"good night guys!"

>"good night guys!"
>waits 30 seconds before going off

Other urls found in this thread:


why are they running SM with 6 people

Cause you could enter dungeons with a raid party very early on.

Wow graphics are embarrassingly awful

I really wish something had changed since I last played on 2006 so I could get into it again but damn it look like ps1's spyro

>guildchat flooded by gz's

I was having a goddamn conversation here you fucks.

Why does this tabtargeting mmo play like an action rpgdespite having no mechanics to support this playstyle?

>Levels mattered
>tfw no gold for new skills
>level 40 no mount money panic
>meeting someone and showing them a quest, spend the evening partied

Wait this game actually used to be good

Which still looks fantastic to this day.

so that the console port is easier to implement

>Àrthásdk has earned achievement [Explore Moonglade]!
>thanks :D

Because they gave up on actually making it play like an MMORPG that its based on because the current devs never designed a game in their lives and the team that actually made WOW quit years ago to work on other projects, mainly titan.

The entire game is now just an ARPG grindfest, its rather sad really.

It always was since vanilla. Evenin those days the fucked upotherwise we wouldnt have thieves jumping, turning around and backstabbing you mid air without any collisions what so ever.

I bet the ps2 version was glorious.

The only combat system viable for an mmo is ffxii, either full static or fulldynamic but not the shitty hybrids we got are getting.

I was talking mainly PVE.

Backstabbing in PVE was much more troublesome to do, usually requiring you to use gouge and never use bleeds/poisons to accidently break gouge.

Probably why everyone instead just did sinister strike spam.

I had such a smugboner playing sub rogue as a kid

I did this.
Hell, I still do this.

>"good night guys!"
>no one responds
>wait 30 seconds
>don't logoff

correct.Furthermore what gives being able to move while attacking when all enemies are just glued to you and are 360 spinning anyway?
Mechanics were broken from the get go and this is so unfortunate because I fellin lowe with most other parts.unfortuntely too late to be able to enjoy themsince gameplay is always thepriority.

I did assassination myself

The fact that setting up a combo took about 10 seconds was pretty satisfying when you got to hit that evis for massive damage.

Now everything rogue does hits like a wet noodle because its a retarded DOT based class now.

>good night guys!
>log off in 30 seconds

Funny how this was canceled the same year that WOW went to shit.

It was an RPG, stats and ability management was the core of the game back then, since it was heavily inspired by traditional RPGs and tabletop RPGs at the time as "MMO" really didn't become its own genre until WOW made the genre insanely popular world wide, and then quickly went about removing everything that made it fun as they moved goalposts from RPG mechanics designed by developers acting like DMs, and over to storytelling and PVP balance

I like current assassination in boss fights aka the only fights left in the game.

>mfw when there was a 30 sec log off delay to stop people logging off when losing


weren't a couple of things updated? Like adding AO and slightly better models? Or am i just retarded?

So they made it shit un purpose.
Glad I havent fed my craving only to be disappointed over and over like I did with gw2.

They did an entire graphical update. New models, etc.

The graphics have changed a ton. Some of the old bits still show through in the parts of the game with old content but new particles, models, effects, text etc are all a lot better.

It's actually amazing how far they've pushed the WC3 engine.

They did

>meeting someone and showing them a quest, spend the evening partied
damn, this was the best feeling, pairing up with some random fella and doing stuff

I'm sure they've altered it by a metric fuckton, but yeah, it's surprising to see what they can do with the engine still.
Makes me wonder what it'd be like if they made an entirely new engine for the game.


In the beginning of WoW (specially Vanilla) you could still see/feel the EQ DNA. But now they cleansed it away.



They're lonely and waiting for someone to say goodnight.

It takes 3 second to type it. Please be polite. You never know when you're the only thing stopping one of your guildmates from taking a handful of sleeping pills.

>Chuck Norris Joke

Yeah, what a lot of people don't realize is that WOW's instances were originally supposed to be open zones similar to how EQ had them, and there wasn't a cap to raid group size.

That ended really quickly though, but BRD was designed to be a dungeon like EQ1, and it shows.

>Anal [For the children!]

>Anal [Retribution]

This is neo-wow. There is no coming back

>You'll forever be burnt out on wow
>ywn go back to the old days of high school playing it whenever you weren't eating sleeping or at school
>ywn raid each raid for the VERY FIRST TIME

it hurts...

>Finish Quest
>Outside of safe zone
>"Night Guys"
>Have to wait 20 seconds before the game logs you out

I usually do that just so if someone has a "wait a sec" comment they need they could. habit from leading a huge raid guild, every time I'd try to log off for the night I'd get flooded with questions.

>always chasing that feeling
>keep kickstarting dumpster mmos
>it's never the same

>15 yrs ago
>Being a cleric
>Receive a /t from a monk friend shouting 'GO TO THE HOLE AND REZ ME'


This is why I usually stick to very indie MMOs.

Everyone chasing the MMO cashcow is only doing it because of that, every kickstarter and AAA MMO that comes out is pretty much that.

I feel that the next big MMO isn't going to be from a big studio or kickstarter scam, but rather a group of tabletop RPG fans who want to make a digital version of their fantasy worlds, which is what the greatest MMOs always were.

vanilla rogue ganking felt like a checklist



I distinctly remember a bunch of "dkknightdks" must have been danish or something

I gotta say I never understood the guildchat ding + gz gz gz gz

I mean obviously if you hit the last level of whichever expansion you're playing in, you can celebrate, maybe if you ding the level to go in the latest zone of the latest expansion, but who gives a shit if you just dinged with your last quest in wetlands.

what game is that?


random achi - zero response to a gz
level cap - congrats, nice dude
raid tier when its relevant - gz spam

>night elf
checks out

>when she tells you she is pregnant

Russian Coding School 2017
Haven and Hearth


Haven and Hearth

Think Harvest moon meets eve online.

>spyro 1

>implying PS1 Spyro didn't look fucking beautiful

I love this retarded post every time I see it.

Because he doesn't understand that he might not be able to kill quickly, but he can kill multiple things very slowly

Fucking what? I thought the 3D update was vaporware. They released it?

They did

The first world on "haven and hearth 2" was cancer though, since they used a time limit based system

Its gotten better, now you can buy shitty hats to support development.



Back in August 2015

>say "good night"
>wait 1.3 seconds
>overbearing shame for attention whoring
>log out

>not selling copper ore to get enough money for a starter lvl 40 mount

I spent so many hours in Redridge farming the gnoll caves behind lakeshire for copper and tin.

I enjoyed that way more then the latest expansion, the grind was pretty much the same, but getting my trade skills up, making weapons and sharing those weapons or selling them on the AH was fantastic

Now its all grind for the sake of grind, no goals.

I'm pretty sure it's just that it's new for you at the moment.
Now I'm not saying current wow isn't a shitfest because of how they turned a fucking MMO into a solo game but after doing it all again on a vanilla server it's not that good.

It's all gone friend. Gone and never coming back.

The goal is downing mythic Gul'Dan before Tomb of Sargeras is out.

My fondest memory of vanilla WoW was getting to level 16-19ish on an orc rogue and using my main to buy all the best gear and enchants currently availale, and then parking my orc rogue in Redridge and Duskwood for some PvP

Then WoTLK came around and I found out other people did that too at level 19 and it was called twinking and I spent the next 5 years being the role model 19 twink rogue because I had gear you couldn't obtain anymore and I had a shitload of HKs

I never liked the WC3/wow artstyle, looks like kiddy shit

>forgot to exit teamspeak
>start watching porn
>friends were lost

>those videos from TBC and early wrath where level 1 twinks were dueling and beating level 20s and 30s

sweet jesus mama milk

It was based off of 3.0, it was fucking garbage.

The WoW RPG the made a year or two later was also shit, being based off of 3.5.

this is definately me in mmorpgs, can't stand to wait more than 5 minutes, that's why i don't play them often

someone have to make something like runescape or diablo 2 mmo,

d2 was basicly an mmo

I miss Tseric.

His autistic freakout against the WoW fanbase was well deserved.

Level 10 twinks were ridiculously OP too in BC, WoTLK and Cata, solely because stat scaling at levels 10 and below were incredibly high (which is what made level 1 twinks strong). It was possible to get 100% crit, 100% haste, 100% dodge, and so on as a 10 twink, whereas as soon as you hit level 11, all of those 100%s would drop to like 40%.

It wasn't unheard of for really good level 10 rogue twinks to take down really bad level 58 DKs in duels, but it required a shitload of ambushing, running away, healing, ambushing, and so on.

Or if you're in 95% of guilds it's having everyone not quit before Tomb of Sargeras.

>tfw you've always been too shit to pvp efficiently
>also too bad to twink


>thanks for the group, see you around
>doesn't leave instantly

I loved the level 1 warrior raids on cities.

For the record, the original engine dates back to the 90s. It's based on the engine they made for WCIII way back in 1996.

>It wasn't unheard of for really good level 10 rogue twinks to take down really bad level 58 DKs in duels, but it required a shitload of ambushing, running away, healing, ambushing, and so on.
the DK would've won just by pressing the nuke that caused frost fever, the one they spammed in s5. You're full of shit jesus christ, there was 0% chance a level 10 rogue would've ever won

>want to make a twink
>don't want to grind the fishing hat and ring

This was my pastime in WoW too. I never actually did more endgame content than was strictly needed to make my lowbie death machine.

after how shitty MoP and and WoD were for 10 twinks, they're finally good again and more powerful than ever although crit, haste and dodge don't reach the absurd amount of highs they used to

>average level 10 rogue twink today

when the level 10 rogue twinks of WoTLK and Cata had pyrium weapon chain which effectively allowed them to hit max level things, 3K health with buffs, and 100% crit and haste it ltierally wasn't impossible

you should see the youtube video of the level 10 dodge twink and his level 10 pocket healer twink widdling down fel reaver with no worries

Never underestimate level 10 twinks.
>10 priest versus 67 DK

I know they had 100% dodge and crit, and could hit their abilities, but he had no way to reset against the DK, or stay on him when he kites at all. Didn't even have gouge yet

I'm to embarrassed to admit idk what gz stands for

>didn't even have gouge yet
But you had engineering, which gave you bombs which could stun the death knight so you could run into the Goldshire inn, bandage up, restealth, and ambush the DK for 1500 again.

That's how level 10 rogue twinks beat death knights. They used slows and stuns, speed boosts and widdled them down with ambushes.

That sounds... appropriately roguelike.

>>the guy who posted ding! after every god damn level


>getting an ambush against a target that's 48 levels higher than you, which means you pretty much don't have stealth against them
>getting an ambush when you haven't learned ambush yet

Congratulations, you lose

What's wrong with waiting some time before leaving?

Do you also say goodbye to your friends and start running away as fast as possible without letting them reply?

In Cataclysm you had ambush at level 8 lad.

>against a target that's 48 levels higher than you, which means you pretty much don't have stealth against them
A word of advise, any level 58 DK that hangs out at dueling hubs is almost always bad. Not to mention that smart rogues wouldn't just run up to the death knight, they waited in the inn at stealth for the death knight to enter and ambushed the DK right there. I don't even know how we're having this argument since a level 10 rogue that's in BiS gear and properly buffed shouldn't be oneshotted by a level 58 to begin with, and with all procs activated a level 10 rogue twink would out DPS a 58 death-knight in cookie cutter starter zone gear. The only advantage DKs really had was having 6K health, when buffed 10 rogues only had 3.5K health.