stop being paid decent wages
Stop being paid decent wages
But don't you get it? Through extreme corporatization we can have cheaper iphones! There is no other possible alternative or other aspects of possible dialogue because leading economists said that this can be advantageous! Don't you get it? That means there can be no other form of advantageous form of governance.
>stop ordering bean burritos
This autistic manlet is everything I hate about my personality, but turned up to 11.
>tfw you'll never experience the comfy twich WoL streams from destiny ever again
>tfw you unironically can't find fault with much of what Destiny says but everyone hates him
Am I the baddie? There's not a logical reason against his economical policy but I'm sure I'll get a dozen "lol" strawmen.
>SJWs hate him because of shit he did years ago and a racial comment taken out of context
>Alt-right hates him because he's beta bitch that "tricks" them into saying dumb shit in front of thousands of people
He's perfect.
>the retard magnet
>brofester hit squad
>the time he sat in a skype call with catz to laugh at that kid who ddosed him
>that time he persuaded combatex to actually fucking use
>that time he "reviewed" a bronze game
>that time he gave an indepth analysis of brood war compared to sc2, notably how much blizz pushed sc2 to be competitive in so much that the game at one point wasn't so fantastic for those who wanted to play casually.
fucking hold me
I like to think that when Arin took a shot at Destiny for shitting on animators on twitter, he thought "this one's for you, Jon" to himself.
stop posting e-celeb garbage
Quit being under 6' tall
I just feel like I don't really know I guess I just don't know i mean i feel like i mean dawg dawg this is the thing i just feel i don't really feel like i know dawg of course not I just feel like I don't really know I guess I just don't know i mean i feel like i mean dawg dawg this is the thing i just feel i don't really feel like i know dawg
do they actually think he tricks them
His economic policy is basically:
>do whatever you can to depress the wages of poor people so employers make more money on their profit margins
>tax said employers and redistribute their money to the poor people you just made even poorer by depressing their wages
And somehow this is better than just making sure poor people are paid decently.
Shadow of mordor is a bad game
he prepares for days then "debates" people by talking as fast as possible to fluster them. keep in mind the people he invites on usually haven't done preparation for days like him nor have they done a "debate" before
he's an insecure reddit autist arguing with retarded fat buffoons like jontron of all people
So he's basically Bill O'Reilly
but the people he invites have every opportunity to go "Okay I'll come on in a few days" and prepare themselves, no?
>keep in mind the people he invites on usually haven't done preparation for days like him nor have they done a "debate" before
Are you insinuating that this is somehow Destiny's fault?
>into saying dumb shit in front of thousands of people
Like a military intervention in Mexico?
>Mfw even the leftists are turning on him now
>mfw he's on complete meltdown
He's been destroyed in every 'debate' i've watched so far. All he does is try to throw word salad at people without saying much at all and hope that they get lost in the discussion. When someone criticizes a point of his or presents a counter argument, he immediately employs the reasoning he finds in that split second to try and give himself a way out saying, "That's now what I meant" and presents a different argument. If you were to point that out to him, which people have on several occasions, he uses the exact same method to try and disprove it.
He's like cognitive dissonance personified.
no, just saying he's not exactly debating against the creme of the crop. it's just not as impressive as people seem to think he is
also he's a pedo
Does "redistribute their money to the poor people" mean free healthcare, free public transportation, free education and so on or something else?
>also he's a pedo
Sargon completely dumpstered him and now he's chimping out so hard that he's turning his own allies against him
I don't get it. Is he a lolbertarian or something?
He mentioned retraining, maybe compensation pay during transition too? Didn't listen too much.
I don't think he's mentioned any allies?
b-but varg
had willing relations with a minor. and has argued for both incest and pedophilia as not being bad things, while having a young child of his own
He said communism is just an economic thing
Him chimping out at animators of all things has youtubers and streamers with MUCH bigger followings shit talking him now.
His allies being his fellow liberals
Do you expect him to not get destroyed? He debated his own mom live, on stream, for money. And then he gave up his son to play video games for a living. He's not all there in the head.
This is exactly what I meant when I said
>but I'm sure I'll get a dozen "lol" strawmen.
Do you actually believe that's his position?
Granted I'm an international business major and not an economics major, but I have at least spend 6 months studying it for what that's worth.
Almost every economist will tell you what Destiny regurgitates, that human capital is a valuable resource. And that yes it depresses unskilled wages temporarily, it's net (and long-term) benefits greatly outweigh these depressed wages.
What seems to be the crux of the alt-right's protectionism is that low skilled labor should be kept for the native population. The above is evidence against this, and every first world nation will have a dying population because the higher the wealth, the less children. Japan is a fantastic example because they won't accept immigrants so wages increase for low-skilled work, but the overall economy begins to stagnate. This has been observed recently in the US as well, as the middle class pay has halted.
Yeah, it's pretty hilarious
Anyhow, I don't know where destiny gets off thinking he's relevant anymore. He died with SC2
>he prepares for days then "debates" people by talking as fast as possible to fluster them
This is a thing but he does allow people to explain themselves until they usually claim something he said which he often never did or it's out of context. Still, it's more entertaining than civil.
Forgot pic.
The problem is that I don't think he's incapable of understanding when he's been destroyed. I think that's what his meltdowns are actually about.
Funny, the internet seems to be talking about him ever since the debate. That's relevance.
is this man undergoing an exorcism
He does not understand that migration decreases the average wage for low-paid jobs.
I don't think anything else needs to be said.
> He debated his own mom live, on stream, for money.
You have got to be shitting me. Now I gotta watch this. That's fucking hilarious.
>retarded Sup Forums shills get ruined by some idiot streamer that actually researches stuff instead of spouting memes
just kys gators
I've been seeing this guy everywhere now. What happen? I don't watch streamers.
talking shit about how retarded he is != relevance
Pretty sure he did it twice.
>he allows people to explain themselves
>in his debate with Jon he completely dismissed his points because he used Europe as an example
>migration decreases wages
>migration is halted, wages still suck
No matter what we're fucked.
No such thing as bad publicity.
Do you know the context to that statement?
I doubt it, or you wouldn't make such a stupid fucking post.
Debated Jontron, they both looked silly. Debated Sargon and pissed off the entire animation youtube community
>spout unsourced bullshit
>say "appeal to authority" when you get statistic and studies that disprove your opinion
the Sup Forumsturd argument book
Because Destiny specifically was talking about the USA, and Jonbon kept trying to steer the conversation into something that fit his agenda.
Except he recently (past two or three days) had a discussion with someone about his incest comments and he said pedophilia was abhorrent and incest outside of 18+ consenting siblings was a bad idea due to the power dynamics of parent-child sexual relationships.
Migration literally lowers the pay though. Look at Britain. All jobs get taken by migrating polacks because they work for lower wages
>literally destiny cock suckers in this very thread
I laughed at you autists trying to orbit and defend him from shoeonhead and other twitter chumps.
How did he give up his son when was raising him with his video game career?
Bringing up europe is valuable because whats happening in Germany, and specifically Sweden can and will happen here.
destiny's way of coping with the insane anal rektoning he feels after the Trump election was to invite every and any random onto his stream to "debate"
stop giving this vertically challenged cunt attention
Explain to me why we need unlimited growth as opposed to caring more about quality of life as preservation of culture. Explain why Japan, an island smaller than California with a population several times bigger than Canada, needs more people and not just less old people.
>Am I the baddie?
You just fell for his flimsy debate tactics that get shit all over as soon as someone who's been around the block with that kind of malarkey and then punishes him for it.
He's all faff and no substance.
Yes he was responding to Jontron claim that if the right is bad cause of Nazi association then the left is the same from a communist association
Destiny then blustered and just went communism is just some economic thing not relevant. Cause his only tactic is to deflect not argue a point in detail
Are you saying that the crisis going on in Europe could never happen in the US
I'm not disagreeing m8, just saying that no matter the reason people will find an excuse to fuck you.
Didn't he dismiss it because Destiny doesn't know much about Europe compared to America so he can't really discuss the effects within EU?
Big fan of Destiny here.
I just want him to play video games and stop this debate shit. I don't care about your opinions about things you don't know about or have googled.
>changes his stances when people hear him say it and are calling him out on it
those aren't what he said the first time
No, he knows that it does but it benefits the overall economy. His folly is thinking that the losers of this deal can be reimbursed and retrained sufficiently to offset their losses.
He quotes from this article, yet he doesn't care about the big disclaimer near the end that says it's a pipe dream to expect bureaucrats and corporations to reimburse the losers of globalism.
I'm pretty sure he said those exact words, and said that that is a negative. He's explained that immigration does have its negatives, but in his opinion and from what he's read, there is a net benefit to immigration
The only good thing Destiny did was the Shadow of Mordor review while everyone else was jerking it off.
>watching destiny the cuck
>not exclusively watching kaceytron, miramisu and pink sparkles
>Destiny a year ago.
>"I would never argue any academical topic because I know I simply lack the depth of knowledge to form a complete opinion."
>Destiny now.
>"Let me explain you how economics work!"
I'll need a source then if those aren't his actual positions.
He's got a history with it. So even his "attacks" sound more like a "request"
you have never been to Europe.
germany having refugees that rape sometimes isn't a crisis, a crisis is greece or spains economy.
>watching a literal pedo
Obvious solution is import more Achmeds to replace the polacks.
No, you fucking idiot. What I'm saying is that in context of a debate, turning it into Whataboutism is a great way to look terrible.
>I like my Ford truck, it runs well and is reliable
That's how Jonbon sounds.
He talks fast which confuses people. I agree with that to an extent.
That somehow tricks his opponents into stating their true beliefs which are questionable at best.
He "tricked" JonTron into talking about genetics and white superiority when Jon is Iranian/Hungarian.
He "tricked" some alcoholic redneck into talking about his superiority due to his IQ (heh) and race.
He "tricked" a redpilled YouTuber into confessing he's an obese fuckwad who believes he's stronger for accepting it.
>t. virginfag who's never been closer to a real woman
I don't give a fuck what the man does in his own free time.
>he just parrots what he reads online and takes it at face value
Who was the latest person he debated and bailed out on? Monkey something? He called him out not really understanding what he's talking about and just quoting shit.
Thooorin fucked this guys arsehole and Sargon came in while he was still raw
>watching twitch sluts and not exclusively kaceytron
>Calls animators and artists entitled
>plays video games for a living
You're so fucking retarded. Holy shit read a book please, all you internet right wings retards below the age of 20 need to fucking get a brain.
Sargon of Akkad just wrecked him without breaking a sweat. The guy's a flat track bully.
it is pretty kekworthy that leftists call him a racist nazi and right-wingers call him an SJW
Some manchild insulting him on twitter is not proof user.
Then again Sup Forums probably doesn't know the difference.
>it's a Sup Forums becomes Sup Forums episode
>it's a Sup Forums pretends to know anything while shitting on someone that also pretends to know things while they both just look like fucking idiots
Doesn't this guy have his own hugbox chat? Is there anything else you really need to know about him?
He said that playing video games for a living is entitled too though.
>Explain to me why we need unlimited growth as opposed to caring more about quality of life as preservation of culture.
Because you can't have the latter without the former.
A population's well-being is literally dependent on it's economical strength. To put it simply, your own personal well-being is reliant on your income, no? So broaden that example out onto the population. Same idea. Quality of food, healthcare, social services, education, etc. This all costs money.
For the culture part, you cannot "preserve" a culture. It's literally impossible and the antithesis of what culture is. You will never find an anthropologist who will tell you differently. I also want to make it clear that I'm trying to be respectful because I'm assuming you're genuinely asking and not trolling like so many.
I literally live in Europe you cuck
>Sweden has as many grenade attacks as a war zone
>Cars always being set on fire
>No go zones
>Journalists can't film in certain areas