Can someone give me a quick rundown on why denuvo is hated...

Can someone give me a quick rundown on why denuvo is hated? I've yet to have single problem with a game that used denuvo. Are the only people claiming it ruins computers and games pirates?

people like owning the shit they pay for. cucked racers would not understand.

it adds nothing and fucks up games/modders with its always online shit

pretty much.

It was shit back in 2014 when it first popped up on the scene with lords of the fallen and... that other football manager game it was on. It had massive memleaks and was just generally awful.

Then they fixed it for the next wave of games using it, and it's just being improved further still. It's literally no different than the old CD key system, except you can't skirt around this shit until it gets cracked. Most people bitching about DRM are either on toasters, pirates who wouldn't have bought the game anyway, or shitposting.

or a combination thereof. If YOU don't care about it, it won't affect you. secuROM and starforce had much much darker sides to them than denuvo. Denuvo is pretty much harmless in comparison. The worst it does is leave it's dumb shit installed when you get rid of a game, in which case, you go sweep your registry and delete the files manually. Like you should be doing any time you uninstall/delete anything.

guys i think OP wants that new hot maymay about the ufly twins x)

Personally I don't really see any major issues in the following link that are worth the constant shitstorm
>3rd world scum with no internet
>muh Linux
>getting triggered by companies shutting down online features for shit/dead games
are basically the only things I take away from the list and that's those are the most valid points I've ever seen made

>fucks up games/modders with its always online shit

examples? also I didn't even realize its always online unless you're memeing me.

Denuvo is a red flag. Name ONE (1) good game with denuvo.

It means we can't change shit when devs release half assed ports, if someone pays for the game, why should they have to deal with it?

it's not, he's memeing you. It requires a checkin once a day though, which is annoying, but necessary for the purposes of antipiracy. Would it be better without it? Sure. But it keeps faggot russians from buying one copy of a game, going offline and playing it on a whole internet cafe full of PCs

Near a tomato, nigga


Rise of the Tomb Raider

I played GE2 and every other time I started the game I had to copy text into boxes even though I was connected to the internet
It's stupid and I don't like it

What sort of shit logic is that? If they don't want to deal with it then don't buy the game.

Total War: Warhammer

>muh Linux

Okay, next question. What the fuck is up with autists and their love of linux? I've never used anything besides windows operating systems. At my job, I occasionally deal with people who come in with laptops that are running a linux OS and these people are always smelly and have terrible hygiene.

back to your waifushit thread you go
They removed it.
Come on now.
This is correct.

>Denuvo makes it difficult or impossible to play games without some form of internet connection. Sure lots of people have internet connections, but not everyone does. Requiring an internet connection for offline single-player games is anti-consumer.

Uh, so denuvo is anti-poorfag and anti-thirdworlder. It's literally the best DRM ever.

>not liking Lora

It's easier to do certain things on Linux systems like downloading bestiality/child porn

I look at all those games that came out in 2014/15/16 and all of them have better animations than fucking ME:A. Even bloody Skyrim does...

Yes I'm still mad

I believe that. We have this one guy that comes into my job who has MLP stickers all over his laptop. Of course he's a linux user and a steam cuck.

Muh freedom mothafuka.

Muh freedom to have to use a Windows virtual machine to do anything productive or play games.

>people like owning the shit they pay for.

Don't really see how this is related to the thread. You don't own any PC game to begin with.

>You don't own any PC game to begin with

only if you're a steamcuck


Denuvo bows down to bogdanoffs

Even someone learning animation after 1 day makes better animations

But these games get cracked anyway eventually. At least most do. So if it adds hassle, what's really the point if you can pirate it in a few months anyway? Maybe early sales are higher since it takes longer to crack?

Hitman 2016.

>ITT: A bunch of parrots blindly screaming at each other

>denuvo is hated?
pirates can't pirate

simple as that

This plus they hired a marketing firm to shill the bejeezus out of them. Many of the threads that you see featuring the denuvo logo in the OP are from marketers. This isn't some random shill accusation either, when they started doing it, they were fucking obvious about it. You could punch the OP into google and see the same one posted in comment sections all over social media and the internet. They wised up, but the image is still a dead giveaway.

Because it is nearly always used to hide the poor performance or other defining features of trash until people are suckered into buying it. People are much less likely to criticize or return something after they've bought it, so removing the ability to pirate something in lieu of a demo or to see how good/shit a game is makes it much more likely that people will buy, keep, and promote your shit game.

It's a tool for Jews to manipulate goyim.

>Maybe early sales are higher since it takes longer to crack?

you got it. the majority of a games sales happen in the forst 1 to 3 all the antipiracy measures have to do is delay the pirates for that long.

I can't pirate games with denuvo.