ITT: Disappointment

ITT: Disappointment

>shitty port
>bland af world and visuals
>floaty combat
>fetch quests
>a fucking fishing game wtf m8

About to refund tbqh

sure, whatever floats your boat

ok, just dont think your opinion stands as the objective one. you are the minority, and noone is giving you the sense of superiority you desire for not liking this game.

>the sense of superiority


Just wanted to say that this game is not as good as I expected and made a thread about expecting to mb discuss it with people who feel the same, instead of going to actual thread and arguing with people who like that they should not like it.

Are steam screenshots not working for anyone else? Kind of disappointed all of the screenshots I took on my first playthrough didn't save

K, Enjoy your ME:A

i agree with you but i ain't refunding since i'll probably return 5 years from now and might enjoy it i don't have issues with shitty port or denuvo though since ps4

Don't forget to close the door on your way out, girl.

i'm having fun

>you hate the game I like you must like that other game I hate

neo Sup Forums everyone, I thought this was 18+ website

Wow! very fun gameplay :)

>here we find 2B in its natural habitat, looking for food...

>la la la i'm not listening!!


Can we just rangeban all PCbroz? Truly the cancer of gaming.


What went right?


good, you're gonna miss on one of the best games ever made.

your loss

Anyone got that booty walk cycle with the wet butt?

So this game is a hack and slash right? What other games would the gameplay compare to

Why is not liking Nier Automata literally not allowed?

>another painfully mediocre game by platinum
>best games
Don't you have your waifu thread somewhere around where you should be memeing?

Dumbed down bayo or mgr

Not liking it is ok. But Op just butthurt nintenbro who doesn't even play it.

that's the thing, why is it also literally not allowed to like zelda?


How did you come to that conclusion?

All of this could have been minor issues if not the shitty performance and constant crushes. SAD

>game comes out
>everybody loves it
>reviews well
>constant discussion
>comes out on PC later
>nothing but bitching
>claim the game is shit
>"paid reviews"
>are always doing this because they're autistic enough to spend quad digits to play the same video games as everyone else but better and are incapable of understanding that literally nobody gives a shit about them even after they spent all that money on their special snowflake hardware.

and people wonder why companies dont give a fuck to make pc games or even ports anymore. ungrateful pieces of autistic shit the lot of you.

>comes out on PC later
>nothing but bitching
It' called having standards. Yes, I know it's a concept alien to console shit-eaters, but you can't expect everyone to be a shit-eating animal like you and just ignore flaws like a good cuckboy.

Dude butts lmao

>ironically typing this all out.
what goes through you brain when you do this?

Put me in the screencap.

he's not wrong and I love my bloodbornebox

is fat robot ass the only reason people like this game?

shitty game with lots of problems

Turbo autism

>too hard
>casual gamer
what's with you PC faggots?

What the fuck

no, no you dont love your ps4. you just hate the fact that nobody wants to take on the job of making a pc port for the whiney pc shitheads that you have gone full circle and deluded yourself into thinking that liking only 1 game means you like the console itself

Judging by Sup Forums threads, yes

>>a fucking fishing game wtf m8
fishing games are great you fucking cuckshit
I agree that automata is a 4/10 though

the pros are ironic I assume? Hard to tell with moon rune users sometimes

Self-destruct is weak af, short range and takes too long to initialize during the "oh shit I should just blow up" moments

>lowly gtx 1070

>bought the game because it was Taro game
>everyone I chat to at work assumes I bought it for the ass
>one even believed the asshole image was legit
None of them bought it, no cooler conversations until Persona 5.


Because the japanese words for self-destruct is actually emergency fanservice

The closest comparison by far (other than the original Nier) is Undertale.

Unorthodox RPG with bullet hell elements, lots of references, multiple endings, meta elements, and poignant messages about themes of humanity, acceptance, pacifism etc. Also lots of LGBT and mental disorder representation.

Thanks to Platinum Games, Automata also has quite the serviceable action gameplay though. Would be almost Bayonetta tier if the gameplay/difficulty balance wasn't so out of whack.

>Battle system too hard, even on beginner difficulty

Platinum never fails to piss off casuals.

>6-12 minutes on record

This review is a joke you retards.

>Yoko Ono

>Transgender Protagonist

>game comes out
>everybody loves it
>reviews well
>constant discussion

>nothing but bitching
>claim the game is shit
>"paid reviews"

welcome to the club

this game just makes me want to play MGR again.

The enemies in this game aren't challenging at all, the only difficulty is the artificial HP and Damage scaling that levels give them, but I killed two lvl 25 or something bridge goliaths at lvl 5.
In MGR, on Revengeance Difficulty, the Geckos and Cyborg Dogs could absolutely waste your ass right in the intro level with their dangerous movesets, in this game, even the best enemies are easily avoided by spamming dodge and running in circles.

the only thing that gets a hit in every now and then is when they flood the whole screen with their bullet balls.

>Sup Forums turning into perpetually triggered hotzone
What happened to people actually playing games and enjoying them? Literally crying about character design and thinking that PCmustards come before the system that it was supposed to be exclusive to. Enjoy your 30 fps port I'm on my 9S hard playthrough

What a fucking herculean task. Both major consoles are literally old PC hardware with a lot slower, and less RAM.

Shit like the retarded keyboard controls and no options to rebind them is intolerable. There's no technical reason to use Alt+Key and a poorly working double tap for functions that each have their own dedicated controller key.

It's not even retarded translation like the Arkham games where the controller's lack of button meant needing to use a lot of two and three button holds to get something to work, which just got translated into Keyboard Twister.

It's piss poor design, unless it's intentional, and in either case, fuck these guys.

>game finally comes out on PC
>community becomes aids incarnate

Never fails

>The closest comparison by far (other than the original Nier) is Undertale.
This is some advanced bait, not bad.

>He said, while playing nothing but poorly optimized ports of console games months after everyone else, because the PC platform hasn't had any good games of its own in over a decade ever since the RTS genre died.


Is there a lot of actual content in the game though? From what I head before it was relatively short but then you play through multiple more times for slightly different events. So is there content, or """content"""

>He said, while playing on a console built from leftover 5 year old PC parts and garbo RAM.

Dumb plat tard

It's quite literally the truth.

Yoko Taro is a fan of Undertale and the hacking game was most likely inspired by it.

its just sonyfaggots falseflagging since they're mad they lost a great exclusive.
I'm enjoying the game very much.
Visuals are great, could use dynamic shadows and lose some pop in tho
Combat is fun
Gameplay is a fun combination of dark souls and mgr
And I haven't even peeked upskirt once yet.

>144hz neckbeard who refuses to acknowledge they're playing a PS4 EXCLUSIVE
your edgy buzzwords really won me over

>I haven't even peeked upskirt once yet
But you literally don't even have to
This game is gratuitous

>From what I head before it was relatively short but then you play through multiple more times for slightly different events.
You heard wrong.
I don't really want to spoil anything but only 2 paths are similar. Getting all 5 main endings will take you around 40 hours if you do some side quests. Going for 100 % will take you at least 60 hours.

The "you play the same content 449284848 times" is a meme argument. That being said, one character hacks via a minigame with about 40 variants so if you ONLY ever hack then you'll find yourself repeating a lot.

It's not that short unless you're that adhd kid who only does the main story, doesn't play on Hard and skips sidequests.

It's on the short end for an RPG, but it's an action game first and compared to every other Platinum game it's very long. Like two Bayonettas stacked after eachother.

The second and third playthroughs are very different from the first, there's maybe 2-3 hours of overlap tops. Again, same as the difference between Undertale's good and evil routes. Same areas but different bosses and plot.

>tfw to intelligent too post speccy when complaining about games running horribly

That's great. Also, can someone translate the moonspeak? I have a feeling there's something very different written there.

>all those retarded secondaries
I fucking told you that pc port was a mistake.

>Going for 100 % will take you at least 60 hours.

fuck simple gadgets

It literally doesn't matter a single bit when that's where the games are. Only a complete autist doesn't understand this. I have more games on 3DS than any other platform this generation, because it has the most good games, even if it's the weakest hardware.

I think it's just some random Wikipedia articles.

alright thanks.

>The "you play the same content 449284848 times" is a meme argument
How come? It is an argument nonetheless, and a critical one at that.

Because it's not even remotely true

Because it's not true.

>upgrade laser beam pod first because it's neat
>upgrade the machine gun pod
>"wew had just enough small gadgets"
>go to upgrade the rocket one
>small gadgets

Because it's wrong? Do you have a learning disability or something?

It's not like you play 100% of the game the first play through, you get completely new content with new playthrough, not just new dialogue

Doesn't make sense for anyone who has a PC not to own a console too. You can spend 1k+ for a decent PC but you can't spend half of that, even less on sale, for a console to just play games? PCfags who stroke their dicks and scream like monkeys over every sloppy second literally don't play games. They just chimp out that their 2-yr old machine doesn't run x console port at 4k.

Tweaking settings doesn't even do anything significant. It plays around the same 40 - 60 fps on low, mid or high.I know it's ancient, but game doesn't even look that good.

Then why not just say "that's not true" to make it clear?
Why is everything "memes" to millennials?

But I paid 1k+ to play games
People are just mad it plays like a PS4 game

>PC gamers think it'll be patched

Jap devs NEVER patch PC games, what you got is what you'll get.

Because someone who posts here (and even that's not necessary) would have no trouble knowing what the means in that context.

>17,444 players are playing right now
Not bad at all

>what is DSfix?

It is a meme though, it just happens to be a false meme, like all memes

A community patch done by some rando. Your point?

No, that's the point. Anyone who's been here longer than 4 years realizes that "meme" can mean anything because the word has lost its meaning in the past years

you're not making any arguments in the games favor.

The only people I could see enjoying the game are either plat tards, or faggots easily enticed by a predictable anime plot.
oh and waifu fags.

This game is inferior to other platinum games in almost every way, if you don't see that you must be blinde by your tarofaggotry.

>tfw I have to uninstall this game and wait however long until I've upgraded by graphix card

god damn chink fucks with their poor optimization, this shit does not look good enough to warrant an upgrade

refund it

>pcbros licking up the scraps after console yet again
>the port is shit
