Lisa > Undertale

Now that the dust has settled can we agree that Lisa is better than Undertale?

I liked the story but the combat was too fucking horrible to continue.

way better.

As long as you don't say that Undertale's combat is better I'm fine with that statement.

They're not even fucking comparable outside of being inspired by Earthbound.
Fuck off


Depends if you prefer tragedy or comedy.

But Lisa did both better than undertale

I meant in the classical sense.

both are pretentious as fuck.
I hate lisa more because of the contrarians who like it over memetale and the sjw dev


I wouldn't say it was awful, but I certainly wasn't loving it.

Undertale had better gameplay, LiSA was better written (even the DLC, which people seem to have not liked as much but I actually liked it just as much if not more).
Both have great music that fits the game perfectly, personally I prefer LiSA's.

They're absolutely comparable.

I'd say Undertale has better music, most of it works better on its own, whereas LISA's soundtrack also does a great job of evoking the right feelings in you, it isn't quite as catchy as the music in Undertale, for the most part.

I also agree that Undertale has better gameplay, but I think it's worth mentioning that neither has good gameplay. Neither have awful gameplay, but I wouldn't call them good in that regard either, just serviceable.

This. Terry brought up the difficulty thing and I figured why not.

Painful described it pretty well. Got bored of slogging through snakes and grinding on perverts in the tunnel and got bored of the game before giving that mutant a real shot.

I couldn't even finish Lisa b/c the gameplay and pacing were so bad.

So no - Unless the second half was massively different, Undertale was better in every single way.

The characters
The music
The pacing
The gameplay
The art style
The humor
Are all better by far in Undertale.

one thing I don't like about undertale is in the fights your little heart box is so tiny while the screen is 90% empty. Couldn't they just make it a full screen heart box or something? It's just straight up bad design when you're looking at a 90% unused black screen.

It's better, Lisa 1 hour Im in and already bored as fuck with the trash combat.

The game slow pace and unintersting dialogue just made me drop it as well.

Mean while I beat Undertale in only 3 settings but ready good fun game.

Please explain why it is pretentious.

>the characters

fuck you, brad bozo and rando are way better than any undertale character

Lisa is just try hard edginess.

Undertale has tolerable gameplay, whereas LISA is just annoying, frustrating and unbalanced. LISA does however have a far superior story and setting and the writing and characters are far more engaging.

Undertale is easier to replay, and is more clever with the pacifist, genocide runs, however LISA is the far more artistic experience. Undertale is essentially Pixar movie: The Game. Mainly for kids and completly shallow, but well done enough that you can enjoy it as an adult.

Undertale had some good efforts but it was completely, utterly ruined by its garbage writing. I'll never get how anyone who isn't a kid could claim it has a good story.
What Undertale did wasn't even as revolutionary as people gave it credit for, it pretty much lifted all the interesting stuff it did from creepypastas. Its at best the first indie game to put those elements into a full game, but hardly the first to think up those concepts.