, the ambiance, it just screamed Mass Effect. The gameplay is better than it has ever been, the setup for the story is great, the characters are intriguing, the Tempest is awesome...

Just shut all that shit out. The reddit gaming subs are in hardcore hate MEA mode right now, just laugh and move on. I remember when ME3 came out I used to get super defensive and wasted countless hours arguing with people on BSN. I'm a little older now and realized that getting upset because some nerds on the internet said mean things about the game I like is pretty dumb. Who gives a fuck? I remember I didn't get Destiny for the longest time because the reddit hivemind agreed it was terrible. Same thing that's happening now. It must be awful, I thought. Surely so many reddit posters couldn't all be wrong. Ended up buying it on a whim on sale and I absolutely loved it.

Play the game and decide for yourself.

What did he see?

>tfw no ME 4 with an older Shepard coming out of retirement for one last mission with the crew

But user, what if I told you that Mass Effect Andromeda was SJW?

Bioware can't do a fucking thing right

Forreal tho, Whyd they change the Krogan voice? The Krogan just sound human now. I couldn't believe it when I heard it on this vid

What was meant by this?

>Commander Shepard was male

Because he's the guy on the box.

>treating Reddit copypasta as an honest post

I just want fem ryder's pussy to be ripped to shreds by Krogan dick




what does a Turian feel like?

himself in the mirror.

How is Shepard mentioned in Andromeda?

That post coitus dialogue

Ever feel a cat's tongue? A warm fleshy and slightly acidic tunnel of that.



I really just cannot wait for the webm's of these sex scenes

They must be AWFUL

I really can't wait to see Sara's breasts
I hope they have an ass and muff shot as well
BioWare said full nudity

So are there ANY decent looking females in this game with sex scenes aside from Sara Ryder?

I've seen some of them. Pretty hawt noshill


You can romance this cute scottish chick

> are you winning son?

Is vetra into both guys and girls?


>wants pussy but not cock

>How you are towards me
this was written by literally fanfiction writers

No, Knuckles is pure.

Back from the hospital, wouldn't recommend it.

Sounds like they're booth straining to take a shit.

Just imagine what these guys are going through right now. I bet they are working their ass off and this weekend would probably be hell for them. Imagine the entire gaming community making fun of your game. Yes, these "memes" and complaints are mostly true, still the feeling of working under pressure, knowing that you fucked up, to make your customers happy is unimaginable to me.

Yes, they messed up. Any studio could slip. Horizon has weird lip syncing, Dishonored 2 is unplayable on PC , even Witcher had some problems. But they were eventually fixed.

Look, i didn't play Andromeda. I saw and heard the negative comments. But i still trust Bioware. I still believe in Andromeda. I won't cancel my pre order. If there are problems with the game it could be fixed after release (even though that sucks a bit).

I really do feel sorrow for Bioware but i know that they can pick themselves up again. Even Hello Games of No Man Sky DID NOT give up on their game. Bungie DID NOT give up on Destiny.

Before you say i am a "bioware fanboy" i just want to say i've only played the OT 2 months ago and i've never played anyother Bioware game. A good developer is obvious from their games. And Bioware are one of the few Devs that i actually feel they are passionate about what they do.

I hope we all show respect to the developers. And let them know they have our support :).

>Thinks Destiny is a good game

Well. Fuck.

wait for torrent

Are you still mad? Better buckle up for 8 years of this

Gruff McCoolvoice Tuffchick Shepherd sucks. Boyscout all day.

this cant be real

Hey buddy i think you got the wrong board, /pols/ two blocks down

Most of ME3's endings kill Shepard.

>not posting the female moans

Damn thats a heavy rock they are pushing up haahhahhahahahhah

Wow.. Alein porn. Guess we should all buy it then.

Why are you against voice actors being paid?

10 shekel have been added on your account

People already hate christians by now, so no need for fake outrages over videogames

It will be praised for being progressive and making the dumb christians angry