Have you bought yours yet?
Have you bought yours yet?
No, too busy with Estival.
Learn when to use that you rancid swine.
Use it when there is an ass.
See after class.
What game is that? I want a seriously degenerate weeaboo game for my PS4 collection. Something that would make my father ashamed of me.
just bought 50 copies
kenran sagura public broadcasting service
Don't worry he is already disappointed in you when you cried yourself in the bed for begging that childtoy
i can't buy bras because they keep on calling the police
it's genius how they've managed to lure in female gamers
>much fashion
>competition for men is eliminated, only glorious yuri sisterhood, so no subconscious insecurity
>hyper idealized doll like 2D triggers nostalgia about childhood
Hentai lesbian warrior ninjas is the future.
any more pics of the dumb hot slut with the game between her boobs? thats kinda hot
Wow, it actually looks kind of fun. Will it come out in the US?
Why would a girl have it.
To take a picture with it for attention, what else?
I mean look at the picture.
Bad Dragon is not a childtoy.
you play with a bunch of barbies that you can dress up and kick ass with
why would a girl not play this
Because its sexist.
How do I get a copy in australia?
I knew more girls that liked playing DoAX than guys.
Have you ever talked to a woman?
plenty of girls like this shit, same with stuff like hyper dimension neptunia
Play-asia, maybe.
I just want dlc for EV to work with my pirated copy
she doesn't like how males prefer vidya to her so she needs to harvest attention somehow
>why would a girl not play this
Because girls are too busy complaining about shit, and getting mad at guys who enjoy sexy 2d.
>Because its sexist.
I think you misspelled sexiest.
>How do I get a copy in australia?
Write your congressman, it's probably banned.
>I knew more girls that liked playing DoAX than guys.
You sure they liked it and weren't playing for attention, I recently found out my ex gf never enjoyed the game as she only played because I did, girls have no independent thought process, they cannot enjoy anything on their own for themselves....except attention.
The whole "projective misanthrope" thing you have going on might be the reason you were dumped in the first place
>spilling this much anal annihilation about wimmen
she cucked you didn't she
I do prefer boobs that are able to envelope the entire breadth of a PS4™ (PlayStation®4) game case.
No actually, I left her because she wanted children and I don't, I never ever do, so it wasn't happening and unfortunately for her, it still isn't as she just broke up with a guy for the exact reason.
i like to think lots of girls play games like senran kagura and doa and stuff like that because they love big boobies too.
but you seem slightly more logical
>and unfortunately for her
Jesus user, do you realize how pathetic that sounded? Divert your mind into videogames and not your ex and her bull.
>gets dumped
>wahh women have no independent thought process wahh
>all women are like this and i'm totally not an animal incapable of seeking out women who are above a pair of tits and an ass because i have no proper judgment making decisions outside the function of my gonads
tell me more about "independent thought process", monkey
Well I said unfortunately because we're still friends, we broke up on good terms, I want her to have what she wants. I want her to have a nice life with a good dude and a kid.
You sound like a woman, full of misinformation and a condescending attitude. If you're not a woman then.... I dunno.
>If you're not a woman then.... I dunno.
Somebody who realizes you're an irrational cuck without conveniently having a vagina that you can pin all your arguments against?
I'm not a woman, nor that guy, and I'm into 2D pretty exclusively, and I still think you're a pathetic fuck. On the flip side I used to be like you so you'll probably age out of that mentality once you leave your early 20s.
You sound like a woman. Women are liars and deceitful as are you saying you're not a woman.
The fact that you think someone cares what you think proves you're a woman. Who cares.
Also, I am 37. Women are selfish and vain. The only quality of a woman is her gross looking vagina, otherwise they have no other value or interesting quality.
Anyone else wants to suck a dick?
There's debatably nothing gay about sucking dick.
I know
So are you interested?
No I wamt to have my dick sucked. Don't get near me unless you are a woman though.
I know more lesbians than women
Hey love games like this
Even the straight women I know who openly admit to being feminists love these games
In fact that one in particular preordered estival versus on steam
Titty ninjas sell because they're good and appealing
Mommy milky!
This may come as a shock user, but there does indeed exist a small minority of people that are sexually attracted to their own gender.
Mouth is a mouth senpai
> wow someones really off the deep end
Whatever you need to tell yourself user, you are in a safespace here, we won't point and laugh too much at your retarded construct of lies that you need to peddle to keep your emotions from overwhelming you.
pic so very related
Well maybe that's a girly-guy wearing a bra and nail-polish.
>retarded construct of lies
What lies did I tell exactly?
> being this deluded
That's okay user, but keep in mind this is mainly a board for /videogames/, not your personal mental health worker. You'll probably need to pay for that professional help.
Whatever. I was expecting an answer to back up your claim, expecting that was retarded on my part.Anyway, I think this thread has been ruined enough, sorry OP but I honestly didn't expect that to happen.
>tfw you've been pretty good friends with a lesbian for years
>tfw you ask to use her laptop and find out she has /u/ bookmarked
now the question is, what exactly is the proper etiquette for asking her to email me her stash of anime lesbo porn that she most likely has
user I share porn over Facebook with a Sup Forums regular lesbian
The best way to ask is by offering your own stash up to the table as well
she has never seen anyone with taste like mine
The fact that you can't notice your personal illusion when someone calls you out on it is enough reason to consider getting professional help user.
But you are just an user, I'm not malign, nor do I care too much, good luck processing your emotions.
Still playing estival and the vita games. When will it be localized?
After they finish porting it to PC
Nice boobies, i wanna squeeze them.