Should I buy nier, horizon or zakuza?

should I buy nier, horizon or zakuza?

Source on this fine female?

nier, yakuza, horizon in that order

Yakuza is the best of the 3

Shut the fuck up.


Haven't played Yakuza but Nier > Horizon for sure

All of them.

If you can only get one though Nier.

Yakuza is probably the best but Nier is fine too.
Horizon is pretty i guess.

Yakuza could at least use the sales, from what I've heard. Probably go with that.
It's got really good music and a ton of content too.

Nier will be fine on it's own, and I don't know anything about Horizon beyond robot creatures.


why is it always the sony fans trap/sissy posting

really makes you think

buy Nioh


to get people to respond to the thread


Yakuza and Nier if you like beat-em-ups that aren't too serious.
Horizon if you're a sony.gger who thinks cinematic experiences and empty open worlds are just the greatest shit.


>That drool.
That's so disgusting.

I think im going to buy a tanktop of the succubus one


I would actually say that Nier is fairly serious, and has a fairly empty open world. The big difference between Nier and Horizon to me is that Nier's combat is actually fun and satisfying, while basically everything you do in Horizon feels like a checkbox in a Ubisoft design document.


Why do Sup Forums respond to the thread with traps then

really accumulate your nerves


Apathetic sissy > Succubus (male) > Pink haired slut
it's serious like how MGS is serious, moments of sombre tones but then just the goofiest shit at other points.

because there gay and horny and want to masterbate to traps and they can't just fap to doujins


Who's the Purple Pupiled "gal"?


I agree that it has points of silliness, but I would say the game is pretty serious overall.

Not bashing the game though, it's definitely my goty so far desu

Yakuza over NieR. NieR over Horizon. Horizon is absolutely overrated trash. Literally a full fledged tech demo in full game form, but it's shit. Yakuza is always a wonderful experience. NieR has an amazing concept.