Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

Other urls found in this thread:


The producers

his posture

Civ 5 with all the expansions


tfw you get leveled up on

This whole debacle was fucking hilarious.
Resulted in tons of great OC too.


>Not Anita gets gang raped on a live stream
What the fuck were they thinking. You know if she sued them she probably could have won.



the strawmen that don't exist?

Fuck Ice T. NOTHING. Absolutely nothing is better than Civ V with the Brave New World expansion pack.

>Y'see in the gaming world the game designer is like God. Some dudes just aren't ready to give a woman that kind of power.

Was he right?


Honestly the only people who care about who makes the games are fat smelly blue haired cretins

Post all the edits of the final scene.
I know somebody still has them.

>implying mods weren't still carpet banning everyone at the time
>implying that OC came from here

We Sup Forums now

It kinda falls out when you realize the nip games Gators love were designed by bisexual Japanese women.

Exactly. I have NEVER seen a thread on Sup Forums about game devs.


Doesnt matter if they're male or female, only one game designer deserves that power.

My personal favourite.


What's this from?



I was referring to gender you seriously can't be this autistic look at the post I replied to



that was the point

stupid mods turned what would have been a funny but short lived meme into a fucking cultural battlefield by banhammering everyone

If this is true, what spots in the pantheon would be occupied by which game designers?
I'm submitting pic related as the god of trickery.

Thanks kind user

>there's a fucking XIII edit
I love you bastards

Sup Forums

>that besiege one wielding a chaos engine

holy shit my sides

What did they mean by this

Sup Forums bitches all the time about women and minorities being devs and chalk it up to quotas is this your first day on Sup Forums?

Is it yours? You're confusing memes with honest opinions

No they don't you retard they bitch about shit developers or SJW faggots it doesn't matter what race or sex they are.

Sup Forums will bitch about a shit dev if they are a shit dev

>doorstuck from inside
>doorstuck from outside right after

No, they are bitching about shit developers. It just can't be helped that western non-whites and women are responsible for most of the shit.


Was the supercut of this episode removed from youtube? I can't find it

which is it? Memes or just a coincidence that the devs Sup Forums hates have women and minorities?

>the CnC one

that's dedication

>the devs Sup Forums hates

Can you even name them? I said memes because if you go in a ME:A thread and you see anons complaining about a literally who animator just because she's a woman/a minority that's just a kneejerk reaction, as nobody knows anything about her/him

Who else does Sup Forums hate exclusively because vagina or skin colour according to you? Hamburger Helper? Quinn? That guy from Bioware talking shit about white privilege?

>literally who animator just because she's a woman
That literally who animator that happens to be a woman is the head of facial animations of ME:A, you know, the game that everyone is bashing for having shit animations including facial ones?
But no, it's just because she is a woman according to you and not because they gave the job of HEAD OF ANIMATION to a fucking amateur, right?

That's not what i meant, i guess i used to wrong example. Basically what I'm trying to say is that if Sup Forums "hates" (hate is a big word) a dev it's either for a reason (the facial animations you're mentioning, Hamburger and ger bullshit about skipping gameplay...) OR for no reason at all, as in there's posts not meant to be taken seriously ("lol, women ruin everything, amirite guys? XD")

>which is it? Memes or just a coincidence that the devs Sup Forums hates have women and minorities?
Can you name one female or minority dev who Sup Forums hates that isn't talentless or a piece of shit?


How the fuck would you know? You haven't even PLAYED Amazonian Warriors and now nobody ever will because your le ebin gamer army raped the lead dev.


he dindu nuffin

The jewish writers

Dick Wolf.

Hey faggots I don't go on shitty "vidya jurnallizm" sites and blogs, fill me in on this drama.

It's like I can have a leg in the one hand, and Civ 5 with the Brave New World expansion pack in the other.

>all these non-fps
>not even metroid prime HUD
oh well the RA2 one was sweet at least

Valkyria Chronicles broke me.

Best part is that the first battle is on a similar rooftop.

Todd is just a meta meme though

nobody who's serious thinks that Skyrim was a bad game

you're ~3 years late

>NCIS does an episode about gamergate
>Offends literally everybody