Can we all agree that Squall was the worst protagonist in the history of genre?

Can we all agree that Squall was the worst protagonist in the history of genre?



>tfw no gf

I hate Tidus even more than Squall.


The protagonist of Final Fantasy 9 has a tail.

He seems bad for the first 10 hours then he really starts to grow on you, by the time you're done with this game you'll like him quite a lot.

No, but we can agree that OP has played literally five JRPGs during his twelve years life.


Squall is one of the shittiest main characters to exist, evar. His last name is Leonhart, meaning "Lion Heart," meaning "fucking furfag." The player is supposed to think he's an cool, enigmatic hero, but he just comes off as a whiny bitch. At least 100 lines of his dialogue consists of an ellipsis; Sometimes two if he's feeling especially Jewish. Squall is basically Cloud from Final Fantasy 9000 (in which Aeris dies), but with brown hair and a scar on his face from being a total pussy. The reason he has this is because he sucks with his "gunblade" in one of the intro FMV's and gets cut in the face by a baby-eating superhero named Seifer. Of course, every woman loves a guy who loses a fight so this azn whore named Rinoa gets fucking wet every time she's around Squall, making the 13-year-old player masturbate every time she makes the slightest pass at him.


Squall is the best.

He's pretty bad but not the worst. For all the circlejerking over VI Terra is the closest the series has ever come to actually being emo.

He was pretty good but the rest of the cast was weak sadly. Story has some flaws as well orphanage

Nice bait. It's common knowledge that Squall is the best written Final Fantasy protagonist.

But he was all over Garnet's bubble butt, I can relate to that.

Also his daggers were wicked sick bro.

Terra had a good reason to be broken as she is
Compare Cloud and Terra with
>It's sucks but now not time to cry we have job to do
And it took really big schock to them to finally being put out of commision
With Squall who fucking couldn't shut up about his feelings DURING missions

>Tidus acts whiny but can also be upbeat and friendly towards others
>one of the most hated protags in the series
>Squall acts like a mopey beta loser who literally cries about his feelings
>considered one of the most "relatable" and "realistic" protags in the series

>With Squall who fucking couldn't shut up about his feelings DURING missions

Actually it was everyone else who couldn't shut the fuck up about their feelings during missions, to the point where one of them almost jeopardised the mission just to apologize for hurting feelings. If there's one positive thing I can say about Squall it's that he's the ONLY one in the entire game who's actually focused on doing his fucking job.

zell is a sperg

Yeah, especially during garden battle
>Squall, go save Rinoa, stupid bitch got herself trapped again
>No, saving chink waifu will make me close to her and it will hurt my feelings later

He was leading the defense, it make no sense for him to go and save one. It was sheer coincidence that he ended up doing it anyway. The problem was that everyone else was so incompetent that they couldn't find a rope.

Literally anyone else could have saved her, why did it have to be Squall?


>Not melon bread

Not even close.