How did this thing become such a non-competitor compared to PC or the other two consoles? Seriously...

How did this thing become such a non-competitor compared to PC or the other two consoles? Seriously, I can't think of a single reason to even touch an xbone.

It's for people who doesn't play on PC

I have one and I agree.

Everything I have on Xbox I can play with better controls on my PC, with the exception of Just Dance.

Garbage hardware, garbage controller, literally not one single decent exclusive game, bad UI, multiplat universally look and run worse, and the Xbox Live online service degraded severely in quality from the 360 days. The PS4 outclassed it in every conceivable way, not even mentioning PC.

>garbage controller
>not one single decent exclusive game
>Xbox Live online service degraded severely in quality from the 360 days.

> Garbage controller

Xbox has enough weak points that you don't need to make shit up. The controller is awesome. I would happily use on PC if I was playing something that needed a controller.

What it lacks is anything worth controlling.

Nah. It's cheap junk, the DS4 BTFO's it.

>DS4 BTFO's it.
Not even the best Sony controller. The DS4 sucks dick

Basically this. Xbox controllers always worked on PC well. I never got a PS4 controller to work on it.

the controller is the only thing it has going for it. dualshock sucks

>tfw Xbone has one really good reason to buy but PS4 has several lukewarm reasons to buy and I feel pressured to hate both because of you idiots

I think avoiding Windows 10 is much better reason than avoiding Xbone

Oh and that one really good reason is both Forza Horizon games. Tell me doesn't this doesn't pique your interest.

Since when did Forza become a weeb game?

Because Xbots tend not to start massive flame wars like PCfats trying to justify a $1500 LoL machine or Sonybros pretending their waifubait shovelware with gutted localizations are the greatest things ever.

Since FM2 on Xbox 360 back in 2007. Japan loves it, has their own imageboard for this shit.

i got one to play the entire halo series since I never had an xbox previously. it served its purpose I guess.. I'll keep it around for the next halo game.

Even if that's true, it requires you to play a PS4 - only marginally better than an Xbox.

Xbone controllers work on PC.

In every other respect it's great, but after three generations, gazillions of dollars, and the best focus group data spyware can steal, microsoft still can't design a fucking d-pad.

Since they created a basically limitless decal creator, i think it was Forza 3

the d-pad is ass, i won't contest that. but everything else is better

And if you like Top Gear there's Motorsport 4 and Motorsport 5 as well, though admittedly 4 is a 360 game

Delusional sony-niggers everyone.

The PS4 is superior

The DS4 always felt like a cheap piece of plastic to me, as if it would snap in half if you firmly grasped it in your hand

They failed by letting all of their first party exclusives become become uninteresting/lame versions of the juggernauts they once were. They also haven't created any new IPs or done anything to combat against Sony's superior exclusive lineup. Seriously, all they have is Halo, Gears, and Forza, and both the recent Halo and Gears are nowhere near as good as the previous games. Their system also doesn't outperform the competition when it comes to multi-plats. When it was 360/PS3, and you owned both consoles, it was pretty easy to go with the 360 for multi-plats. They usually played better and looked better graphically, as well as people loving the Achievements system. They also locked down shit like timed DLC, making the choice easier to go with 360. Now One/PS4 are basically identical with multi-plats and Sony probably has even more time based DLC than the One.

The best decision MS made was going the route of integrating console/Windows. I've owned just about every major console since the fucking Atari 2600. I have my PS4, Wii U, Switch, and a gaming PC. I have no idea why I would ever need an XB1.


I've never had a forza game but I might get it after it being shilled so much here. I just feel you need good peripherals to complete the racing experience so I haven't bothered.

Pic related and the cheap refurbished price is why I got my xbone recently during that $50 off sale.
You can't beat 1080p 60fps Halo.


The Xbone is superior

I really think Microsoft's brand sands entirely on marketing, Xbox is an ivory tower, if they loose a marketing competition I think they have essentially nothing to fallback on and their brand falls apart where as Nintendo, PC(Steam/Valve) and Sony aren't like that.

E3 2013

Initial launch fuck up. They relied too much on the Xbox brand to sell the console and then there are no exclusives as it shares its library with PC.

As a long time Halofag I legit want to buy one but I just can't justify it.

Games are superior.

Backward compatibility done right.

>Hey guys lets just completely tank our breadwinner to try to win over CoD niggers.

>slant eyed

Top taste. I bought my xbone just to play halo ce and 2 at 60fps 1080p and I don't regret it. I would probably try horizon sjw dawn if I could get it used for 20 bucks but meh

>Sonybros have to shit talk xbros after getting btfo by nintendbros with BoTW

>PS3, PS4, Vita, Xboner, Wii, Wii U, 3DS
>spending more on obsolete garbage hardware than actual games
For what purpose?

Good bait

>He's not an idort
poorman please

I wouldn't bother that game is competing with Andromeda for shittiest face animations.

I don't see any hardware on the shot.
Just games.
Are you mentally challenged?

Thanks friend you too.
Been going through solo legendary all trilogy campaigns having a blast. Personally really like the remastered Halo 2, all of the effects are absolutely gorgeous on the campaign side of things.

Stay comfy.

OP here, I'm a PCbro and a Nintenbro. Just curious desu

Everything on it is on PC. PS4 has the only real exclusives now.

Exclusives don't matter in terms of sales, what they did fuck up in is advertising the console itself during E3, what with the "always online" and "no used games" malarkey.

If they sold the Xbone as a cheap console that could play multiplats better than the PS4 and had an efficient and secure online service that facilitated connectivity, it would have easily outsold the PS4

I think you misunderstood.
He is saying it is for people who don't know or want to play on PC.
You know, convenience and all that stuff.

That's probably what MS were thinking too when they started "Windows 10 exclusives;" you get an Xbone if you want the cheapest option to play MS games, then if you wanted better graphics and framerate on your games but couldn't be arsed to build a PC, you get an S or a Scorpio, and if you want the best performance on an MS game, you get a PC and Windows 10 to play them. That way, customers of all levels of laziness/tech savviness would potentially have an MS product or software in their household and MS gets money and customers across the board


Geez I don't know
Maybe to play the games?

I wanted to say this, but my english is horrible.
That's exactly what I think.

I'm an idort, and get a shitload of use out of my PS4, PC, and Switch, and haven't turned my Xbone on in months. Even then, the only reason I turned it on was to occasionally play Destiny with friends. It's unfortunate, but it doesn't really seem like MS is all that interested in staying in the console race, and doesn't really have any big, heavy-hitting franchises anymore. Gears and Halo both appear to be barely chugging along at this point, hollow shells of their former glory.

I'm really only considering upgrading to a Scorpio just so I can continue to play Destiny 2 with my Xbros with some added visual enhancements, and so I can watch 4k blu rays.

Xbox is a Windows 10 PC now so technically those games are still exclusive.

Yo can i play sonic unleashed and sonic generations on the xbone?

Interested in this as well.
Should I buy Sonic Generations on Xbone or PS3?

I dont know my dude

But whatever console can play sonic unleashed and sonic generations, i will be there. I still play them almost every day

I hate Unleashed. Really hate.
I don't know about Sonic games and Colors is my favorite one, but this game I just couldn't play.
Played Generations on my friend and it's a fun game.

I got into sonic thanks to the sonic unleashed demo back in december 2008. Never got past the planet wisp world in sonic colors, the game was just so much slower and more 2D than unleashed, was very disappointed in it. Sonic generations set the ship in a better direction and went back to the crazy speeds of sonic unleashed. Everything else i played, boring. Id like to stick with xbox since i played on 360 last gen but the ps4 has the new nier game with the cute bitch. But xbox one has BC but not sonic unleashed and generations yet. I think i will wait for this holiday to decide, once the brand new sonic game comes out.

You know, you aren't one of these fags that just say "not liking SU is a meme".
I can really relate to you, because Sonic Colors is my first Sonic game.
It's really different strokes this time.
To me Sonic Force looks like a lot with Sonic Colors, and I am starting to get hyped about.

Unleashed is the best 3D Sonic game overall. It is just pain and suffering until you max out the stats and even need it need a large amount of dedication to learn the levels.

Thanks man

I mean i played a little sonic 1 way back on my sisters gamecube with that collection but didnt get into it. I dont think sonic colors is a bad game, just a drastically different one from unleashed. I just couldnt handle the change. Lets hope sonic forces has something for both of us man (and that the 360 sonic games become BC too)

Heh, that's strange.
I don't like U on 3DS, but love it Colors on the same 3DS.
Maybe because it's closer to the originals and I don't like the classic ones?

It's sad that when you gotta thank someone when have a conversation in Sup Forums without memes and hate.

And yeah, I agree! I think it's the change of gameplay and most of all, pace of the game.

It goes for 200 dollars in sales here. That gets you a 4K Bluray player, 60 dollars controller and some console exclusives. Its not a bad deal for someone who plays only a little.

But yeah its not doing well at all.