And there you have it.
And there you have it
He pretty much hated everything except the exploration.
Literally whom?
my thoughts exactly
Nah it's a 9 minimum, try again
Zelda is a solid 8.8/10
>Best exploration I've ever played.
Can't have played many videogames if Ubisoft Open World is enough to impress him. Actually, even Ubisoft doesn't use half as many reskins for enemy design as BotW.
What enemies are there in Ubisoft games?
You havent played this game have you?
You anime posting faggot.
It's surreal seeing my tweet while browsing here.
I did enjoy the game. I wish the combat had been better.
>pretending to be someone
>he's an RP fag
If this is true, I'm glad to see that I don't have to care about your opinions any more
It's a fair rating.
how the fuck do people even give such accurate ratings? for something as arbitrary as a personal opinion a 5 star rating should suffice
If I see a rating that uses decimal values I drop the opinion completely
>Look how 'informed' I am about vidyo games!!
Literally who?
Fuck off.
As someone who'd put BotW in his top 10 games of all time, I'd fix the following:
>main dungeons more complex
It's funny that some people say the game got high reviews because it's Zelda, whereas the complaint about dungeons only exists because previous Zelda games have had them and done them well. No other games do fun dungeons like Zelda, others are usually straight corridors filled with enemies.
But yeah I wanted the main dungeons to be on the same level as Ocarina or Twilight Princess.
>more enemy variety
Would have been cool to have although what's currently there isn't bad by any means.
>being able to pause the game and eat as many healing items as you want
This is my biggest problem. I hated it in Elder Scrolls, I hated it in Fallout, I hated it in Dragon's Dogma and I hate it here. Although it's slightly more forgivable here since healing items have to be crafted by you and thus are less plentiful than infinite Stimpaks, I think a real time eating animation or cool down between eating stuff (only when enemies are nearby) would greatly benefit the game.
>weapon durabil- NOPE. It's a good system
I am actually totally okay with the weapon system in BotW. It's like Kirby copy abilities where you burn through different ones, not like Dark Souls where you have one Titanite-invested Weaponfu+10 which you HAVE to rely on. Weapons are disposable and it also means that finding more is never "bad loot". I feel like 90% of people who say 'lmao weapon breaking shit game' are people who haven't played it. Maybe the system could be fine tuned to be perfect and there's a tweak I haven't thought of that'd make it better but as it is it's fine.
Overall though I really love the game. Agree that it's the greatest exploration in any video game, ever. I really think it raises the bar in many standards and it being hailed as a 10 makes me hopeful that more games follow some of its design philosophies.
Some nu-male with autism who makes overly long videos whining about games.
So Sup Forums's guy.
So that's a 4 on the adult scale.
>>being able to pause the game and eat as many healing items as you want
Agreed, the combat is good but ONLY with self imposed challenges, such NO healing mid-combat, only when the battle is over.
I'd rather there be estus system based off cooked materials, healing in real-time.
That's thing with game, I've seen plenty things that can be improved but none of the mechanics are obtrusive to the core game, infact they all compliment it.
Literally the only outright flaw in the game is it occasional FPS drops in certain instances.
There are minor issues, but there's no glaring flaw, everything is good but somethings could be expanded on to become great
>Joseph Andeerson
Literally who
The weapon durability is neither a bad thing or a good thing for me. It doesn't worsen my time with the game, but it doesn't really make me enjoy the game any more either. It's easy enough to work with. I'd say it's just "there" for me.
Fuck the rain, though.
I feel your first point has a ton of truth to it. I see people constantly spouting "BUT THIS GAME HAS SO FEW AND SO SHORT DUNGEONS SO ITS SHIT!" yet the game has by far the most amount of content of any Zelda so far. People have been so accustomed to "Here's your forest temple. Okay now Fire Temple. Okay now Water Temple. Okay now we can get a bit more exotic" that the moment the franchise mixes it up they freak out and assume the game is worse off.
I would LOVE a Breath of the Wild style game with Ocarina/Twilight Princess style dungeons, but that's not what they put all their effort into this time and I'm okay with that.
I'd like to think with the engine and all of its zaniness mastered they'll be able to pump out something of notable content in the next 3 years.
My biggest flaw with the game? They need to give you a reason to fight monsters out in the world. They made all these cool treehouses full of monsters yet you avoid 99% of them because you simply have no reason to fight them as you'd get equal quality or worse weapons than what you already have. I don't know how you'd fix this though.
>Joseph Anderson
literally who?
There we have what? Some guys opinion
>how will matthew ever recover?
>Maybe the system could be fine tuned to be perfect and there's a tweak I haven't thought of that'd make it better but as it is it's fine.
it would be great if durability was increased by about 50%
matt or joe senpai?
>Lots of problems
Sony fags need to leave.
>the guy who likes Fallout 4 says there are a lot of problems
Huh. Really makes me think.
>I have seen some streamer dick around in central hyrule field for 2 minutes so I've basically seen the whole game
I agree to be honest, it's not perfect, but the parts that are good are so good that it makes it around an 8.5.
Fuck off Anderson, fallout 4 wasn't good and BotW is at LEAST a 9.
Thanks Mr. Anderson.
This. The guy reviewed F4 TWICE and still has mostly positive words for it. It was either his first Falllout or he just doesn't hav a clue.
>lots of problems
Great review.
Fuck are you talking about? He made 4 hours worth of videos criticizing FO4
Still overall liked the game a lot.
>main dungeons more complex
Kinda agree but if we have to choose between this sanctuary system and the old dungeon system I like this new stuff way, way more.
>weapon durabil- NOPE. It's a good system
Agree, plus it forces people to learn to handle several weapons and to use the ones they have to their advantage, plus it kind of makes the whole game possible.
Imagine getting an early 3.0 weapon and just steamrolling the game with it, never liked it in dark souls and I wouldn't have liked it here either.
Really liked how the master sword worked btw
>expecting more detail out of 140 characters
Great post.
You mean 7
My biggest issue with it is how terribly it runs. Once CEMU is stable, it'll be fucking GOAT.
outta here, jim
It's sad when you realize newfags like this were likely toddlers when Twilight Princess came out.
No idea who that is, but I'd give it a 9. Not the best exploration, but #2, I liked XCX better (though the other aspects of the game were bad).
My take is that while the combat isn't that challenging once you get to a certain point, it's fun all the way.
The freedom the game gives you in terms of combat is so refreshing.
It's not hard to wrap your head around. If someone feels they can't quite place it at 3 or 4 stars, then why not give it 3.5. And if they realize "hey i gave this other game 3.5 stars too and liked it slightly more" then why not give it 3.4 instead?
Numbered scores in general are fucking retarded.
>You literally can't say anything positive about a bad game at all or your opinion is invalid
You fucking child
He liked the exploration part and said that shooting aspect has improved from older games
Literally everything else he disliked
>>Literally the only outright flaw in the game is it occasional FPS drops in certain instances.
Rain is fucking annoying for no good reason.
Like, fuck rain, I don't see how it makes the game better in any way.
Looks nice. They dropped the ball on the lightning frequency though
But lightning isn't a problem, just don't use metal weapons, that's cool.
Rain makes me unable to climb which fucks me up often and leaves me with the choice of either teleporting out, finding a firecamp or just waiting it off, it's just not enjoyable.
>Lots of problems
He very clearly didn't play it
>weapon durabil- NOPE. It's a good system
I do agree it should be there, but it shouldn't be so damn quick. I often lose weapons I pick up right at the stop I did it since a lot of good weapons have enemies around them. I can see why this is irritating for some though.
But then there are people like Jim Sterling who basically admitted he hates it because he can't play the game with just anything, he needs those top tier, legendary weapons constantly by his side. He even went on a rant in his rant about just how much he hates using the enemy weapons.
The enemy weapons in this game are just fine for regular encounters. If you can't manage them, then yeah, I can see why this game would seem terrible. It's like the ammo in the first Resident Evil games; just don't be fucking retarded with what you got and the game is a breeze.
>not enjoyable
I liked it, it made me rethink how and where I was going. It was good
underrated post
Sorry, but if someone says their favorite food is french fries and they're a food critic I can't take them seriously. It's so easy to see how biased people are with the internet, you can see if someone knows what they're talking about with a single click. If someone likes Fallout 4 in any way whatsoever, then that guy's opinion is fucking useless. And for the record, yeah, he likes Fallout 4. He spent 2.5 hours saying
Trying to justify how shitty Fallout 4 is
>weather actually impacting the way you play instead of just being a post-processing effect
And that's bad because...?
>there are already a dozen botw threads
>some guy's twitter comment is worth a new thread
Then you wonder why this board is shit.
I'm ok with weather impacting gameplay, I commented on how I'm fine with lightning storms in the very same post user.
I'd have actually liked it if there could be cold days and hot days so you had to wear different stuff depending on time, not only on place, what I don't like is how rain specifically just slows you down or makes you completely stop on your tracks.
When I went to the akkala tower for example, the only way to jump onto the tower is by climbing onto a small ledge, which turns out it's impossible if raining, so I had to stood there doing literally nothing for a while, waiting, just to continue with the game.
I don't think that adds anything of value to the game
>the only way to jump onto the tower is by climbing onto a small ledge
>so I had to stood there doing literally nothing for a while, waiting, just to continue with the game.
Bring out some wood, find a dry spot under a cliff or a tree and make a bonfire, then rest at it to fast forward time. The game tells you this.
>I don't think that adds anything of value to the game
Nah, fuck off
>If someone likes Fallout 4 in any way whatsoever, then that guy's opinion is fucking useless.
Well I can't really disagree with that lionbro, you still totally missed his point
I've watched his video three times because I'm gay and wasting my life away and he doesn't say that those three things are great, his point was that those are the three gameplay mechanics that make up FO4s gameplay
In fact he spends ab entire part of the video saying how badly it was executed in the game
No, you're missing the point. He still likes one of the worst games of all time. Any opinion he has on ANY game is just invalid.
>Ubisoft Open World
This is how I know you didn't play it.
>enemy design as BotW.
stopped reading there.
>I feel like 90% of people who say 'lmao weapon breaking shit game' are people who haven't played it.
Or they never learned how to utilize it. At the start, I felt like I couldn't find enough good weapons to hold on to. After a few korok seed slots added, and I got used to figuring out what to use when, I see what they were going for.
If this were any other series, people would say git gud. But since it's Zelda, we're supposed to hate it when it's the same ol' same ol', but also hate it when they change anything.
>Stopped reading there.
You stopped reading at the end of the statement? Wow you must be fed up.
The simple fact is that weapon durability is irritating. It's not fun, so it shouldn't be in the game.
what's so appealing in baiting?
Could never get that.
It has nothing to do with that, though.
It's just not fun.
>It has nothing to do with that, though.
He's referencing the hoopla around twilight princesses score mr newfag
A system can't be inherently bad just because it gets memed to shit by games that do it wrong, the same way stealth sections aren't inherently bad (stealth games prove otherwise) and escort mission aren't inherently bad (Ico being an entire escort mission game and being good proves otherwise)
You're supposed to burn through a variety of different weapons in BotW. Every enemy drops a weapon. In addition to that every stable, town etc. has basic weapons just lying around that respawn every time you leave. The system has been really well designed with it in mind, for example the last hit of a weapon at the moment it breaks ALWAYS makes the monster you hit get knocked down and let go of their weapon even if they aren't dead.
Some people have better things to do with their head than remembering every game review and every sick maymay ever made
Do you really think you can place all games in five categories? For most reviewers BotW was a magical experience that brought them back to their childhood sense of wonder and blew them away. Do you reserve the 5 star score for games that come out once a decade at best? If you reserve 1 star for completely broken games, you now have to review everything else on a 3 tier rating system.
But it's not fun.
>not fun
Ok. So tell us, what is fun?
Not weapon durability, obviously.
Don't bother asking, he wants to waltz into Hyrule Castle, pick up a Royal Broadsword that doesn't break and steamroll the rest of the game with it because he has no idea how cohesive game design works.
Doesn't mean it shouldn't be there. Maybe don't get overly attached to things that don't matter?
>nothing of value to say
Typical shitposter. Opinion discarded.
breakable weapons=cohesive game design?
>weapons breaking is not fun
You clearly didn't play the game
Games can do things other than be fun. It isn't fun to die, or run out of money, but those are very common things in games. In spite of that, some games do remove those sorts of elements specifically to appeal to people who just want to shut their brain off and play an easy, inoffensive game for a little while and only seek a surface level experience. Those people and the design choices made to appeal to them are rightfully mocked by people with a genuine fondness for games. It's fine if you don't like weapon durability, I don't actually like it either, but "it's not fun" is not an argument. You are obviously supposed to feel like you're scavenging for weaponry and like you often need to make do with what's around. That's the point.
When the design of the game complements it, yeah, incorporating elements that strengthen the core design of your game would be considered pretty cohesive game design.
If this is you, put the word "mindbending" in the description of your next video.
>You are obviously supposed to feel like you're scavenging for weaponry
And how does that make the game any better?
When the entire game revolves around exploring and reacting to the environment with what you have then yes, having a weapon system that rewards exploring and versatility is cohesive game design.
But it's not fun.
But it's not fun.
But it's not fun.
But it's not fun.
That's retarded
Dark Souls is about that as well but in Dark Souls the weapon system wasn't a pain in the ass. There is no excuse for BotW making such a simple system an annoyance
Careful, Breath of The Wild faggots HATE when you start using logic against their shitty sandbox game.
What a load of shit.
The best exploration I've ever experienced is with my own sexuality.
How come Sup Forums has a heavy bias in favour of Nintendo games?