why did you lie to me Sup Forums
this game is trash
Why did you lie to me Sup Forums
It's your fault for falling to obvious shill.
are you french
MGSV is trash. When did Sup Forums say it wasn't?
we sure needed a thread for this
Enough with the fucking Zelda threads clogging the entire catalog
Oh, now half the entire page is gone
Fuck you
This. Congrats on your plat trophy I guess???
>plated MSGV
Really makes you think...
And you're a nigger, what is worse?
its your fault for being a nignog
It is pretty bad desu
>African posting
lmao at least try to understand the dungeons m8
why is your cat in a cage
might wanna try actually playing it first, you haven't even left the starting area.
That's where trash belongs
It's one of those games that's only as fun as you are.
>3rd world language
>Kojima game
>Hating Zelda
Really makes you think
>still in first 20 minutes of game
>too stupid to even get the bandana
>Wonders why he's not having fun
Its because you suck
>sony gger
I see.
You should get a trash can, idiot
Yeh it sucks. Nice plat guv
>uppity guide reader whining
>Oh, now half the entire page is gone
Stop browsing Sup Forums?
>I cant solve basic puzzles, why don't I like the game
Fucking scrub.
why do niggers come this website? it's not like you can steal anything
What the fuck are you talking about Sup Forums hated it when coming out and the underage, shills, and fan boys loved it before coming out, and still defend it.
This was your fault.
Get off the plateau my guy
>this game is trash
>3 hearts
>base clothing
you've barely even started the game and you're already complaining you little bitch?
yet you still platinumed it you moron
This is the face of PS4.
A fucking dumb ape nigger.
How can sonybros can get any lower?
The trick to Sup Forums is read the arguments in the threads, not just the OP who is shilling/trolling. Because many people here warned you but you obviously didn't pay attention to it.
Subtle kek
shut up sotyrone
Turn you PS4 you fucking animal thats a waste of electricity.
>the face of PS4.
>literally holding a Switch
can ninteniggers get any lower
>using 'Ninteniggers' unironically
>having no grasp on grammar
can (you) get any lower?
What does combining company names with pejoratives have to do with proper grammar? Also, why do you tie your identity to console war faggotry?
say Nintenigger out loud, right now.
now say Sonybro.
that's my problem, if you're gonna fling insults, at /least/ use something that rolls off the tongue easily, honestly, anyone unironically using 'Nintenigger' as an insult sounds downright retarded doing so.
>being black
>having a opinion that matters
what is it about black people and having absolute shit taste?
It's a great game. It's not quit your job, jizz your pants good, but it's solid.
>black hands