>autistic heavy metal rock music starts playing
Autistic heavy metal rock music starts playing
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how does he bag such qts?
shes a fucking slut whore user you don't need something like that. find yourself a good pure girl slut whores only belong in prison
jokes on you i'm gay i was referring to the guy on the right
What constitutes as autistic heavy metal?
post proof or kys
>A woman belongs in prison if they've ever had sex with someone who isn't me
Why are there so many threads being made of him now? Did he say something political? Is he just becoming more popular now so people have to shit on him more?
His beard is hilarious, it looks like it was drawn on with a sharpie.
Anything in the prog or technical genres probably
I got similar hair than he.
I'd rather fuck Kinsey, to be honest.
Get a haircut retard
thats unfortunate
>praises dragon age inquisition in his newest video
aaand unsubscribed
just ignore what any "retrro" themed channel has to say about modern games and you'll be alright
Fuck off.
woooooow user you're so cool and edgy
Holy shit this is lame
> He uses edgy as an insult.
Shouldn't you be watching youtube poops and spongebob?
Nu-male faggot.
>tfw no shortstack gf
At least I don't listen to heavy autism
That's generic as fuck. Might be ok live, but like this it's just extremely boring.
Is that like getting a seizure from too much buttfucking?
Metal is for pasty teenagers and everybody knows it.
>actually being a cuck
You are like a little baby to me, watch this
Keep being a pleb.
Every black metal screamo band has the same logo
You're wrong. You just have a terrible personality and you are desperate to believe that your tryhard taste in music makes up for it. I have formally (as in real classes, not rosetta stone and duolingo) studied something like 8 languages. I have degrees in both ancient history and computer science. I can just as easily talk (and with the reading and experience to back it up) about analytical mathematics, medieval society, world cultures, human psychology, organized crime, film, politics (although I am not autistic enough to talk about that with anyone but my closest friends and family), religion, or video games. I am an outstanding cook, especially caribbean and italian food. I've lived in a house with 30 men and only gotten into two fights. Basically, my personality is better than yours by any measure. And my favorite music is trap rap and reggaeton.
tl;dr obscure music is for losers trying to fake a personality.
>black metal
It's death metal
Not even related to metal, screamo's a vocal style exclusively found in a punk subgenre.
>I've lived in a house with 30 men
lol ur gay
Do you even try to pretend you're not an underaged teenager?
Much, much better.
I usually prefer stuff like Type O, though, and for the last years I got more and more into bands like Solstafir (like many others, I discovered them with Svartir Sandar) and Alcest.
Is this a Sup Forums pasta? It's very spicy.
I'm older than 80% of Sup Forums, be sure of that.
Anyone that "grew out" of metal is an insecure retard that only pretended to like it (while probably listening to absolute shit-tier bands) just to try to look "cool".
being so extremely short and so extremely flatchested isn't a good combo
How heavy can we go?
>People trying hard to show how "hardcore" they are by posting forced death metal shit.
this heavy
fucking hilarious
>I'll prove his point that will show him
Or more likely they just don't have the time or energy to keep up with the subculture and just move on with their lives when they feel like they've had enough of the silly posturing.
What is some good metal without vocals?
I always wished Gallhammer would've gotten a little more attention.
I don't consider myself a metalhead anymore but I still love the music. Getting more in contact with the underground (and especially underground death metal) drove me away from the scene, the people dedicating their lives to that are in my experience usually giant douchebags and assholes.
>that pokemon go tanktop
i completely forgot about that, there are people that tattooed these fucking symbols onto their body because they honestly lacked the forward thinking required to consider that go was just a passing trend
That's too happy. I want more dirty metal.
>metalplebs ruin another thread
There's not much instrumental "dirty" or brutal metal, all of the instrumental metal are really clean prog.
I mean like this
I know these posts are ironic, but the fact that people enjoy this kind of music is beyond my understanding. It's shit "metal".
>he doesn't listen to nintendocore
ITT: Angry manlets
>but the fact that people enjoy this kind of music is beyond my understanding. It's shit "metal".
Slam's the greatest metal subgenre of all time, though.
This isn't even music, it's just noise.
>Trying to convince people metal isn't autistic by posting Slam
Fucking come on.
>screamo's a vocal style exclusively found in a punk subgenre.
Screamo is a genre of music you fucking plebian. It's a subgenre of Emo
>Fucking come on
>not recognizing irony
This is all the virgins in this thread
no his is just noise
Meme genre and vocals are shittier than your typical cookie monster.
Do people listen to this unironically?
Well, it's hard to tell with the shit retards post on this board half of the time. is more obvious posting Deathcore.
God fucking damn.
jesus christ
After all this time, even loving Fuck Buttons' first album to death as i do, i can never understand the appeal of Merzbow.
step aside plebes, pinnacle of metal coming through
>all these plebeians in this current thread
You guys don't know real music if it hit you like a bulldozer made of brick.
What genre is this? Shit metal?
Step it up, niggas.
Will metal ever surpass weebgrind?
>Sup Forums- e-celebs, social media and politics?
>Posting a good band
You're doing it wrong.
Sup Forums's favorite genre of music these days it seems.
animu techdeath's better