Which is better, LoL or Dota 2?

Which is better, LoL or Dota 2?


Which is more autistic Dota 2 or LoL?

As long as LoL forces a meta and revolves the entire game around flash, Dota 2



Almost everything wrong with Dota is ten times worse in LoL.

This. Dota has really been turning itself to shit, but there will always be a massive gap between the two.

whats so bad about Flash being balanced around as a core mechanic?

Dota2 does the same thing with Blink dagger and BKB

LoL is less unfun.

They're both pretty shitty, even with a full party of good friends.

League by a landslide

so long as Dota 2 exists League of Legends will be worse

No it doesn't, not every hero gets BKB or Blink or even both. The only CORE item in Dota 2 are TP scrolls which actually make the game interesting unlike the obvious 1-use-only potential of Flash - a free get out of jail card.

LoL is just babby dota

>whats so bad about Flash being balanced around as a core mechanic?
>Dota2 does the same thing with Blink dagger and BKB

Because blink dagger is something I actually have to work towards accessing, it costs 2250 gold and soaks up an item slot with zero stats, and if someone manages to tick me with a single point of damage I can't use it to fuck off from getting killed.

The problem with flash is that everyone gets it for free from level one you're forced to take it over other options so it limits choices, you can use it mid-fight if you fucked up and things aren't going your way, and its high impact mixed with its huge cooldown causes a ton of the game flow to revolve around who does and doesn't have their flash up. It's just shit design no matter how you look at it.

The whole meta of Dota 2 relies on BKB.

less fun*


Does everyone get BKB free from level one now and does it have a 5 minute cooldown? Last time I checked, that wasn't how it worked.

both are designed to very quickly show the difference between having fun in a video game and winning.
If you're the kind of person that is so competitive that nothing but winning means anything to you, you'll have fun.

Not really. It's very situational much like most Dota items.

Blink is 2k, BKB is 4k and aren't the first item you get. Blink is specifically 2.1k with no recipe so its purposely made a pain to farm. Lots of heroes have blink-style skills and mobility skills too.

You can't even escape using blink dagger which is the main problem with flash

Neither. They're both shit in different ways, but their fans are both arrogant and hate the other.


2.25k I mean

they stall the game and farm until they have blink
blinks cooldown is nothing compared to flash. they are quite comparable

They're both garbage
Let's play the same map over and over again with the same heroes or champions that are currently trending right now lolololol.
Such a deep and intricate game.

Dota 2 has custom games, that's objectively MORE FUN than anything LoL will offer as well as having all your heroes for FREE.

No they don't famalam, play the game. People specifically gank cunts and push just so heroes who get blink lose gold and don't buy it. Blink isn't free and needs a lump sum of 2250 for a 0 stat item, and it was specifically designed that way to make someone saving up for it vulnerable

No game is ever the same in Dota 2 - can't say the same for League when there was literally a series where two teams picked the exact same picks/bans in the exact same order and had the exact same outcome.

No one's talking about that tertiary shit. We're talking about the base gameplay loop.

>every assfaggot is LoL
nice meme

>they stall the game and farm until they have blink

No they don't? Also people stall the game in LoL until they have their free blink again all the time. You don't need a blink dagger to gank or escape but it definitely makes it easier, notice how Smoke of Deceit exists or how powerful vision control is?


LoL is much better
It has cute girls and lots of porn

t. someone who didn't and doesn't want to play lol or dota

Then by all means Dota 2 will be fun when the base game is free and I don't have to grind 1000 hours to unlock or start off weaker cause muh runes.

what says is true.

you literally pick up flash as a summoner ability ALWAYS because it's a free lifesaver. there's no reason not to have it.

It doesn't take up an in-game item slot.

Blink Dagger, on the other hand, cannot be used as a lifesaver. If you are hit, it goes on a 3 second cooldown that can reset every time you're hit. If you use it, it goes on it's regular 12 second cooldown.

Ideally, it's supposed to be used to initiate engagements, not run away from them-- because if you're running away, it means you've been hit (which you cannot blink if you've been hit in the past 3 seconds, once again).

Blink Dagger used to have the same problem as flash a LONG time ago. It was patched to have the 3 second cooldown upon being hit in 2008.


Riot has still not fixed flash since the inception of LoL.

It used to, like 5 years ago. You used to be able to buy as many BKB's as you wanted to, and the charges of cooldown would get refreshed after you bought a new one.

Now BKB charge usage is permanent, regardless if you re-buy the item or not. So once you have a 5 second BKB (after using all charges), it's importance runs out as a right-click carry.

heroes of the storm

how to trigger 10 playerbases at once

this is b8.
have my (you).

Prior to 7.00, Dota 2 was pretty great and the only good ARTS game. Now it's still better than LoL but they're both shit.

CSGO should be above Dota 2 tbqh fampai


Dota 2 has turn speed. This is one of the worst ideas ever, and is why I will never even try it.

More then one Map worth playing
more then 3 team compositions worth playing,
shorter gametime,
no lasthitting gluing me to a lane,
no going back to buy items.

Flash has a fucking 5 minute cooldown. 5 minutes.

How would you know it's a bad idea if you've never tried it? Meanwhile LoL doesn't even have melee carries just because they lack turn speed.

>inb4 someone posts stupid things like Yasuo is a melee carry - despite his damage coming from mostly abilities

Heroes like Kunkka and Earthshaker aren't melee carries the same vein Sven and Ursa or Lifestealer are.

Yeah its free, doesn't require saving 2.2k for a stat-less item, works as a reliable escape. What babby shit

Play Io
Problem solved

I never play pleb's games, but I've heard LoL plans to add faggot charaters to pander to degenerates, so maybe Dota2 is less shitty than LoL.

I don't know why Riot games think they can put faggots into LoL since they're owned by Tencent, Tencent have to deal with Chinese government who basically forbids faggotory in mass medias.

Is HoN still alive?

>LoL has Ahri
>DotA 2 doesn't

LoL - 1
DotA - 0


HotS is shit spelt backwards though

>wah its better than lol that doesnt count

Fuck me, I miss Myrmidon.

>low tier fap fodder makes it good

In LoL, players get Flash from the start, and a big issue with it is it makes the early game boring since they so often Flash out of danger and play passive until it's off cooldown (3-5 minutes, which is longer than most cooldowns in either LoL or Dota, and a really long time in the laning phase). Because it's vastly superior to almost any other summoner spell, it's also a fake choice because you pretty much have to use one of your two slots on it (and it's a boring summoner compared to the other ones, really). There's also a severe problem at the core of LoL's gameplay because of its skillshot/dash dualism, and the overabundance of dashes/blinks is part of that.

In comparison, while Blink Dagger and BKB are very strong items, they also have downsides. They cost money (which not only means they show up later in the game, but because of gold loss you can delay them, and in addition they don't give you great stats if any for the amount of gold you're spending) and take up an inventory slot (which is a much bigger deal than a summoner spell slot). In addition, Blink Dagger is disabled on damage which means you can screw up initiations or escapes that rely on Blink, and BKB runs out of charges. This makes them interesting not only in how they work but in the strategical depth they add.

It's important to remember that while not every hero in Dota gets Blink or BKB, nearly every champion in LoL gets Flash. That's the difference between a no-brainer decision and one that's actually a real choice.

>Random Naga
>Die of boredom
Umm dotafags?

y boobs but no nips?

were they stolen?

is that why she's armed? to safeguard what's left?


flotation sacs don't need nipples.

True, losing in dota feels like such a fucking waste of time

this should not make sense.... but it does.

Who knows, she's just a fish

oh that makes sense

Guys what if heroes of newerth

As someone who has played both it disturbs me how accurate this is.
I stopped playing lol because after playing enough it fails to elicit any emotional response.

I don't get it, trash anime characters long predate LoL.

Dead game although Dota is trying its best to revive it.

>Those 80 minute long games of dota where Its even until the end and you win through sheer skill

What requires greater strategic skills, Dota 2 or Starcraft?

>Those 80 minute long games of dota where Its even until the end and you win through sheer meme
Those are better.

Dota 2 for gameplay
LoL for waifus

Are we talking about the absolute top tier players? Then I'd say it actually fairly even than what most people would think.

Middle-tier skill level SC probably requires more skill.

If we're assuming skill = knowledge + ability (to act) then yeah

after all Dota 2 players aren't unfamiliar with micromanagement or even timings or unit stats/abilities or unique skill functions as well if you want to toss more things to think about

DotA 2 of course by default. The developers of LoL even said they 'balance' the game around the lowest common denominator players

> lose a critical teamfight
> survive
> no hope of defending their push
> sneaking past enemy vision to take the ancient through backdoor protection

Those are the best.

Pretty much all rts games have turn speed, and turn speed is a prevalent gameplay factor in a lot of genre too, even the older games

A lot of people argue that SC2 specificaly requires mostly mechanical skill and decision-making ability. There's usualy mostly one right thing to do and you've already decided your build before entering the game.
I don't really play it, but having watched a lot of it this seems to make some sense.

In Dota, the game is slow enough that map presence and awareness and choosing well your engagements is more of a thoughful decision, instead of you being able to react and pull off the only correct choice in a given situation like in SC.

Neither. Heroes of the Storm.

>but it's not a REAL ASSFAGGOT!

I know. That's why it's fun.

Not really.

I only played LoL, which was a few years back, and I haven't played Dota 2, so I can't judge which game is better, otherwise I'd give pros and cons of both games.

HotS is the most boring multiplayer game I've ever played.

In DotA you can vocally scream at bad vidya players.

In LoL you get banned for swears.

However I heard they're actually adding voice chat for LoL, can anyone confirm that? They should have done it 4 years ago, if they actually do that I'm coming back to the game.

I don't play it but I love watching Dota2 games It is really exciting and fun, I'm not a fag


I shit you not, I won versus an entire team of peruvians in ranked AP at 3.5k MMR soley because they skipped over an entire wave of creeps.

I BoT'd to the creeps, none of them had tp's and I took t4's and their ancient faster than they could to ours, because my bear was decked out (and gets 40% free dmg bonus vs buildings) and wacry is incredible steroids for pushing.

Felt like the best win ever, the allchat erupted in "JAJAJAJA"'s and "FUCK MID NOOB"'s from the enemy team.

Best part is this was back when LD was considered terrible because he didn't have broken rabid steroids at level 8, and had to waste 4 points in leveling up Synergy (and not have rabid AS steroids until level 14).

Dota cause I rather support Lord Gaben and not the chinks commie.

git gud 3k scrubs lmao

>8 win streak playing mostly support
>tfw too intelligent to lose

>tfw 5 game loss streak randoming every game

>Implying Gaben hasn't sunk to their level
Fuck Riot though, wow one champion update per year good job, better pump out more 10$ recolors so you have enough money for all the employees that are doing JACK FUCKING SHIT APPARENTLY

> I hate/like a game because of (political reasons)

>broodwars isn't the highest skill ceiling
>Dota is roughly 3 times harder then Broodwars
Every time this bait is posted I can't help myself but reply

The Lord work in mysterious way. He's getting all your money in order to prepare for his Half Life 3rd Coming.


Dota 2 doesn't have recolor sets.

Though ironically LoL literally does in the form of Chromas. Also sets in Dota are in items, are cheap and can be resold. Valve also has things to do besides Dota unlike Riot who has thousands of employees. Only a handful of Valve employees actually work on Dota.

> muscle memory VS quick-time cooperation

stop conflating dota with league please

>Reading comprehension



this is the meme right here.

Dota is dead, LoL is where it's at, again.

says the nepshitter

touch fluffy tail