How do you portable Sup Forums?
How do you portable Sup Forums?
I feel so sorry for the guy on the left. I wonder where he is now
is this picture implying that the average grown man playing videogames in public looks more like james bond and less like a fat bald virgin weirdo? Because thats outlandish
If I happen to have it with me and I'm waiting for like the doctor or my flight or something otherwise I don't really have time to play my ds out and about. Why is this such a confusing odd topic to you people?
>Sony has James Bond
>Nintenbros have noone
The right one looks like a homeless retard.
The only prominent memory in my head of a grown man playing video games in public was a rough looking middle aged guy with tattoos and a bald head playing Super Mario on a 3ds outside a courtroom. I occasionally see guys like on the left of OP's picture but weirdly never playing games. I did once see a pale, pot-bellied skeltal wearing a fedora and 'subtle' vidya shirt walk out of an EB Games once, so the memes aren't entirely off.
>How do you portable Sup Forums?
t. guy on left
I'm dead.
They have John Cena
you know you're an adult when you don't give a shit
You know you're autistic*
He's each of you in 10 years
and I'm already there.
You're telling me you wouldn't kneel to play a switch demo?
Chis evans
Fit's gurl, Chloƫ Grace Moretz
Kevin Bacon
you know this is just a shitty troll post so fuck it
I'm already that 10 years too.
- I don't wear shorts because I'm not a manchild.
- I'm even worse along in the balding process than that but I have the sense to still cut what little hair is left on my head.
- I can still see my dick.
- I sure as shit would never kneel on the floor to play at a video game kiosk obviously set up for children.
I did it for the DS launch when I was much younger. You're already past the height they're designed for by 12-14.
What's wrong with the floor anyway? There's plenty of stuff on the bottom shelf that you can't really see while standing at 6ft~.
Most demo units kick you off/restart within a few minutes anyway, so you're looking at maybe 15 minutes top of being uncomfortable to physically test something you may buy/steal.
>still posting a now decades old PSP ad featuring paid actor Daniel Craig as if it was evidence he plays video games
As with all things, if an attractive person is doing it, no one will take issue with it or mock them unless that person has a serious vendetta against the activity in question, or the activity is intrinsically heinous.
I don't I own a vita and 3ds but the only place I use them is at my recliner or computer desk, I don't want normies to laugh at me irl for playing video games plus I don't leave my apartment ever for long enough to justify bringing a system with me. I hate being in public
You mean Craig is watching movies on his PSP
I don't, and I'm not trolling here but I rarely ever see anyone (I can't even remember the last time I did) playing a handheld in public
Ukfag here
They had Robin Williams
When do you even have time to play a handheld outside?
You're going to invariably look like this, no matter how attractive you are.
obviously on a train/bus or when sitting down at the chemist waiting for your anti-depressant prescription
Grown-ass adult gamer desperately trying to convince himself he isn't making a complete fool of himself whenever he whips out his toyetic Nintendo handheld in public detected.
Of course the childish thing would be to openly mock and bully him for doing it. The adult thing would be to keep it to yourself but secretly laugh at him on the inside for lacking the self-awareness of appearing so juvenile in public.
>his PSP
He worked on a high profile production for Sony. They probably gave him one and a pile of shit for it in the hope he would use it in public and they'd get an implicit endorsement.
out of curiosity how did "brap" become common onomatopoeia for burping? I feel like the short "a" sound is semi-rare at best when talking about people belching.
Its the white fart
what makes you think famous people can't enjoy things?
wait "brap" is onomatopoeia for farting?
>playing pokemon go
He deserved it.
Successful people literally don't have time for video games.
And if they do have spare time, they usually have access to better things like wold class vacations, elite social gatherings, five star dinners ans pussy on demand. Video games can't compete. This is why they're seen as a kids thing. Playing with toys isn't fun as an adult because you have better shit to do with your free time. Your limited choices and life experience as a child just made them seem better.
I play GBA SP and NDSL at work. Both systems are small, unrecognizable for the majority of my country and doens't look childish. PSP however, as much as I like it, has certain stigma.
No, I wouldn't
it must suck being so self-deprecating that you shit on your own hobbies even in your bizarre childish ideas of what it's like being a movie star
Well, Frank, Townie here, I've got some bad news.
Daniel Craig is a 50 year old man with an accomplished acting career. He's not exactly the type of person to go out and buy a portable weeb machine and even if he wanted a PMP the PSP is far from the best in that regard given that it can basically only play Sony productions.
Read a book you morons
>not listening
I don't I'm a grown ass man.
Nah, not really,
I work at a gamestop, Daniekun comes here a lot to buy games, last time he just preordered a couple of senran kagura with a 3DS in his hands. True story.
>all this repressed disdain for video games
>I'm virtue signaling that I would never be caught playing VIDYA in PUBLIC!!
Playing video games is like masturbation, it's fun but it's rightfully shameful and should be kept in the privacy of your home.
do yourself a favor and dont let the normal fags find out
you're only freaking out because vidya isn't on your perceived shortlist of "normal people" outdoor activities and you're so self-conscious and self-centered that you actually believe that people will remember you milliseconds after you left their field of vision.
There's an episode of Game Grumps with Steve-O is a guest and he says he hasn't ever really played video games. They ask him why, and he tells them, "Because when I I would rather be doing things things that would get me laid."
He's absolutely right. No one on Earth has ever gotten laid from playing a video game. Sure, people can and do meet girls in video game communities (Although you're really barking up the wrong tree here. As far as actual gamers go, as in people who spend hundreds of dollars on dedicated console/PC gaming hardware and not every dick and jane who has ever played a flash or mobile game like the bullshit studies that claim half of gamers are female do, guys outnumber girls at least 10 to 1 in dedicated gaming communities and that's being generous) but your skill in a video game itself will never ever impress a woman and get you laid.
Being a skateboarder and whatever dumb teenage bands Steve-O was in probably got him laid. Being in Jackass definitely got him laid. Being a gamer? Never would have done a thing for him.
>Life isn't about getting laid! Y-your're just insecure!
True, life doesn't revolve around getting laid. But
the fact that some things can get you laid and video games can't speak to a larger truth of the matter. Video games are pretty worthless. They don't expand your horizons make you a more learned or cultured person. They don't really teach you any useful skills. (muh hand-eye coordination studies!) They don't get your body in shape. They don't improve your career aspects (muh tourney cash!). They don't connect you with other humans outside of wasting your time with other similarly developmentally stunted gamer nerds. All they do is make your time that you have nothing better to do with pass a little faster. They're the Mountain Dew and Doritos of the human experience. Just garbage to shove in your fucking face that are designed to appeal to your most base pleasure centers because it's easy. Easy and unfulfilling.
Wouldn't he be 40 in that picture?
That picture must have been taken around 2005.
>I'm above social anxiety, only selfish people suffer from that
Fuck off.
Social anxiety comes from a neurotic personality flaw where they believe EVERYONE in the room is paying attention to them.
Extreme self-consciousness is synonymous with selfishness, this isn't up for discussion.
>playing Switch on the train
>had earphones in but I'm pretty sure some chicks opposite me were mocking me
>meanwhile the 2 people on either side next to me were watching over my shoulder the whole 30 min trip
mixed bag, but I don't give a shit about any of these people and music alone isn't entertainment enough for the longer trips. I'll take the stigma
Not everyone can be a TV star whose only call to fame is hurting himself for people's amusement.
What's really sad is that the person who wrote this pasta wasn't trying to bait.
Everyone suffers from social anxiety, it's a natural result of our evolution into a socialized species. It's why almost everyone votes public speaking as one of their greatest fears. It's only considered a neurological disorder when it becomes crippling and it's equally considered a neurological disorder to not suffer from some form of social anxiety. That's the domain of sociopaths. Being afraid of what people may think of you for playing video games when playing video games is largely considered to be a loser activity is not "extreme self-consciousness", it's warranted self-consciousness.
Is that an image macro?
>i have crippling autism
>everyone must be like me!
>if you're not like me you must be a p-psychopath!!!!
look at how worked up you're getting over playing video games in public
Partly true. But it's brought about by something disproportionately humiliating happening (sometimes repeatedly) early on in their lives. You're trying to make them sound like narcissists, but that's dishonest. Narcs love attention and seek it. Social freaks don't want attention, and fear it.
Who says I'm getting worked up?
I'm just to explain to you why social anxiety is not a neurological disorder. Like it or not, user, but we are hardwired to work with other people and to make babies and there are two barriers to this, a physical one and a social one. Social anxiety helps us to combat the social barrier. It is natural and beneficial.
An absence of this anxiety is not an indication of enlightenment, like you seem to believe, it's actually an indication of possible mental health issues, e.g. depression, narcissism, psychopathy, etc.
>t. normie
Muuuummm! I wrote it again!
>Not playing IM@S Starlight Stage on the bus and anywhere and everywhere.
It's like you don't even wanna max out your jew stars et cetera.
Why are fags on Sup Forums so embarrassed about their hobby? Just do what you like, quit trying to fucking impress random strangers that don't give a shit about you.
At home or bed. Anyone who says "hurr who cares about how you look outside, just play your portable system outside durr" is a faggot who thinks like a brony.
it depends entirely where you're doing it, if you're playing a game while you're at a dinner you look like an autist. However if you're on the train or in a break room you just look like someone killing time.
Mostly in bed or on the couch at home, else if I'm a passenger in a car or train/bus, also if I'm in a hotel or visiting someone for longer periods.
Playing video games in public gives people an excuse to laugh at your other defects without being politically incorrect.
It's true though, autism makes people think everyone is like them.
Social annexy is a disorder, people are social by design, if you are not, then something is wrong with you, either physically or the result enviroment.
Neither of you are mature if you're too self conscious to kneel while enjoying Nintendo's latest 10/10 offerings.
Doesn't Vin Diesel play WoW pretty religiously?
Robin Williams also played them a lot, he even named his fucking daughter Zelda.
>he even named his fucking daughter Zelda
>naming your daughter after a video game character
Embarrassing. No wonder he killed himself.
8/10 chick in my uni course plays 3ds during lectures.
How do I fuck her?
How does autism feel like?
Be more socially awkward, eventually commit suicide by autoerotic asphyxiation while fapping to her.
Closest you will ever get to the real thing.
Dunno, you tell me.
Vin Diesel went on about fucking dwarf fortress in some Fast and Furious behind the scenes interview thing.
He probably visits Sup Forums.
Is that him?
Jokes on you, I only masturbate to video games.
Vin Diesel is more likely to frequent /tg/
That's a pretty autistic response though.
Are you american?
You can't. Chances are you are socially awkward scrawny or overweight faggot with acnes on his face. I mean otherwise you wouldn't be asking this here and slaying that pussy. I bet she is a whore who sucks cocks at parties anyway. Pretty much everyone's cocks but not yours. Let that sink in.
No, you ARE the autistic response, user.
Wasn't he going on about WoW killers? Or was it a different interview? if you're right throw me a link to that shit.
Quit being so fucking self conscious. No one gives a shit except for people like you who think everyone is paying attention to you. Don't flatter yourself, no one cares about you.
So pathetic!
I wonder where she is now?
Please don't end up like this guys
Is that guy with the tied up sweater in the first panel fucking timmy from whitest kids you know?
would not fuck anyways
I think Elijah Wood plays videogames because every celebrity that he has on his gaming review bit normally can't play videogames at all and they're always looking at the controller to see which button is which.
With Elijah he seemed to know what he was doing.
I'm none of the above, and I somehow doubt she does.
But you sound bitter, any way I can help?
>tfw used to play my 3DS in public all the time
>would intentionally go outside to play just because I thought it made the experience better
>walked around grocery stores, public parks etc playing on my 3DS
>last month
>playing Monster Hunter Generations whilst walking around a graveyard
>makes me feel comfortable and happy
>fighting a Cephadrome
>Cephadrome is a monster that hides underground and you ened to use grenades to get it out
>notice a cute girl sitting on a bench and decide to sit next to her
>notice her watching my screen
>manage to throw a grenade and get the Cepahdrome to come out of the ground
>think of a joke
>tell her 'if only a grenade would get your loved one out of the ground'
>she gets really angry and grabs my 3DS, throws it hard on the floor and walks offf
>it ddn't break but the experience has fucked me up
Haven't played in public since. fuck normies
>I somehow doubt she does
Oh, being this naive and young again.
>tfw work with cops
>machismo is off the hook there
I don't want to get bullied if the long arm of the law see me playing my 3ds or vita
>I don't wear shorts
But they're comfy and easy, mate.
Besides, try that shit in an actually hot country.
I get the feeling you take Sup Forums a little too seriously.
>things that never happened