Baldur's Gate thread

We had a comfy BG thread a couple of days ago. Lets get one going again. All IE games welcome.

I'm starting a new char (pic related). Has anyone taken a pure Kensai through the entire trilogy? I've beaten SoA with one and I know they get pretty strong at high levels, but I assume BG1 is gonna be hard what with all those archers. My party composition is going to be:

Weeb Bhaalspawn

I would like to use Dorn, but Kagain is a much better tank, Viconia and Monty are necessarry, and the Edwin/Baeloth combo is godly at nuking just about everything.

Other urls found in this thread:

I have a question.
I started playing BG sometimes before but never got far.

I was thinking of trying again.

It's my understanding that there is the expanded version for both BG1 and BG2.
And there is a game, Siege of Dragonspear, to explain what happens between them.

So, if I play the expanded version of BG I, then Siege of Dragon Spear, can I import my character from Siege of Dragon Spear to BG II?
Or only from the end of BG I?

Also, I usually play D&D games with a wizard, but from what I saw BG I finish in very small levels, where wizard is still weak. Will I have much trouble playing BG I with a wizard in terms of combat?

don't play siege of dragonspear

Why not?
(I would also like to know if it is necessary to the story.
I understand that BG II start with you being a prisioner. But I thought that it was how BG I ended. Then I was told that BG I ended in a completely different way, and there was no explanation on how you become a prisioner at the start of BG II, is this true?)

I actually got interested in playing baldur's gate after watching an e-celeb shit do a 2-hour deconstruction of the whole franchise. Any tips for a noob?

Siege of Dragonspear was made by people with no respect for the franchise. It has awful writing and boring scenes. Don't worry too much, the actual story in both BG1 and 2 is very simplistic and straightforward. The games never had exceptional writing, the main reason to play them is the sheer amount of solid content you can experience.

it was written by a person who had a fetish for social justice so it's filled with a lot of weird transgender/racism shit

i mean if you're into that go ahead and play it
order for the games is
bg1 -> siege of dragoncock -> bg2 -> throne of bhaal
I think you can import it from SoD but I never tried

>Will I have much trouble playing BG I with a wizard in terms of combat?
No, Wizards always end up great. The thing is that even if you minmax like a pro, there's a companion that's a better at you at it because of a ring he has which you can't take


It's an amulet that Edwin wears not a ring

great you're right and i made a mistake

fuck you

Thank you, I think I understand better now.

I see a lot of people taking about "dual classing" wizard and warrior, but that it works in a different way from simple multiclass. I only played ed.3.5 and games based on it (neverwinter nights 1, 2... well, torment too, but I understand torment has it's own "system" to a degree), so I don't understand this mechanic. Can someone give me the general idea about it?

Also, can someone told me things to avoid doing, or that I should be doing in the game but that I can avoid by mistake?

When I first played I killed that potential party member monk with a hamster because I wasn't very enthusiastic about saving a princess or something. I didn't want to fight him but after talking about the princess he didn't game me choice.

Is it possible to combine haste and free action? If not, what's the choice?

>Load up NWN2 to play MotB
>Get an hour in and already feel like killing myself due to how fuck-awful NWN2 itself feels and how shitty high level D&D is

May end up abandoning ship for IWD. I still to this day have no idea how Obsidian fucked NWN2 so badly. I can get through a lot of clunky-ass RPGs but NWN2 is goddamn revolting. How it's worse than Arcanum I have no idea.

NWN2 looks so cartoony too

I hate it

How early should i go to rescue imoen? My party is pic related and i have completed most of the major quests that i got during chapter 2. I am thinking about replacing the vampire chick with imoen so i don't want her to get left behind the rest of the party when i do end up getting her.

I have heard nice things about Edwin and i would like to pick him since i am playing as evil. I don't really care for jaheira but 4 spellcasters sounds a bit too much. Perhaps i should kick out aria but i kind of like her and i am worried that edwin will be underpowered since i have not used him yet.

I had one for bg2 and tob, and he was sideshow for whole Throne of Bhaal, so I really don't recommend him.
Bg1 - probably great, BG2 - good. And then you are completely fucked in Throne of Bhaal. His bonus of number of attacks become lousy advantage because every fighter gets whirlwind, and extra abilities, and dodge advantage becomes null since enemies get silly stat upgrades. His no armour thing became huge penalty, doubly so as PC death is game over, so he was left lurking at the back of the pile while I had the rest of the party do the killing. I can't remember correctly but I think that armour out of underpants is wearable, but even in it, he's still more or less pathetic.

He needs to go mage path for tob at least, and even in bg2 you're better off with couple of mage levels on him.

Drop the bitch and get Imoen asap.

i always see this on Sup Forums and install(phone...yes i'm sorry i don't have time to play as i go to work) but always lose interest. guys tell me why i should play this and fun things i could do in it. i also want to ask what is best starting class.

playing BG EE


What else do you really need?

Instead of simultaneously leveling your classes, you level one, stop at a certain level, level a new class, and you don't gain the old class's bonuses until the new one levels above it. The good part is that you regain the old class's abilities like a fighter's health and weapon proficiency, but you basically restart from scratch until your second class is a level higher than the first.

I think the general opinion is to not do it in BG1 since it's a low level game, and you need a ton of exp to make the dual class shine.


How should i deal with enemies spamming mind altering stuff like confusion and etc etc? My party is always kicking ass but whenever i end up fighting something that does this half of my party ends up being useless for the entire fight.

Potion of clarity, chaotic commands cleric spell, rage of berserker.

So if I were to do it, would you say the best would be start as a warrior in BG I and II, and then in BG ToB dual class to wizard?

>Will I have much trouble playing BG I with a wizard in terms of combat?
Not really. You might have slightly more trouble at the start of the game than, say, a minmaxed frontline warrior because you die more easily, but your utility spells are just as (if not more) useful at low levels - Sleep is entirely capable of winning you an encounter single-handedly. You just have to be more judicious with your spell memorisation and usage.

>Can someone give me the general idea about it?
Dual-classing and multi-classing are both completely different from 3.5
Humans are the only race that can dual-class, and cannot multiclass. To dual-class, you select one class at character creation and progress only in that class - then, if you meet the requirements, you can choose to change class to a valid second class. Essentially, you keep the benefits and restrictions (HP, for example) of however many levels you have in the first class, but they become inactive and you start levelling in your 'new' class from level one. Once your level in the new class is higher than your original class, you get back all the benefits of your first class, but you still progress ONLY in your second class - so a Fighter/Mage dual class starts off as a Fighter, changes to Mage and levels only as a Mage.

Non-humans can multiclass, which is an option they choose at character creation - essentially, they progress in two (or more) classes at the same time, gaining the benefits of both. All XP they receive is split between them, though, so they level slower. Jaheira is a Fighter/Druid multiclass.

I wouldn't recommend either for a beginner, especially in BG1 - there's an XP cap which makes class progression harder to plan out, and I'd suggest a little more familiarity with the system before you start thinking of playing one yourself. There's more on the wiki if you're interested:

If you haven't done so at least once, please, please try the original with just BG/TotSC installed. It provides a vastly different experience than EE/Tutu/BGT, and should be experienced.

Also, Drizzt hit by RNG lightning, dies to gnolls, my favorite play through ever.

I'm sorry, it just hit me, it would be better to multi class wizard/warrior or wizard/monk?
Since monk doesn't use armor, and get very high saves and spell resistance, I think maybe it would be better? But I always hear people talking about wizard/warrior, so maybe it's better for some reason.

>Year of Our Lord, 2017
>not having done a playthrough of BG as a Lord and Saviour, Mel Gibson

Tsk. Shameful.


The original BG2 has more than enough EXP. For the record, I think the point where you dual class (i.e. when there's not much else to gain from more levels) is 9 or 13.

I don't think monks can dual class or dual classed into, and it's for the high HP the fighter has anyway.

You're probably confusing monk and kensai.

I want to go through Sword Coast Stratagems + Ascension for the entire trilogy.

Please prepare me with wisdom.

Fuck off.
Mass effect bashing threads and zelda faggotry must be in /vg/

sorry they are talking about video games in a area about video games. Lets talk about how i fucked your mom and uncle

I see. Thank you. I will try to play BG I EE and BG II EE and ToB without the dragonspear first, as a pure mage.
Then, if i enjoyed the game, I will try to replay it multiclassing and using the dragonspear to see how it is.

New games thread>> yo games thread

>Baldur's Gate thread
>Baldur's Gate
>Not a general

Dual class is superior to multiclass in most instances. But you can fuck up your character easily also. Early caster spells get outdated, and later ones become godly, so caster should always be the second class. On other side you have Cleric/Mage as the only multiclass that really shines. He'll miss the highest spells, but sheer number of spells in his arsenal is staggering. Plenty of crazy combos as well. He can buff himself with both priest's and wizard's h2h spells and become godly fighter in his own way.

>Play through BG1 years ago
>Enjoy it, but wanted to take a break before moving onto the sequel
>too long past, decided to play through the first game again

Is it worth doing the expansion pack stuff in it's entirety, or so I just move on and finish the game? I'm at the point where you just get out of Candlekeep a second time, currently on the first basement floor of the tower.

You should get to the bottom of this.

Fighter is obvious first option for starters. Just roll up high stats, and he's easy.

Are there some mods that you guys reccomend for a first playthrought?

>How early should i go to rescue imoen?
Are you using the Imoen romance mod? As soon as possible. Otherwise, whenever you're ready to move on from Chapter 2, but I prefer completing most or all of the major questlines (which you said you have). Don't worry about Imoen being underlevelled, since once you pick her up you can remove everyone else from the party and have her memorise scrolls for mad XP.
I would definitely dump Hexxat for Imoen (I'd dump her now, honestly, but that's your prerogative).

>I have heard nice things about Edwin and i would like to pick him since i am playing as evil. I don't really care for jaheira but 4 spellcasters sounds a bit too much.
Jaheira is mainly useful as a caster because she gets Insect Plague, ie 'fuck you, enemy mage'. Four casters can work, though it depends on your playstyle - you have Korgan the one-dwarf battering ram, who should be able to cover most of your melee damage by himself, and with the right equipment Viconia and Jaheira can make decent second-tier fighters.

Edwin's fun to have around, and he's a fantastic mage, but if your Charname is a Mage as well he might be a bit superfluous. Can your party handle two mages? You could drop Aerie, but I think she has more utility - she gets both Mage and Cleric spells, and she can use the Robe of Vecna and Amulet of Power with both. Also, she's cute

Are you the user from a couple of threads ago who was talking about how unbelievably fucking good Korgan is?

fighters are easy to play, but any class that is intresting to you will be fine.

use the quick save button a lot.

dont fear from using your mage s spells, just rest after a few battle.

also what have you watched?

What did you watch?

Any mods that get rid of the absolutely stupid racial/class restrictions? I know it was part of that edition of D&D but it's still pretty fucking dumb

Kensai is a pain in the fucking ass to take through BG1. If it wasn't for Monk it'd be the worst class I can think of - at least Wizards start off as fight winners.

I had a bit of a look around and it looks like there's a Gibberlings pack that includes it:
You'd have to select to only install the relevant components, though.

Failing that you could just mess around with a character editor like EEKeeper.

NWN2 has some of the worst AI I've ever seen in a video game and the interface just kind of sucks. I've never seen a Wizard run up and start trying to punch an enemy to death with their bare fists instead of casting a spell until I played that game.

Then there's the system issues. MotB is great by virtue of its story, but holy fuck the OC and *especially* SoZ are ruined by how bad of a system 3E is - you won't understand why trap options are such a big deal until you play SoZ with no grinding and minimal optional content, because holy mother of fuck, less than half of the classes can cut it if you don't grind. Rogues can't even disarm the fucking traps in the Yuan-ti temple without being Arcane Tricksters with maxed INT with Skill Focus(Disable Device) and Volo's thieves' tools giving you a permanent +4 to it on top of that.

Thanks user, appreciate it.

No i am not using the imoen romance mod. I have played the game before but i didn't complete it so i thought vanilla was the way to go. Then i will probably try to get her back as quickly as possible. I used Hexxat mainly just because i wanted a thief in the party and she was the one i encountered first, but her quests was alright as well.

I seldom use Jaheira as a caster which probably is a mistake on my part. Her offensive spells just seemed less powerful than my other spellcasters so i mainly used her heal/res/buff/summoning spells. I have been thinking about dropping Aerie for Edwin but to be honest i rather don't since she is fun to have around.

It was not me in that other thread but yeah Korgan is a beast.

No worries, user.

It's definitely a good idea to play vanilla first, before using any mods. Like I said, feel free to go get Imoen whenever you're ready, but be aware you'll be spending a few chapters away from the city so just finish all the quests you want to and go when you feel like it. It can be helpful to hoard or buy some scrolls for her to memorise when you find her, too, if you want to level her up straight away.

You're using Jaheira pretty well (she's best for buffing and healing), but I'll reiterate how useful Insect Plague is - it's basically an instant fuck-you to any enemy caster you hit it with, so unless you need an extra Chaotic Commands you should probably just fill all her Level 5 slots with Plague. If you're enjoying having Aerie around keep her, the best thing about BG2 is the characters, so just feel free adventuring with who you like best.

Good luck, user!

>mfw hexxat kills cute confused waifu

>Has anyone taken a pure Kensai through the entire trilogy?
Dumbfuck, people have taken a fucking Bard through Tactics and Ascension, vanilla can be beaten with any class on any difficulty solo with zero effort.

People asking questions about "builds" or "class specific tactics" in these shit threads are fucking mongoloids who need to hang.

Is it possible just don't enter the crypt or she will leave?

confused waifu gets autistically angry

Did the enhanced edition fix backstab cheesing with mislead? I have imoen set up for it but she i'm not seeing backstab in any of the combat feedback.

>an excellent day for whatever you're after

Haven't play BG2 in ages but quick question regarding the Imoen romance : did someone finally finished the ToB part?

I've only played Dark Alliance, which BG should I play next?

it just satisfies my ego when im with my OP party and killing everything

I've been looking through various multiclasses, and trying to find out their niche.
For example, is there anything at all that a Fighter/Cleric does better than a Cleric/Ranger? Multiclass can't get weapon mastery anyway, and Ranger gives some nice extra.

Also, what's the appeal of Cleric/Thief? If they wear heavy armor, their thief part is useless. If they don't wear armor, they are one of the most fragile classes with almost no protective spells which Fighter/Mages have like Stoneskin or Mirror Image. Can't even stay back and do archery stuff, as their Cleric ethos doesn't allow for shortbows.

BG1 then BG2 on the PC.
It's a completely different genre, hope you like slow paced point and click RPGs.
If you want something similar to Dark Alliance, none of the games discussed in these threads are like that. You should try something like Dungeon Siege, Divine Divinity, Geneforge or Diablo.

>what's the appeal of Cleric/Thief
To rule the world.

Yes, been complete for a year.

Also considered the best NPC mod.

It's hard to rule the world when the punishment you deal out is limited to knee high, shorty.

>considered the best NPC mod.
Top kek, it's utter trash compared to Edwin Romance. Now THAT mod is one hell of a ride, my sides have never left orbit for the entire duration. It's easily better written than any Bioware garbage ever.

Late response, but yes it is, at least in Trilogy. My Minsc is full sanic with some boots that increase movement speed, haste and the Spider's Bane sword for free action. It's glorious.


Nice. I really enjoyed the SoA part.

As you can see I have been out of the loop for a long time now. What mods do you consider a must have nowadays?

I kinda liked the mods who made each encounter quite epic, like the one forcing you to fight a deva in Irenicus'lair (was is Tactics or Sword Coast strategy, maybe?).

That being said, I remember that, having too much mods made the last fight of ToB a chore : you would lose Imoen but eventually gain Irenicus or Bodhi but then if you had the Irenicus mod it would complicate the things and then Balthazar could help etc.

Imoen da best

>Play Dragonspear
>Thief says your girlfriend is waiting you
>Find out he meant Imoen


Any games similar to this but turn based combat?

I had a go with divinity but seemed a bit shallow...

>seemed a bit shallow
Shallow as in story wise or gameplay wise? I would recommend you Temple of Elemental Evil, but if you think Divinity is shallow story and character wise you might as well not even bother.

The Imoen Romance Mod Got taken over by new owners, re-written (so its decent and not autistic like before) and the TOB was finished.

Sup Forums masturbates to it, because it honestly is a pretty good mod and better then the other npc's, kind of completes a gaping plot-hole with Imoen never talking about getting tortured for ages.

And makes TOB pretty good (tons of content there from the mod).

Shame they removed the fun options though, like throwing Imoen a rock while she's daydreaming and distracted from guarding duty

I really like BG1 and have played through it twice but got sick of BG2 after the magic prison segment. Durlag's Tower is one of the best areas in any RPG.

> vanilla can be beaten with any class on any difficulty solo with zero effort.

No it can't. You obviously don't know what you're talking about, and have never even tried to solo bg. You need to know every little engine trick, exploit, and have exact knowledge of encounters to solo with any class at default difficulty. And even then, some encounters are unwinnable and need to be avoided. And Kensai is there among the hardest to solo with, bard quite easy compared to him, and actually isn't the hardest to solo with.

What was the name again of the program used to modify some values in the savegames? I remember using it to check if I didn't fail the Imoen romance while using some of the funny options. If I remember correctly, you needed something like 24 "points" out of the Underdark for the romance.

Having a Imoen-Aerie lesbian track made up for it.

How does that work? CHARNAME has to go for friendship path?

Perhaps I did not give it a fair chance but I though the classes were a bit lack.

For example, I can't have a 2handed scoundrel because I am forced to use daggers.

I can somewhat forgive flimsy story as long as it has decent choices but I like to make different builds.

the new and improved doesn't work like that anymore.
SOA romance is like vanilla romance system, 1 = ongoing, 2=fuckbuddies, 3=failed
And force talks after 2 so you can do stuff.

Yeh, in TOB.

>some encounters are unwinnable
Like what? You can win any encounter with no damage taken if you abuse invisibility potions, cloak of non-detection and just nuke down enemies one by one or put a cloudkill on them and hide.

The only encounter I'd be worried about is the werewolf boss on the Isle of Balduran, since I had a hard time overcoming his regeneration with 6 characters (although technically only like 2 of them actually did damage since you need +4 or better weapon to damage him)

Rate my IWD party please.

Human paladin (undead hunter)
Dwarf fighter/cleric
Half-orc barbarian
Gnome illusionist/thief
Elf druid
Half-elf sorceror

Noah Caldwell-Gervais

Knights of Chalice has one of the best turn based combats around. Not dnd, but very similar concept. Just try to ignore graphics and lack of story.

>Not a pure wizard party

Very bad. Not a 10.

>Can you cast any spell outside combat?
>Most spells make sense only in the context of a fight, so you are not allowed to cast these spells outside combat. This way neither the party, nor the computer-controlled enemies, can stack spells in anticipation of an encounter (such as Bless + Stoneskin + Haste even before the fight has started).

Very solid. I prefer not to dual my clerics, since I want to get resurrection ASAP and therefore need the fastest leveling possible, but that's just convenience. And I guess you really need a second tank since the Paladin can not get the job done alone.

I would switch the Druid to a Bard to be honest, those are great in Icewind Dale.

>can't exploit the system by starting an encounter hasted, blurred, mirror imaged, stoneskinned, protected from evil and death and shielded

Dude is talking about trilogy and you're talking BG1... You won't be beating Drizzt's party, most dragons and you won't even be able to even encounter Kangaxx with certain builds.

>playing IWD
>the only game in the IE+Aurora D&D game library that has actually cute dragongrills
>not using shadowkeeper to change your appearance to a dragongrill and solo the game as a fighter/sorceress
Shit taste, baka desu senpai.

How to trigger dreams in Imoen's mod?

>exploration, preparation and ambushing the enemy
>should not be allowed

Sleep they're fucking shit though

In act 2 or 3?

>letting your party members die


Is there anyway I can get Boots of Speed for my entire party in BG1?

>Doing a saga run
>Install all the mandatory mods
>Holy fuck the half of BG1 is like crawling through fire
>I love it
>Fucking hell all this wilderness exploring
>Exhausted by the time i get to baldurs Gate
>All these houses to explore like an autist
>Finish it
>Hey this isn't that bad
>Get to the end
>Feels like ive played 2 modern games in length
>Shit this is just the start of BG2.

This saga is fucking amazing, and nothing will ever top it.

Druids are pretty powerful too, plus there's additional interactions.