Is this the greatest year in vidya history?
Is this the greatest year in vidya history?
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MGS3 and HL2
ASian nigger subhuman were a mistake GOD created men in hisimage, as a white man. ALL ELSE ARE INFERIOR. White men are smarter, stronger, and better!
heh heh LDDD
half life 2 is fucking garbage fuck off
I'll give OP credit. Normally these threads are horrible, but 2004 truly was a great year for PS2/PC gamers.
Despite Sup Forums's hate for everything that isn't part of their childhood, this and last year are both strong contenders.
t. teenage contrarian edgelord
>last year
i agree about 2004, but 2016 was literally one of the shittiest years for vidya?
1998 had PDS, OOT, and FF7
Tthe best games for each respective console all came out on one year. Name me another year that did that I fucking dare you.
November 9th 2004, halo 2 explodes onto the scene, so yes I'd say it was a good year for gaming all around despite what Playstation fags say
the best far cry came out that year. played through it again recently on the hardest difficulty. what the fuck were they thinking with those checkpoints? jesus christ i don't think i've ever gotten so angry at a game before
>hl 2
>gta sa
>halo 2
>doom 3
>nfs underground 2
>vamire:the masquarade
>unreal tournament
>cs source
>mgs 3
>far cry
>kotor 2
>rome total war
>the cronicles of riddick
>tony hawk underground 2
>prince of persia 2
>bfield vietnam
holy shit, that was a great yeat
>doom 3
Fuck off
>what Playstation fags
but it was a great year for playstation owners too from what i see.
i didnt own a console yet back then, but it was an amazing year for PC too
my man. halo 2 is my favorite online multiplayer game to this day
i know you are underage who tries to act like an oldfag with >muh doom and doom 2 elitism, but if you werent, you would've remembered how amazing was that game when it came out.
no one has ever seen anything graphic-wise as doom 3 back then
brood was was released like 5 years earlier
Nice projection
i know, i'm saying 1998 was the best year in gaming
>game with best faces/most satisfying physics ever seen at that point
The real question is when did video games start going to shit?
2007 XD
2007-2009 in my observations
Video games have always been good
march 21st 2006
98-04 was the golden age of video games.
Hard to say, but 2000-2008 was peak vidya. No SJW shit, PC-first development instead of lazy console ports, etc. Truly a golden age.
while i agree and i still enjoy good games, unlike most of the angry Sup Forums posters, its pretty obvious that in general game creators started becomming shittier and shittier after ~ the end of the 00s
You can't actually be that retarded.
Not him, but hes right.Doom 3 was hyped as fuck back then
Name ten (10) good video games released in 2016.
I won't just say that they are all shit, but I'm genuinely curious why you would think this. You're probably baiting though.
so its true, the end of the 00s was the end of good vidya
doom3 was pretty well received at its time it had good atmosphere, solid shootan and was a graphics benchmark.
I remember jokes about the flashlight more than anything and that was easily fixed.
HL2 would come out shortly after and overshadow it you would even see the doom 3 expansion try to get the physics meme going on. The main problem with Doom 3 was the level design imo, you take that same engine and design and open up the levels and speed it up a bit and it would of been great.
I haven't played D44M yet because it looks like quick space halo.
>Metroid Prime
>Sonic Advance
>GTA Vice City
>Splinter Cell
>Warcraft III
>Kingdom Hearts
>The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
>The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (JPN)
>Metroid Fusion
>Mario Party 4
>Animal Crossing
>Battlefield 1942
>Super Monkey Ball 2
>Super Smash Bros. Melee
>Final Fantasy XI
>Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
>Fatal Frame
gta: 5
pokemon XY
the last of us
bioshock: infinite
pikmin 3
super mario 3D world
Did you just put GTA 3 and Vice City in the same year? And I don't think any Halo came out in 2002, are you fucking retarded dude?
have a free (you) and fuck off
>most of those aren't exclusive
hilarious and original
My bad, I was going down the wikipedia list for 2002. Halo: CE was in the top grossing list, same with GTA III, i thought that seemed weird, thought Halo may have had a later rerelease for PC or something in 2002
So it's motherfucking 2007
>PC gaming
>all those console games that were just ported
just because it was good doesnt mean its PC
Play D44M
Your point being?
>he actually believes biocuck infinite, SM3DW and gen6 were good
i kind agree tb h, 2013 was imo the strongest year in "modern" times
>the last of us
>bioshock infinite(fuck you, i liked it)
>gta 5
>metro last light
>ac: black flag
>crysis 3
>path of exile
>metal gear rising
>tomb raider
it wasnt as quallity as some other years before that, but it was pretty packed
making it not history of pc gaming you fucking mong
how's reddit nowadays?
2007-2009 ish
Devs realised they didn't need to make a good game for it to sell well, just market the shit out of it & console gamers will buy it in droves
meanwhile PC gamers refused to play anything that wasn't World of Warcraft & PC exclusives started to sell like shit
fuck off you underage faggot
Nope, you already done fucked up not even realizing that you typed 2 GTA's in 1 year. You done fucked up
2005 was better
>Resident 4
>DMC 3 Special Edition
>MGS3 Sub Edition
>DBZ Tenkaichi Budokai
>Ultimate Spider-Man
>Soul Caliber 3
>SW Battlefront 2
>Indigo Prophecy
>Resident Evil Outbreak File 2
>Midnight Club 3
2006 is a close second
Also The Warriors came out in 05 as well
2017 looks like it could be, but
I want you to kill yourself
jesus, nothing's going to beat that
2010 > 2013 > 2012 > 2014 > 2015 > 2011
2006 > 2007 > 2004 > 2001 > 2002 > 2005 > 2003 > 2000 > 2008 > 2009
1997 > 1991 > 1998 > 1999 > 1994 > 1993 > 1991 > 1996 > 1992 > 1995
Smash Melee and Halo came out in 2001
fuck off edgefag
must be nice being underage
>baldurs gate 2
> FF9
>deus ex
>red alert 2
>vagrant story
>icewind dale
>ground control
>majoras mask
halo 2 is one of the worst things to happen to gaming. it made xbox live and console shooters popular which paved the way for bullshit like paid dlc, season passes, and lowest common denominator AAA trash.
many game creators from the 90s became shit in the early 00s
>doom3 was pretty well received at its time
so was the last of us, whats your point?
paid dlc was already a thing with KOTOR which came out a year before halo 2. hell, dlc first started on the dreamcast even though it was all free.
Doom3 was hyped as fuck mong.
So was HL2.
The thing in the HL2 trailer that eriously made it for me was the power line, goddamn, they MOVED, holy fuck that was exciting, so was the Hydra enemy that never made it intot he game The leaked alpha was pretty rad too, everyone had a copy of that in the end
This. Shit started turning bad even as early as 2001 and PS2, getting increasingly worse until it reaches critical mass in 2008 or so with the entire industry beyond repair.
the first one I remember was horse armor for oblivion. the point is that console players were willing to buy shit pc gamers were used to getting for free, and popularizing xbox live gave companies the platform to sell it.
It's either '04 or '98, most agree. I myself am more partial to '04, though.
>the first one I remember was horse armor for oblivion
god damn, how old are you? 12?
The one thing I never understood is why Valve always got a free pass from gamers and journalists about faking all of that E3 game footage that they used to hype Half Life 2.
Like, they blatantly lied it wasn't all scripted as fuck. When asked during E3 whether it was scripted they said "no". Then after the source code hack, it was revealed that it was 100% fake. And they were NEVER called out for it.
I'm 28 today. horse armor was the first paid dlc game critics got mad at at because they couldn't believe people were actually buying it.
>Black Flag
All decent, rest can fuck off
27th of November 1972
your priorities are all whacked up but what do you expect from a hl2 homo
>Ace Combat 5
It's up there.
It was a fucking tech demo back then and now. Good try, new timer.
Roll for Haiti.
>valve success
seems like a pretty shtity year for gaming tb h lads