I liked Jade Empire. I liked KOTOR. I liked them both like hell. Will I like this?

I liked Jade Empire. I liked KOTOR. I liked them both like hell. Will I like this?

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Most likely. Wouldn't be so sure about the sequels though.

Sure the first one is great.

The sequels you'll hate though.

ME2 is the best game in the series though.

Yeah, most likely

played it a few weeks ago and it's pretty good, liked kotor more though

ME1 is great

ME2 was so-so for me, but lots of peeps praise it as the superior one in the series.

ME3 is fucking shit, laughable at best.

Yeah. ME1 was a legit good game. Just stay away from it's shit sequels. Even ME2 is bad.

>Gears of War lite with a tacked on conversation mechanic is better than a legit RPG


>jesus metaphore

it really isn't, ME2 is fanfic at best

I know you're baying but
>The stripped down motion picture theme park ride game mass effect 2 is better than the game it's based on

ME2 is the best shooter in the series that happens to have a conversation system
ME1 is a space opera with the best worldbuilding and poor shooter combat


I love KOTOR. ME1 is mediocre. ME2 is shit. ME3 is mediocre.

Most likely: I did.

The sequels turn it into a corridor filled with waist high walls shooter.

me2 is the best

good story, good gameplay however it suffers in how they watered down the rpg mechanics

but at least it has the best gunplay. me1's was terrible and me3's somehow managed to be worse than 2's

It sort of has that kotor vibe. It loses it in the sequels.

Yeah if you like cover shooters over RPG's maybe. But then why play a series like Mass Effect in the first place?

ME2 is literally a Gears of War clone with a dialog wheel tacked onto it.

Since the shooting in the series is terrible by any standards, that doesn't give ME2 any points.

ME1 is great, combat is barebones but you can have tons of fun with customization and other shit, like making gun that goes overheat after each shot
ME2 is shit in every possible way
ME3 has good gun play and that's all, same shit as a me2

just playing through them

1 is as good as remembered

2 is more of an action game, much less micromanagement, much less RPG

still good games tho

replaying it at the moment and i am not really loving it. The combat really is a mess and it doesn't deliver on either the action or the strategy. The story is so so but already knowing where the story will go kind of makes it less interesting. I hate the dialogue wheel with a burning passion and i encountered a situation where no matter what option i choice my shepard ended up saying the exact same thing.

>good story
>good gameplay
>If enemy has armor you can't use skills on him
>headshots don't register if enemy has shield or armor
It was so shit after first game, it's not even funny

This, ME2 is just another Gears knockoff. Compared to a real third person shooter ME2 comes off as clunky as fuck and not really that fun.

ME2 is such a half assed game. Half assed RPG mechanics, half assed world building, half assed gameplay.

ME1 had some weird unique sorta shooting gameplay that could have been a bit more ironed out but at least it stayed true to being a full blown RPG. It felt like an RPG and not a shooter even though you could manually aim. It didn't feel like it was ripping off other games at all. It's a shame 2 threw it all out to be Gears of War lite with a dialog wheel modded in.

ME2 has planet scanning and should be condemned as a terrible game for it.

I never understood why people didn't like the Mako. Yeah it was a bit janky, but I thought it was fun as hell. Driving around those desolate planets really did give you that explorer feel.

I heard it was awful to control on consoles. I played on PC and had no problems at all, it was fun to do stunt shit with the thrusters.

oh god was this shit tedious. worse than the mako.

Hmm, maybe that was the problem. I also played it on PC.

I remember I used to just set aside a chunk of time to farm up ~50k of each (less of eezo) so I didn't have to go back and mine some more


No, somehow it has aged far worse than Kotor or Jade Empire.

Your just setting yourself up for disappointment anyway, stay away from Mass Effect.

Exactly, on top of that, those desolate planets were realistic. Most planets we've discovered are completely desolate barren rocks or gas formations. What people expected was earth biome 1 the planet and earth biome 2 the planet, etc etc, but instead they got a more realistic representation of planets in a system.

I played on console and honestly had 0 issues with the mako
It was fun to drive
I completely agree
those barren planets also made the ones with life/water immensely more special/enjoyable

>I'm too retarded to easily remove the shield or armor with the skills given to me

Jesus Christ. ME2 was a far shittier game from a RPG standpoint but you're just being a genuine retard to pretend you have a point. Actually criticize shit worth criticizing.

I think people hated Mako because of the combat sections, the Mako was so agile that the enemies could never land a hit on it, it had a 3 second delay hitscan rocket launcher, machine gun, jet boosts and shields/armor up the ass.

Even the identical buildings kinda made in universe sense for me. I imagined they were cheap assembly line prefabs that colonists bought to set up quickly.

Yeah, it just made sense for it to be like that
Sure it's space age, but setting up colonies is would still be expensive as fuck, and people would save money where they could

Kotor is my favourite game ever but I hate mass effect.
It's just a fps man it has nothing to do with glorious d&d like kotor combat

ME1 is shit
>combat is clunky
>classes don't feel unique and mostly come down to which guns you can use
>there's really never any reason to pick any other class than soldier since other options just makes time-to-kill ratio longer and don't have any other benefits to negate that
>all the loot in the game is copypasted, customization comes down to just hap dazedly changing upgrades on your weapons and armor, none of which has any noticeable impact on how you deal with the combat
>any mission outside of the main story is garbage, pure unfiltered shit, on the same level as any of the worst dragon age 2 sidequests
>reused maps and locales up the ass, people gave da2 shit (and rightly so) but this is game is the genesis of bioware's lazy side content development
>exploration is shit
>companions are okay (ashley/kaidan excluded)
>main story is good and the best part of the game, however it should be noted how short it actually is, takes about 10 hours at most which is laughably short for an rpg

>never any reason to pick any other class than soldier
Let's not say things that we might regret later, what if somebody actually thinks you're being serious and actually picks the soldier for his playthrough.

>ME1 is a space opera with the best worldbuilding and poor shooter combat
The first Mass Effect doesn't have shooter combat at all. It's an AD&D RPG combat system based on dice-rolling. Nobody did understand that.
You win by properly leveling your characters and equipping the right gear.


But just consider it an ending, don't dive into Mass Effect 2 & 3

Mass Effect 1 was the last good Bioware game

well it's true, none of the unique abilities of other classes (biotics, cloak, shield) are good alternatives to the soldiers assault rifle since the combat in it's execution is so basic. playing an adept for example is just an exercise in frustration and still mostly boils down to shooting shit, albeit more slowly and with less damage now with the pistol

>Not playing infiltrator with 1 shot oerheating sniper for sick dmg
>Not playing adept for jedi simulator
You're playing the game wrong.
You pick a class and then min-max the hell out of it and then you use only that class special quirks. Infiltrator only uses sniper and abilities, adept only uses abilities etc.
You gotta ROLEPLAY the classes.

Oh and vanguard must be played as a sassy black woman who only has girls in her squad.

You're a joke, just like that games gameplay, and characters, and story too.


how will i ever recover?

I literally just finished this game 15 mins ago OP. It's not as fun as KOTOR largely because there are retarded parts where u have to drive around in a rover that was obviously intended to pad the gameplay time. I'd say the story was better though. It's a 10 year old game but I highly suspect it was overrated. Meh/10

>Oh and vanguard must be played as a sassy black woman who only has girls in her squad.
das rite gurrl.

I had 2 friends playing it recently and they both had a blast with it.

you'll like the first two most likely, the third is a disappointment. prepare to rage about the ending.

You'd probably like it OP. It's a bit dumbed down but it's also more creative and polished.
Stay away from the sequels.

Mass Effect is my favourite Bioware game and I love KOTOR so probably.

Mass Effect 2 is also pretty good, like most of the people in this thread I didn't like that they made it more of a shooter and less of an RPG.

Mass Effect 3 is also good, except for the ending of course, the multiplayer was surprisingly good as well.

People don't like to remember, but Sup Forums universally loved ME2 when it came out and board was comprised 90% positive discussion about the game for months afterwards. It's really the release DA2 when people started retroactively shitting on it.

I enjoyed it and I'm certainly glad I played it to completion. I can't imagine having a blast unless you rarely play games or you've never played a similar game. Its age showed quite a bit.

>People don't like to remember, but Sup Forums universally loved ME2 when it came out and board was comprised 90% positive discussion about the game for months afterwards
>/vg/ style circlejerk waifu threads

One of them never played ME Series, he liked ME1 the most.
The other one played ME2 and a bit of ME3, he enjoyed ME1 except the MAKO parts but still likes ME2 due to combat.
As for the age, I can agree on that.

I should add I picked ME1 up right after finishing BOTW so I don't know if that skewed my view. The Mako parts really did detract from an otherwise great game so maybe I'm being harsh. I also did a neutralish semi direct run cuz the side quests didnt grab my attention enough for me to justify exploring more often. If it was 10 years ago I'm sure I would have save scummed or ran tons of side quests because the atmosphere was really great and I'd have little idea of what to expect from a sequel.

Yeah the Main Quest Mako parts were not his complaints.
It's the side missions Mako parts that bothered him, I can understand that, Mako was weird with controls.
There is also the case or reused assets everywhere and how every pirate base/shuttle looked the same.
Game has a flaws but I still see it as unpolished gem.
game with potential, tarnished by ME2
I'm replaying it right now.

>game with the shittiest gameplay is the best in the series

ME3 has the best gameplay shit story
ME1 has the best story shit gameplay

ME2 is the best because it has balance of the 2

>ME2 had shit story AND shit gameplay

>look at how much of a contraarian retard i am

really makes me think

That's not how you spell worst

Stop reposting shit you have seen on Reddit.

ME2 didn't have a good story.

It was squadmate babysitting bullshit.

Except the story in ME2 was a anime tier filler that doesn't matter at all in the series.
What matters is the Arrival DLC only.
It was one big sidequest.

>ME2 had a shitty anime story
>but kotor2 is the great shit in existence despite being because its the same anime shit
but EDGY
really activates my almonds

ME2 had the best roster of squad mates and it was actually the only game in the trilogy that delivered on the "your choices matter" meme with the suicide mission.

I didn't say anything about KOTOR2 m8. Learn to read.

>good story
You die, then you live, you work for teh bad guys now, do 20 side quests then after one story mission the game is already over.
>me2 is the best

Who was talking about KOTOR2 here fuckface?

ME1 combat > ME2

>Actual heatsink weaponry that abides by the lore and makes sense mechanically(and is a neat concept)
>Weapon and armour mods that actually feel like you're outfitting an RPG character complete with stats
>Powers are on individual cooldowns so you can chain them together to get yourself out of a sticky situtation when there is no cover
>Cover works just fine and requires no "bind spacebar to everything" to work

Then ME2 came along and scrapped it all for a shitty gears clone with global cooldowns and THERMAL FUCKIN CLIPS

We're now to the point that people are defending ME1's repetition as "realistic." What happened?

You mean the story that could have been cut out completely and nothing would have changed?

ME1 is preferred by people who think RPGs are good and that no other genre is. If it is not an RPG, it is bad.

If you liked heatsink weaponry then you might like Andromeda, just saying.

only if you like souls games, BOTW and nioh, you literally have to pretend the game is good

But ME2 is neither a good RPG or a good TPS. It just sits there in shallow mediocrity. It has a few good things going for it:

Illusive Man
Shadow Broker

That's literally it.

And ME1 is bad at both, yet people prefer it because it is more RPG less shooter. Shooty shooty bad me like numbers.

Martin Sheen was really good as the illusive man. Great performance desu

One of the few things I enjoyed about ME2.

But it tried to be different and succeeded in being a decent shooter RPG. It beats ME2 in both RPG mechanics which results in a better TPS experience since it's not a clone of a better game.

>Shooty shooty bad me like numbers
You never see numbers though

>But it tried to be different
>and succeeded in being a decent shooter RPG
no. That would be ME2 actually.
> It beats ME2 in both RPG mechanics which results in a better TPS experience
what the fuck? I don't think you've played a shooter in your life,
>since it's not a clone of a better game.
It's funny, when people call ME2 and 3 "Gears clones" they are fully admitting that they've never played Gears. It's as faulty as calling a mid-90s FPS a Doom clone.
>You never see numbers though
On the menu?

In the context to what existed at the time, it was the framework of what everyone expected as a true Vista space Odyssey. If you weren't there, you wouldn't understand, that's why so many people are revolted by the idea of the Mass Effect.

ME2 is not a decent shooter.

The best TPS I've ever played is MP2 and 3 and ME2 comes nowhere close. I compare it to a shitty gears clone because that's exactly what it is. You hide behind chest high walls and pop up and shoot when your health is topped up.

Numbers on the menu are just the stats of your equipment since it is an RPG. ME2 seemed to forget that though.

I remember the board being split almost 50-50, actually. Everyone loved that all the side missions were fleshed out, but lack of mako, parred down rpg elements, and numbered ammo (after making a big deal about the tech of the guns in ME1 codec) rubbed a lot the wrong way. That's what happens when you lose the main writer.

Not that guy but I was fucking there, I was in college and ME1 itself was the disappointment, not its sequels. Bioware clearly bit off more than they could chew. Unlike the wide-eyed tykes in this thread I did not and do not give a damn about "potential," nor do I think ME was aiming for anything special outside of the choices mattering for three games (which anyone with a developed brain called BS on immediately) and the facial animations (which were great, but they were also great in the sequels). Space odyssey? They'd already made it, it was called KotOR and it was far better than Mass Effect ended up being. What they did with ME2 was not flush the series' potential down the toilet, but dialed back on a bunch of dumb ideas they didn't need and made a tighter, better game.
Ironically, despite the lack of planet exploration, it actually had better atmosphere thanks to good skyboxes (not unlike KotOR) and a fuckton more unique assets, animations, and camerawork that made the world feel alive.

I came from the exact same position.
You will love ME 1
You will enjoy ME 2
You will never play ME 3 if you know what's best for you

>You hide behind chest high walls and pop up and shoot when your health is topped up.
Absolutely, just like how in Disgaea you have a bunch of creatable characters by class you put on a checkerboard you view at diagonal angles, which makes it a Tactics Ogre clone.

>ME2 seemed to forget that though.
What does Mass Effect 1 being an RPG have to do with Mass Effect 2? Who cares about labels, why can't they just want good games, no matter the series they belong to?

Thought experiment: take your favorite video game, and imagine it is the next entry in your favorite series from a different genre. The game is exactly the same, only the title has changed. Is it a shitty game suddenly?

>What does Mass Effect 1 being an RPG have to do with Mass Effect 2?

Pistols do more damage than assault rifles in me1.

per shot? sure, but the rate of fire is more important

>You hide behind chest high walls and pop up and shoot when your health is topped up.
Like in ME1...?

In ME1 you actually have a choice to just disregard cover and use your powers/abilities to take down your enemies. You can play the whole game like that instead of playing whack-a-mole.

>chest high walls
Only in few places
It's usually corners

Yes, because it's piss easy. I'm glad you like your games to be so easy you can walk into the center of a room full of enemies and spam powers and shooting to win, so much better than "whack-a-mole."

Also ME2 actually offers more options for getting enemies out of cover than ME1 does with the curving powers.

>game without regen of heal, one shot attacks and limited heals
>easier than cover and regen me2

People are shitting too hard on ME2 here.

The main story was pretty horrible but you could consistently spend 15 hours between each time you have to think about the collectors and that BS. All the side quest stuff on Omega or Illium, the crime syndicate stuff, the sometimes great side missions on ships and random planets, and most of all the lotalty missions, that stuff was good.

3 had the least memorable side quests and horrible main story but the tightest shooting and that was it pretty much.

>game without regen of heal, one shot attacks and limited heals
uh, which game was this, because it's not ME1

>regen of heal

welp, guess you need to replay the game before you continue posting

Me1 has healt regen mods, but you need to instal those on the armor. Only the shields regen

Shut up, faggots
ME2 health regen was smarter and made game feel less tedious