How would you make a GTA game with a high difficulty level?

How would you make a GTA game with a high difficulty level?
>less amount of cops during a chase
>cops have better AI
>body damage can make things like running, using weapons or driving more difficult
>remove mission checkpoints
>shooting out of a moving vehicle is more involved

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Just play 3 bro

Police chase you for every traffic offence

high difficulty level you say?

>You have to link your IRL bank account in order to play in the first place, all purchases made in singleplayer and multiplayer come directly from your bank account, better have money dude.
>Getting busted ingame adds the IRL equivalent of said crime to your criminal record, good luck getting a job faggot.
>You have to scan your drivers license and send it in to Rockstar in order to drive a vehicle ingame, if you don't have one yet then you better get used to biking or walking.
>Wanted levels carry over in real life, so better clear it out before heading to work.

>Walk into work at 8 in the morning
>go see manager
>"So what's on the menu today?"
>"Ah Justin I'm sorry, we're gonna have to let you go, you had a 4 star wanted level that still hasn't expired and you know we can't have the National Guard surrounding the place.

i wish we had police like this in america

>>You have to link your IRL bank account in order to play in the first place, all purchases made in singleplayer and multiplayer come directly from your bank account, better have money dude.
Don't give Rockstar ideas.

We do if ur black XD

ironic shipost is still shitpost

>i wish we had police like this in america

There is such thing as the fleeing felon rule.

Make cops not stop searching for you after 30sec.
Give the player a crooked lawyer and cop friend who can get them out of low level offences.
Make submitting to cops a viable option instead of running. They could search your car and send you on your way, or you could bribe them.
Make 5 star wanted levels hard to get into and out of. 5 stars should be permanent until you clear your name somehow. Why would cops ever stop searching for a murder suspect?

>You will never be BOPE

They seem to be the only police besides the Russians that are still allowed to have 1970s era levels of fun.

>permanent wanted levels
>police will pay attention to you across the game so it can act as a stealth game in the sense that you must completely avoid police
>must carjack and hop car to car, taking advantage of the time frame of when it isn't reported stolen
>you have the option of using a police scanner in your vehicle to monitor police's activity
>ingame map is tied to your phone with a navigation app that has a small police location function that may or may not be accurate
>police will notice erratic driving and traffic violations so you cannot cheese your way out of being gridlocked with a cop car three cars away from you without being chased

It would be the first stealth racing game where you dodge police by driving into alleyways, parking next to parked cars at night shutting off the engines as patrol cars speed by and ducking inside your car to avoid helicopter searchlights.

Thank gof for that.
Why would anyone want to be a cop in Brazil?

>gasoline depletion in vehicles
>random "vigilante" pedestrians who will attempt to stop you from committing crimes
>attack dogs get sic'd on you
>gun jamming
>random mugging attempts
>some urban legend shit occurs randomly like a werewolf stalking you or aliens trying to abduct you


You're dumb as fuck dude.

>You will never get to kick ass in Russia while not being afraid for your job because an ape filmed you on its smartphone.

We need a Hotline Miami style Russian cop game.

Did they release the level editor at last?

>They seem to be the only police besides the Russians that are still allowed to have 1970s era levels of fun.

Because wearing obvious police gear in a place filled with people who wish to kill cops, having to navigate through tight corridors of homes with all kinds of doors, windows, rooftops and corners where a gunman can open up from and being completely surrounded in such an environment is fun.

I liked that one Brazil level in SOCOM though, that was fucking bomb

Make the player react todamage as the npc's do.
Give the player and npc's a dodgeroll, slide to cover etc.

did that 187 just shot them for throwing a helmet?

>did that 187 just shot them for throwing a helmet?

They were most likely some form of robbers or shooters which Brazil police have zero tolerance for and have no problems shooting on sight.

>forced into ciminality
>killed because of criminality

if the were shooters they would have shot him

what a shithole.

>what a shithole.

Isn't poverty fun?

I think a GTA from the perspective of a (possibly corrupt) police officer would be really interesting.

you get to be gansta, shoot guns and do drugs but no,unfortunately not user

Grappling mechanics would make the melee combat more involved and add an extra layer of brutality

There is a game for almost that: This Is The Police.

predatory AI that initiates fights