What an abomination

What an abomination

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It's more fun to play than Infinite is

How so?

Story wise, it is better than the last half of 1 and actually made the Big Daddy segment more enjoyable, just by having weapons and plasmids at the same time.

Shit taste

It has better gameplay than the original so no wonder you hate it, fucking normie storyfag casual

But its literally the best bioshock game made

stop pretending

if you wants to discuss the game just say so. instead you'll get 100 replies saying your wrong before we can actually start talking about the game.

How? It's basically Bioshock 1 with improved gunplay.

>better story, gameplay, characters, gameplay, mechanics and level design than the original
>b-but it's shit because it reused the Rapture setting it was soooo special even though Art Deco is in plenty of games and underwater cities where even featured in The Phantom Menace and the plot and story of the original is just a watered down remake of SS2 including the tweeest!

>that pic

I loved doing that. I always felt bad about stealing other daddies sisters in the end.

>yfw bro up with another daddy for the hold the line parts and even taking out a big sister with your other daddy mate
>yfw have to put him down at the end if he ended up surviving it

Legit felt sad doing it. We both just wanted to protect our daughteru's. God I love Bioshock 2.

best shock game since system shock 2

BS2 is the ultimate pleb filter.

>Sup Forums now almost unanimously agrees that bioshock 2 is better than one

what went so right?

The story wasn't as punchy but everything else was improved.
Then Infinite made the gameplay simple as fuck because it wanted to be an interactive story more then a game.

This game seriously triggered my paternal instincts or something like that.
I always ended up feeling protective as all fuck for the Little Sisters.

>leave Little Sister to gather at the body, go look for goodies in the meantime
>suddenly hear her scream for help

I guess I know the meaning of "daughteru" now.

Well it is your mental programming.

>praising worst game in series
>went right?
your contrarian opinion went pretty "right"

what? it's by far the best of the 3.

got all achievements except for the multiplayer ones.

Did Infinite rip off Bioshock 2's story? Because they are very similar with Elizabeth and Eleanor's story

How is 2 worse than Infinite or the last half of 1?

100 fucking percent

That's not Infinite.

>He did not enjoy being the little girl

Spotted the pleb. You obviously meant to post this instead.

Literally name a vidya attack more satisfying than the drill charge. Slamming into motherfuckers at whirlwind speeds and launching their corpses around the room was the tightest fucking shit.

Spotted the reddit. Go shill your crowcuck elsewhere

Rip Sinclair

>Bioshock game being shit
Wow, stop the presses.