COD2017 will go back to the world war 2 setting.
They will take some liberties with ayy lmao but it will be great.
COD2017 will go back to the world war 2 setting
need to back to vietnam and kill some kimono wearing ching chongs
Why not play Infinite Warfare? It's got good multiplayer
can't wait to play as african russians against african germans, while rescuing african jews from ovens
Yeah but Sledgehammer is trash, just like IW.
IW has only had about 1k peak players daily for months. It's dead, it's garbage.
This isn't Dice user, they'll add women at most
just a bunch of retards joining in on the social h8 train.
You play the game without h8orade goggles. It's a good fps with supply drops to earn through playing.
I actually like the camos, guns, and rig skins you get. No I don't support buying them but playing through is pretty cool, keeps the game incentivized
Maybe on console but it's rip on pc.
Only bo3 has some activity.
>start bo3 and check gamemode status
>only tdm and dom active as usual
>but wait there are some people in safeguard
>what the hell is going on
>check the daily challenge
>win 3 rounds of safeguard
The game needs to bribe the players to make them play other modes than tdm and dom now.
I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, but I love CoD, just not the 90fps capped console ports that IW and Sledgehammer shit out.
>inb4 Japanese army full of African American
you got a 144hz panel?
Never thought I'd see the day where COD literally became Halo.
i remember that shit.
>daily challenge is groundwar wins
>everyone playing groundwar talking about how fun it is with so many players compared to normal tdm/dom
>0% of players the next day
iw is fun but it's just a cheap knockoff of bo3
Yes. It's not just the fps cap, either, it's the p2p hosting, the lack of anti-cheat, the low tickrate (those clowns tried to pass off the """remaster""" with 10hz tick), the poor mouse input, the lack of optimization etc.
You seen the illustration of all the things in iw that is ripped from halo?
It will be World War 2 but everyone will have steam powered exo-suits like the ones is AW because of Nazi super science
i could see it
>bo3 has specialists and fast movement
>iw has specialists and 1 of them has fast movement
>2017 has specialists and only one of them has movement
slow devolution back to boots on the ground
Got a link?
>They will take some liberties
they should just remove tdm, it's cancer in every game it's in
but that's Wolfenstein's thing.
>boots on the ground
>female protagonist in campaign, very innovative
>new focus on bonus map items that can be picked up and used
>health packs, jetpacks, alien weapons with limited ammo, etc.
>character classes are ww2 standard, rifleman, sniper, close quaters, ordnance, medic, etc.
>no more regenerating health
>gore, soldiers screaming and whimpering before dying
Never saved it but found this on leddit by searching for iw halo comparison.
1 isn't even from iw, as noted by the different lock icon on 2
2 is really reaching
3 is a shameless copy
4 i'd like to believe is a bit of a tribute
That pelican and power armour... jesus
Looking forward to them going back to ww2 but a bit worried about the current "epic rare drops and loot crates" system.
Will they try and stay somewhat classy or make it possible to slap neon pink camos on thompson and mosin nagant?
It's being made by Sledgehammer. Treyarch made World at War.
that will never not be the case. people want their weapon to look different and stand out. 5 different wood grains would be stupid and honestly extremely lazy
>they'll add women at most
There were female soldiers in CoD1 you underage faggot.
Will they keep making a new cod every year or will they shut the series down at some point?
It's been tradition with a new cod every year but also going downhill for so long, don't even know anymore.
Do people still play CoD?
I thought Battlefield became the console shooter king
Infinite Warfare was the best selling game of 2016, so it's not likely that they'll stop any time soon. Besides, it's not like these games are made in a year. They have a three year Dev cycle.
I think if the next one doesn't do too hot they'll probably take a couple year break from CoD to get their shit together
battlefield picked up the mantle of making the same game over and over while the kiddies eat it up and cod is losing sales because they're actually changing up the game
changing it for the better
cod purists hate the new movement because it's too hard
Who /zombies/ here?
Battlefield 1 is trash. It's a crime against humanity that Titanfall 2 wasn't popular.
>COD2017 will go back to the world war 2 setting.
How are you so sure
Infinite Warfare's campaign was probably the best CoD campaign in recent years. Multiplayer isn't that great though.
>halo invented ring shaped space stations
>Infinite Warfare's campaign was probably the best CoD campaign in recent years.
>generic cod shooting galleries with grenade spam and occasional zero g areas
>coma-inducingly boring spaceship sections that all play the exact same way
>story that starts and ends as "bad guys are bad because they are bad guys"
shittest of shit taste. even bo3 was better in sp
Just want some mystic warfare.
>1800 victorian england
>focus on melee
>monster hunters, vampires, werewolves, templars
>maps with day night cycles to help each team
>crossbows, holy water, sawblades
>classic monster as killstreaks
>invisible man stabbing people in the back
>mr hyde fucking shit up in general
>we want the bloodborne audience
Never ever.
>COD goes back to ww2
>slows down the pace from GOTTAGOFACE HIGHSPEEDLOWDRAG operating to cautious walking
>add some basic squad control system like BIA
>remove regen health
>make it a sequel to COD1UO
I need more Bastogne
the dumb jetpacks
reminder that cod fans don't like a high skill ceiling
well it's cod
I wonder how Activision feels now that they have literally used every concept for CoD. The game has hit a creative roadblock and there is no tow truck coming. I still see CoD being the top selling game very year but those record breaking numbers they used to get are going to be long gone. I think the last burst of sales they will get is when they remaster MW2.
why do you want a remaster of mw2 it's not that good
I don't personally want one but when they release it I'm sure it will be a big seller. You have a lot of nostalgia surrounding mw2.
ww2 french/yugoslav resistance COD would be goat
Mark my fucking words.
They will turn it into a hero shooter.
>Tfw black russian soldier
>battles with african machete
>ayo, so you be sayin we wuz guardz and shiet?
i just want cod to be fun again.
but at the same time i've lost all those xbox live friends from mw2 so i cant see myself returning to it.