Buy MGSV:TPP for PS4 yesterday

>Buy MGSV:TPP for PS4 yesterday
>No Metal Gear General in /vg/

But I have so many questions about SideOps and soldier hunting and FOB construction theory, and general gameplay.

Feels bad, man.

Other urls found in this thread:

You're late to the party, bud. It's been over a year.

The game was so disappointing nobody wants to talk about it anymore

Shit game

It has been two years, actually. I can't believe they never released an expansion. Kingdom of the Flies was begging for it.

The only single one good game in the worst, shittiest most overrated cringiest garbage series ever has been talked to death man, people have moved on.

>no metal gear general

it's dead? wow

nobody ever played fob shit. side ops are all the same open world garbage of go to X and kill Y. you're still in the honeymoon phase, when that's over you'll know why nobody talks about it anymore (hint: massive disappointment, that's only exceeded by how unfinished it is)

even two years ago it was only sustained by joost posting, nothing surprising

Well shit surely there's a record of soldier farming methods or something out there?

Mustards didn't datamine for how the seeds are generated and changed and which SideOps produce what soldiers?

I remember that place being very gay before I left

It was quite possibly the gayest general in /vg/. Joostposting got you banned, and all any of the regulars did was post about Kaz.

The game was so disappointing nobody wants to talk about the series anymore. We used to have 24/7 metal gear threads and they weren't generals.

If you are on PC, you can download a mod that sets S++ soliders to spawn in the field. It was originally going to be like that in the official game, but the spawn chance was sett to zero to encourage FOB play.

Also if you want to expand your base and shit, side missions are pointless. Progressing the story unlocks soldier rewards in the challenge rewards section that lets you skip the initial grind.

MGSV master here, by the way. What do you want to know?

Fuel is a pain in the ass to get, that's the one resource you'll always be lacking

FOBs are shit, gameplay is simplistic. It really doesn't matter what soldiers you pick up as they all play worse than Snake and get automatically kicked out when you find someone better. If you have a question, the answer is either it's impossible, or it's not worth doing. S rank soldiers for example aren't that good compared to the ones from events. It's absolutely retarded.

The game's difficulty is what you make of it. I recommend limiting your use of the tranq gun and Fulton extractions for starters.

If you search, you can find some neat guidelines to make the game more challenging.

this game bores me and mgo frustrates me 0/10 shitty game

there are no "farming methods" all you do is play game and your heroism score gets higher. once you pass 120k which is late in the game s ranks appear everywhere and you can repeat side ops ad inifitum until you fill your worthless, lifeless base with them and who will still die on the even more worthless missions you can send them on to kill b rank mooks for worthless resources you can farm 100x faster by repeating story missions so you can upgrade your +2 gun to a +3 gun.

LMAO you got memed, son.

I wonder what's more disappointing, playing the game at launch or picking it up years later, completely oblivious?

>tfw playing peace walker with /mgg/ waiting for TPP

Good times

>picking it up years later, completely oblivious?
this is probably worst

>online event weapons take ridiculous amount of FOB grinding to unlock
>MGO is an imbalanced mess
>no updates or adding back in cut content
>primary team left with Kojima
It was fun while it lasted. Still have to go back and get those last S ranks for Raiden.

>If you search, you can find some neat guidelines to make the game more challenging.
>neat guidelines
there is no such thing'

just get the latest cheat engine table and max out all of your soldiers and resources
the game lacks any anti cheat and it's too late for Konami to care if you do

He clearly says PS4 in the OP. But yeah, should have gotten it on PC so you could also just cheat in resources and not have to put up with collecting that bullshit.

>there are no "farming methods"

>MGSV master here, by the way. What do you want to know?
Basically, I'm a waifufag and want to get a decent female soldier to play with ASAP. I have a vague understanding of SideOp farming, but I'd like to know what the most direct methods of unlocking the best particular SideOps (Prisoner 02 and 06 I've read), is. I've just opened up Africa and haven't done any SideOps yet. I'd also like to know the most direct route to get to being able to start customizing my guns.

Here is my advice

>kill quiet unless you really care about achievements. She really contributes nothing good to the game. Her cutscenes suck and interupt so much. you dont need to do her arc to get the true ending
>Instead of leaving a mission by helicopter just leave the mission area, this will let you explore the sandbox to do sideops without having to go back to the ACC
>do the master gun crafts man side ops asap. this will let you customize your guns
>use boxes and collect invoices at the outposts, this lets you fast travel
>look up where the music tapes are and collect them right away so you have that sweet soundtrack
>you dont have to do the repeat missions to get the true ending just do the new ones in chapter 2

I just realized I haven't seen a single Metal Gear thread for over a year now.

TPP seriously killed the series.

Playing it at launch because someone buying it day one would most likely be stoked for the game and also because you would have to pay full price.

This is a good MGS but everyone already knows that Konami fucked it up by not letting kojima finish the rest of the game.

Not really since the game is cheaper years later. At launch you pay full price.

There was some shitposting thread about that zombie outbreak Metal Gear game, whatever it was called some days ago.

Not if they got it for cheap.

Aw fuck. On PS4 you may be out of luck for getting a good female soldier. I've got two all S++ female soldiers on PS3 and I only got them from duping with a friend. The mission where you get Eli always spawns a blond blue eyed female soldier, though.

But customising guns is easy. You just play the game until you unlock the legendary gunsmith side missions. They start in africa.

You're a woman.

The true ending sucks, why would anyone want it?

Or just save yourself the trouble and don't play the game at all.

this should also work for PS4

Do you still actually believe that? Konami gave Kojima more than enough time to "finish" TPP if he actually had any plans to in the first place.

fuck up, the game is fun and you know it

It's soulcrushing just how much truly gorgeous yet wholly empty space there is in this game. There's room for so much more content.

My understanding is that the letter rankings don't change stats that much. I don't really care about them anyway. I'm mostly interested in rolling a good skill like Athlete and a decent face and voice. I rolled a nice brunette without asthma in Backup, Back Down, but she's got no Skill and is all Ds.

It took me two years to develop every weapon in the game, and that was with me cheating in resources and staff.

Kept you waiting, huh?

Nothing in TPP indicates that Big Boss actually went nuclear. I don't even know why people care about the story in TPP. It's garbage. Gameplay is really fucking solid, though, so you take what you can get.

I used Cheat Engine for resources and speedhack.
Fuck that noise.

It was fun for a few hours because I was still expecting it to be good. It's shallow and repetitive.

Thanks m8.

Guess I'll have to check those requisite SideOps and see how efficiently I can unlock and complete them.

i'd rather play mass effect 2 and scan planets than run around extracting cargo containers repeating hell bound 900 times then waiting even longer for them to be processed and waiting even longer than that for the base to make a fucking grenade that's 3% better.

if there's any game among the piles of other open world garbage that proves open world was one of the biggest mistakes in video games, its this game - bar none.

The best female soldier you are likely to get is Flaming Buffalo, an S+ combat soldier.

And stats do change things quite a bit. S++ R&D lets you fulton things super quick, S++ medical makes drugs last forever, S++ has twice as much health as A++, and S++ base dev lets you see all cameras and mines on an FOB.

I agree, the first 2 to 3 hours were fun. Then it fell completely apart.

>Konami tries to release a half assed MGS game
>Metal gear survive
I mean how can you not believe that Konami is behind most of the problems? They're trying to milk the franchise now while kojima starts a new franchise.

I know what you mean. I was expecting the game to get good and I just kept playing it for that feeling, but it never got good. The atmosphere of the hospital level was never recaptured.

You destroyed their anti-air radar?

Why did you post a webm of a man getting his head cut off?

I noticed my D chick picks locks slower than Snake, but I didn't think it'd make THAT much of a difference.

Still not too worried about getting S++s yet. Just something like pic related with no asthma. I don't think this soldier model can spawn in B,BD. Gonna have to look into that SideOp I guess.

Am I missing something or are you playing MGSV as a waifu stealth sim?

Because why?

>It has been two years

No it hasn't, faggot.

there was a metal gear general that went on for years before TPP launched

BUT TPP was so shit it killed the general not making this up, pic related is my /mgg/ folder, press F

Add me on PSN: ja_the_man. I still occasiaonlly play online and FOBs. Even part of a small community trying to dismantle nukes. Happy to share the experience with you

understandable, it's the only good part of the game

Part of the scenery. Why play as Venom when I can play as some chick?
Also I have a female soldier fetish.

D-dog is the best buddy for perfect stealth.
FOB is stupid, 99% of the people you'll invade don't play anymore, and the only people that are any fun to invade are the ones with nukes.
There will always be that one guy who is stupid good at cheesing the gameplay mechanics and items and you won't even be able to touch him before he Fulton's you
If you play mgo, literally everyone whos a few levels higher than you will pretty much destroy you with superior equipment
Side ops are mostly boring
Unless you're doing FOB, higher levels variants of weapons are mostly useless
If you don't want to lose your female combat unit soldiers accidentally, put them on a direct contract

They never updated the game to allow you to play the 1p as your MGO character, did they?

no, but they added the swimsuit as an FOB reward

Because we're on Sup Forums

Eeeeh .... I can understand if you have a thing for female soldiers, but otherwise, Quiet was more than enough. You can even stuff her into a uniform.

why because I dont like quiet? As much as I like the idea having a bikini sniper with me she just annoys the fuck out of me

>stupid humming when im trying to listen to music
>have to go back to motherbase to watch a shitty quiet cutscene
>makes game too easy once you have silencers on her
>ending of her arc is inconsequential to anything and not particularly interesting

She should have just stayed a boss, maybe a reoccurring one that randomly hunts you in the sandboxes

Ah, too bad I missed that I guess. Maybe it'll come around again.

Can't play as Quiet though. Which is another thing I can't believe they held out on.

>makes game too easy once you have silencers on her
Just like DD makes sneaking piss easy and walker makes blowing up anything piss easy.

>ending of her arc is inconsequential to anything and not particularly interesting
You mean, like the second act of the game? Its keeping with the tone Kojima set up.

I think I saw a mod that lets you use her model. Look on nexus.

It still hurts

Quiet is ugly and causes second hand embarrassment

every FOB event has the swimsuit in different camo options available, there's an easy one right now with 3 days left and 4 different swimsuits

>I think I saw a mod that lets you use her model. Look on nexus.
PS4 mang...

So close to being a good game but it just isnt.
The Base Infiltration missions are good I personally enjoy invading NPC FOBs because I like the design of the Platforms.
Alas, the game never really reaches its true potential that it's gameplay could really achieve
Such a waste of a good gameplay engine

Okay OP, listen up. You need to build up a ton of resources offline. At least 150000 unprocessed for everything. Then you make a back up of your save. Go online, and let your resources transfer over. Then you load up your back up and go online again. The resources will transfer over again. Repeat until you max out unprocessed, then just wait for it to develop.

I think that after Andromeda, that word is reserved for much worse abominations. But yeah, her face is fucked up in certain parts. Gives her character I suppose.


That's a good thing. Some autist completely fucked /mgg/ up.

It's nowhere near being a good game. The open world absolutely ruins it.

When she leaves, it's a real feeling of loss. She's really useful for total stealth no kills because you can send in her and Pequod to any base and they'll clear it out no problem. Their kills don't add to your kill count.

>Extract Walker Gears from Hellbound
>They don't show up in my list of fieldable vehicles

Now that's disappointing.

>She leaves
>For no real reason
>Replay cloaked in silence 6 times
>Replay cloaked in silence EXTREME
>She returns
>Dont want to play anymore.

I will give Kojima two things, act II is shit 90% of the time, but the quarantine and Quiet leaving at least made me care a bit. Shame the rest of the act wasnt like that.

>why because I dont like quiet? As much as I like the idea having a bikini sniper with me she just annoys the fuck out of me
i used to feel like that but i tend to use quiet a lot because she covers me perfectly cover fire is really nice

They had to make D-walker more relavent I guess. It would have been nice to deploy the standard walkers along with D-dog or something.

The only good thing about MGSV is the female soldiers wearing the bathing suit. Big tits and hips, a fat ass and puffy vulva

>For no real reason

She left for reasons. She cares about Venom and wants to kill him at the same time.

You can get Walker Gears as deployable vehicles. I think it's some kind of sequence break inhibitor, since I haven't gotten far enough in the game to have Walker Gear as a buddy.

user if you like fun turn off hud and don't use any weapons at all.Just sneaking and choking enemies.

Can you play this shit offline?

the series is dead, so, of course we packed up metal gear generals

D-Walker* as a buddy.

But yeah I'm 90% sure you can deploy fultoned Walker Gears at some point.


>still play occasionally mgsv and fobs
>see user who picked up this game and wants to discuss
>join thread
>first fews posts about some butthurt neckbeards crying about how bad it was
>followed by other assmad posts about getting humiliated while playing fobs
>followed by no clue about story or anything else

fucking top kek

MGSV is the best cheap game to pick up and play
don't listen to those degenerates OP, their opinions are irrelevant as fuck
You have to experience the game yourself and those sore fags will go back to whatever the fuck they played before
check this years E3 - Kojima will present juicy content

You can but if you are into base and weapons development it's a extremely grindy to play offline.

You can deploy fultoned tanks and other vehicles, but not walker gears. The walker gears you Fulton can only be used in deployments

I said real reason. This one is pretty flimsy. Why would she want to kill him in the first place, its not like he burned her flesh off and threw her out of the window. And unless I misremember, her only reason for wanting to kill him in the first place was an order from Skullfag.

And also, since she, you know, loves him and what not and with the gymnastics she does in ACC, I think she should be able to let go.

Ah, damn.


Kojima getting fired and KojiPro being disbanded seriously killed the series.

She was letting go, but then Huey fucked shit up and she thought that she could still kill everyone even if she didn't speak. She could have gotten wobachia treatment, but she still hadn't let go completely, so she left.