This is the greatest soundtrack I've ever heard in a video game. Not just the music itself...

This is the greatest soundtrack I've ever heard in a video game. Not just the music itself, but the way its used in the game is fucking unbelievable.

What's your favourite track?

Other urls found in this thread:

Nier was better faggit


>your favorite track

Hard to say as 1. It's all really good and 2. It all relies so much on dynamic beats and vocals.

End of the Unknown gets me fucking pumped, though.

Also praise Jesus for the chiptune remixes.

I'm not far enough in to say. Too many sidequests sidetracking me. I never figured Persona 5 was going to lose Best Soundtrack, but it's going to happen.

>What's your favourite track?

>What's your favourite track?
That's obvious.

>Everyday's great when you're me!

but that's not true at all emil

>don't have any monies for a PS4
>this is literally the game I have been waiting on for years
>loved the shit out of the first NieR's soundtrack
>completely avoid any NieR threads because don't want to get spoiled
>want to listen to the soundtrack so bad

I don't even know why I'm in this thread. Fuck me

Just let him be happy, goddamnit.

2B dies.

I've gone up to peaceful robot village and I'm really confused now, the boss battle before that though did not disappoint me.

Even the song titles contain spoilers, leave now user

>Even the song titles contain spoilers, leave now user

Figured. The same thing with the original's soundtrack.

Weight of the World

Yo when the fuck does he sing or is that an english exclusive thing? I prefer his mindless humming

When you're close to his shop

Just listen to
>Machine Village
>Wretched Weaponry

Or the whole thing. Shits fucking TIGHT yo./

The opened wa-


you can google the tracklist i think by now

So he does

>no one in the thread has posted best track yet
Jesus christ, you're all slow.

>started second half of the game yesterday
>that whole opening sequence
That was certainly breathtaking. The game was extremely melancholic and nostalgic up to that point. Wonder how that would change. Dropping some of the songs and leaving the thread:

Listening through the ost; when did Possessed by Disease play during the game? I don't remember it.

>This is the greatest soundtrack I've ever heard in a video game.
Incredible. It's like neo-Sup Forums started playing video games maybe 2 or 3 years ago.
Or maybe it's just Tarobots? Those definitely never played anything other than Drakengards and Nier.

The sad as fuck song that starts playing when 9S builds a grave for 2B at Emil's garden of lunar tears.
Jesus Christ that hit me as hard as a friggin truck.

This game is like a professional torturer. It knows exactly which strings to pull in order tomake you experience the most excruciating pain and bottomless sorrow despair without actually killing you. It leaves you agonizing eternally, wishing you'd just die already to be freed from this grief.

Fuck I haven't finished route C but I want out already. This is too fucking much for me.

...Except not really?

She's an android. They don't "Die" because they're not even really alive.
Unlike a flesh and blood human where death is final, the androids can just be rebuilt. Pretty sure there's one ending where they are.

Here comes that guy going to post epic orchestra number 1827278189

Daily reminder:

epic ftw

Well, how good is it selling, then?

Yes, in the opening. We've all seen that in the demo.

Except in Branch C, after the Bunker explodes, and then she gets corrupted by the YorHa virus she actually fucking dies.

>Yes, in the opening. We've all seen that in the demo.

I don't even know why there are people who get upset about it.

2B dying is literally a fucking game mechanic.


>Except in Branch C, after the Bunker explodes, and then she gets corrupted by the YorHa virus she actually fucking dies.

Get endings C and D.

Then get ending E.

She's fine.
They're all fine.

They're fucking robots.
one of the best songs I've heard in a video game honestly the entire soundtrack is really good

I've gotten all the endings.

They're not fine. They're all dead but rebuilt. Likely losing all their memories up to that point.

But 2B's memories are in her sword and 9S's were backed up.

No, they're rebuilt with all of their past memories intact.
Because that's how it works.

It's called memory backup.

>It's called memory backup.
Where and when did 9S backed up his memories after Bunker went BOOOM?

So is this game like the first NIER in that the second playthrough makes you feel like a total asshole because you can understand what the bosses are saying?

Sort of.

Fighting Beauvoir again doesn't make you out to be the bad guy, but he/she is fairly tragic

You are totally the bad guy in the Forest Kingdom though, if playthrough A didn't make it obvious enough

does it still have open world/side quests?

Can someone explain the whole 2B models are designated to kill 9S models stuff? The explanation during the ending I got (C) was kind of confusing.

I like Eve's boss fight. And how the title for that song shits on him even more.

2B Models are standard battle models. 2B is actually 2E (Executioner) with B as her cover designation. She has been killing 9S every time he gets close to discovering the secrets of Yorha project to reset his memory. The implication is that she has done it many times before the intro sequence. Whether or not every S model is assigned an E partner is unknown, but most likely the case.

Is it just me or 9S seems to have a different weapon moveset and a better one?
He seems to throw his weapons and all his attacks are multi-hit while only some of 2B's small sword attacks are multi-hit.