Siege of Ages early preview, from a dev

I get none, negative or a bit of good feedback but this game will happen either way. Since this is v, I figure I could make a thread and we could talk about this games concept and gameplay potential. For starters we have an extensively developed server framework and back end, combat and projectile system. We have hashed out all the major systems just about we just need money and art for equipment designed to fit our player models. We are not artists just a few programmers.

ask some questions or give input Negative or positive input is good but if you could be more precise than "this is shit" I would greatly appreciate it :).

Here is a older gif link of the preview of the weapons a video is in production to showcase the destroyable player structures.

Thread will prob 404 but w/e

Looks pretty bog standard.
What sets you apart from the three million other shitty sandbox games?

Well we are a feature rich open world medieval sandbox mmo. We have a huge amount of potential and development skill meaning programming experience etc. What sets us apart? It is a game, our gameplay is designed to be interactive, immersive and engaging. I saw a pirate game that won some award on steam recently that features gameplay that is a fraction of what this project is.

Isn't there a reason people make new games?

Why not make it in an engine that was built with multi-player in mind like unreal?

cashing in on the recent surge of """medieval""" games and conan exiles i see
looks like shit

This project is 7 months old and made by 2 people. The UI and everything isn't pretty yet sure, we are creating the framework and systems for the game. Millions of jackoffs dream everyday they could do a small amount of the content this game has to offer.

Hombre, I have Dual wielding, 2 handed weapons, sword and shield, bare hand boxing, siege weapons, cannons, flintlock rifles and pistols. We are working on polishing everything for a reveal video.

You just said a bunch of words that mean absolutely nothing.

I started this project before I knew Conan Exiles existed.

I dont think you are capable of discerning what my words mean hahahaha

You seem a little overconfident. The game looks like garbage, visually. Mechanically there might be some potential, but it's not gonna sell shit if it looks like that. Can imagine combat is floaty and half the UI is just waves of text filled with spelling errors.


You have to go back.

There are no spelling errors. I design everything perfectly. Do you know how games like Diablo happened? Men like me. I'm not an 3d artist. Yes I can shred a riff but I can only do so great of a 3d model while programming every system required for a feature rich medieval mmo boiii

>Those models
>Those icons
>yet another shitty sandbox MMO

You know it's not gonna be an MMO if nobody plays it, right?

Looks like Reign of Kings but somehow worse. How is that even possible?

I'm surprised you're capable of forming sentences.
As it is, shill this on reddit. They'll probably support you.

As a developer im actually impressed by your work, it takes a lot to create a fucking mmo. I think you should try to post in the agdg amateur game dev general on /vg/ if you want real feedback

I've seen worse games. I am surprised you are able to compose sentences as well.

Hire a fucking art guy holy shit. This is like an early 2000s 3D game.

Thanks, I am looking for somewhere I can get some decent feedback.

Well that's the plan. We are finishing all the game mechanics and we are going to focus on art. Its a process man. There is only two of us right now but we do everything. The combat right now is like darksouls/fable/chivalry. The game is huge it has a lot to it.

>shill this on reddit

Christ and father bless you child. I think there is no cure for autism.

looks like some freeware garbage from 90's

Could be alright if it weren't an MMO. Make it like M&B but with good sieges and defending, then it'll be good.

Did you think I was joking or something?
You really think people here won't recognize how horrible what you're trying to promote is?