Why does Sup Forums hate Starbound yet love Terraria so much?

Why does Sup Forums hate Starbound yet love Terraria so much?

Terraria has content.

old game vs shitty EA cycle and underwhelming in some departments

Also, Starbound devs think that what makes Terraria successful is building shit and stuff.
They don't even try to make good combat, monsters, progression and loot.
Starbound is closer to Minecraft than Terraria at this point.

Starbound is too simple. It's like nms in that there's a ton of things, but it's all the same. Normies don't like space. The only way for a space game to be good is to make it an autism simulator.

Terraria was a fully fledged game since the pre-release leaked version. Then the dev kept updating it and it's 3-4 times bigger in content and scope. Plus there's some decent-ish content mods, but vanilla is perfectly fine.

Starbound's hype rode on Terraria's success, duping impressionable idiots like myself that some sprite artist from Terraria could make Terraria, but better, and in space. Updates were slow, combat was boring and the devs had no idea where to take the game. Boss arenas are separate instances from the rest of the game for fuck's sake.

SB itself isn't bad per se, but it's a fucking shame what they could've done if they hadn't mismanaged the project to hell and back.

>cheap game given free major updates for the past 5 years
>cheap early access game that rarely updates and actively removes content as much as it adds

Made me wiggle me noodle there

Starbound is a one great wasted opportunity


All the cool procedural generation was simplified and now all the planets are the same. And now progression is done in preset maps instead of cool randomly generated castles/ underground labs/ ancient temples.

Because Starbound a shit. There's zero reason to build anything on any planet, you just gather everything and move on. Terraria has a cool persistent world that evolves over time, and you keep expanding your base and whatnot. That alone makes Terraria infinitely better

the story in starbound is absolute shit and actually detracts from the gameplay, it would be better to have no story like terraria than to have one as god awful as starbound does
They made very little use of the space age setting, there's very little in the way of technology that you're able to use (seriously, why is there no pumps or mining vehicles or anything cool?)

the bosses are all shitty and easy

the planet progression system is boring

nothing cool happens on the planets

the gear for starbound is literally terraria's because the developers lack any sense of creativity

the one good thing that starbound does have over terraria is that starbound is a hundred times better for building, there's many more options in terms of blocks and furniture, but that's all starbound does well

Because one of them is a good game and the other is terrible shit

Because Terraria is a good game and Starbound is a bad game.

Because Starbound is shit and Terraria isn't

I remember when they added potions to Terraria in 1.0.6 I thought it was the best update ever. And then they drop three huge ass updates after that. What a great fucking game

starbound overhauled their combat like six times and it still fucking sucks

tiy wouldn't know fun if it bit him on the ass

I really hate the progression in starbounds planet exploration and story.

You're required to do that awful story shit to get the basic ship upgrades to do space travel. That becomes a linear mess of get the space backpack required for next tier, mine to get next pack, repeat once more and you hit endgame.


Terraria has more exploration potential in a single map than Starbound manages with an entire universe of galaxies and planets.

when you start a game of starbound or terraria, you have a crappy sword that kills low-level enemies in a few hits

by the midgame of terraria you're flying around on rocket boots, shooting enemies in the face with a minigun, and being generally badass all around

by the midgame of starbound you have a crappy sword that kills mid-tier enemies in a few hits

Because they deleted my saves and kept removing systems instead of fixing them.

Elaborate please

