Racing vidya

How did the creator of wrap made that anime girl?

Other urls found in this thread:


They use the primitive shapes in the livery editor to form arbitrary shapes, like anime girls.

That way you can upload designs that take up only a few KB instead of 200MB of PNG images, they're just describing a list of shapes, their position, colors, and skew/twist ratios.

this, forza does the same thing except you get like 5000 layers or some shit

Literally just slapping loads of shape together till it vaguely resembles what you're aiming for


Any dirt cheap arcade racers to recommend?
Dirt 3 is like 2 yurops and looks interesting.

gotta go fast



I too deliver tofu sideways my dude

Spike didn't do anything right.

This is meant to summarize Forza drawings, but it may help you.

so it takes patience?

Forms Horizon 3 in HDR is the coziest.

It's a shame 4k is still a meme but FH3 justified HDR tech to me at least.



Horizon 3 is great if you can get over using the Win 10 Store and have a recent rig.

What's a good racing game for PS4 or not-win10 PC?
Don't want a full autism hyper realist sim but something less casual than a cart racer


I remember playing this with Sup Forums when it first came out and loading up the eurobeat pack that got passed around in the generals

been here too fucking long

Dirt Rally

imagine being so autistic that you have to insert anime into everything


What's the best racing game for drifting in the current year? No FH3 because no way in hell am I installing Windows 10.

I'm going to sleep

Forza Horizon 3

Forza Horizon 3

So is there an Initial D tofu delivery simulator yet?

I never realized that miata is that small

Assetto Corsa, but you will need a FFB wheel

I was so fucking tempted to get the new NFS just for the livery system.

I remember spending hours and hours creating works of fucking art on the prostreet editor.




Shit looks almost real.

Most things do if you blur it and filter it enough.

what game is that, it looks like an open world LA

burnout 3

Not really.

>reliant robin with support wheels


>toho tires

Wouldn't be any less autistic than being visibly upset by it's presence.

Need for Speed 2015

What are the best keywords for finding eastern designs? anime usually ends up with either nothing or a lot of garbage with maybe a good car here and there.

try using japanese text


Such a shame with it though. the physics were beyond awful. a fully upgraded AE86 is impossible to handle and with the stupid auto-ster the game has im constantly flying off to the right and exploding.

Thats some wipeout tier shit there

I'm playing dirt 3 right now with all assists off and the works. If I play on max difficulty, I have to autistically watch my racing line/speeds (for that I basically need to know the map before I race it) and can't make a single mistake if I don't want to end up last. If I play on one setting easier I always come first unless I crash and burn.
Is this just my experience or is the difficulty curve fucked?

That's what it would look like out of a normal camera in low light conditions though.

I set my designs under Cartoon for key 1 and Character for key 2. of course you could try to search for specifics under the descriptions but the keywords yields the best results

Does that work on Xboner? Honestly can't remember.
This is my favorite one I've seen so far.

It stutters like a motherfucker and you can't drift with a car that has under 400 horsepower.

It's just stupid that to have fun you have to make your car overpowered, otherwise the physics will just go fuck you this car ain't drifting because what is LSD

Forgot to mention try following the creators so their designs can appear first when browsing other cars. or view storefront to see all the designs by the creator

Itasha can work pretty well.

Eastern characters are just turned to squares aren't they? Does it even accept Japanese input?

>no good PC racing games that don't require a wheel yet aren't arcade racers

Shiiieet is that Trackmania? I don't remember it looking that good

HD version of Burnout 2 is all I am asking.

Definitely need a wheel. But as in this vid description, there are problems with wheel compatibility sometimes. Its a bit hit and miss.


Apparently Flatout 4 was just released today/yesterday.
It looks promising arcade racer that this gen desperately needs, but I am sceptical about if it is any good afterall, thanks to the unnamed game and the fact Bugbear isn't making it.
Enviroments tickle the nostalgia bone though.

Found some gameplay of it

Is it made by the people who made 3? Bugbear can go and fuck themselves.

Nah, it is made by a different studio. Guys who made the latest WRC game

It still looks bad desu

rate meme

Dirt Rally

Yeah yeah, I know, I know.
Physics look floaty and there is no feel of weight anywhere to be seen.
Man, I hate how Flatout's name has been dragged through the shit, and how the ip has been whored away.
I just want some more arcade racing games again.

I second this. It is the only way you will play a sim racing game where grip is not superior to drift. The rally mode of the game is entirely on long narrow winding roads rather than having to do laps. There are also several courses with a heavy focus on uphill/downhill. The potential downside is that it is all time trial. If you don't just enjoy trying to improve your driving, it may not appeal to you.