Actually subtle vidya clothing
Actually subtle vidya clothing
Other urls found in this thread:
>moonrunes on a long sleeve shirt
how is that subtle
In a college setting, to a regular person it would be seen as a long sleeve t-shirt and nothing more.
>nigra outside of cotton field
Looks cool though.
It's somewhat popular to wear shirts with some company logo and obscure, often meaningless Japanese text on it.
fuck dumbo
I have this!
I know next to nothing about gookshit and still can tell it's not japanese.
It says Playstation. How is that meaningless?
The colors go together!
it's definitely japanese
it just says playstation
Long sleeve shirts in general are not subtle. They're cargo shorts tier of autism.
>huge console logs on chest
Why not just dress as a normal person? Everyone can tell you're a gamer by your pale skin, frail body and fucked up posture.
fuck off
my city is populated with video game enthusiasts
>backwards cap
>drinking american "beer"
great example
>check closet
>only name brand
i dont own any video game clothing. I just thought it looked alright.
>no one would know the fucking logo of PlayStation
Alright, I had to hand it to you op, you got me with that bait.
>fucked up posture
I have scoliosis, I can't help it, user
Its not just the shirt. Its the whole outfit. As long as you dont wear clashing colors, that logo would go completely unnoticed as youre walking down the street.
you post this every thread
I know. I have lots of free time and not many friends.
I would buy that in an instant if I saw that at a thrift shop
I'd probably never wear it, but I still want it
I would wear this, actually. It has a nice design and even though it's obviously vidya, it just works somehow.
Cringe as fuck
>Black guy
This shit writes itself
what world are you from
i'd wear this if i wasn't so afraid of people thinking it was supposed to say rape
I would say it depends on the wearer. Some can pull it off, some can't.
wtf is it supposed to say
I wear this all the time.
but why does it say that
That's one of the main reasons I wear mine.
these clothes are why trayvon actually got shot at
user, im sure people would be afraid of you even without that shirt. got em
This is actually pretty subtle, since nobody would really know it's vidya. However, it looks awful.
what is that, diddy kong racing?
nigger are you serious
I can be your friend, user, if you let me see you take that shirt off.
Phil "Zimmerman" Spencer
That shit's like, /r/streetwear 101 stuff.
Should have made lesser dog pantyhouse
>Japanese across sleeve
4+ years too late.
I'd rather have friends that aren't my friends for that reason. I've done that enough and had my fill of people who only like me for that by now.
there we go, some actually subtle shit. at least this anons following my thread
>fucking big ass playstation sign
>faggy PUREISUTEISHON on armsleeves
It IS obscure if it is hiding in plain sight.
If those shirts are common, then doing something similar but vidya IS obscure.
>he can't recognize different asian languages
Let me guess. American?
>Special plops
Had me laughing.
the "one" at the end isn't accurate, right? They'd just call it playstation.
Always been a fan of the N7 hoodies and jackets.
It literally just says Playstation retard
I'm sorry user, I didn't know you were an homo.
I can still be your friend. I don't even want you to undress for me.
Okay! What kind of video games do you like?
Since this thread is just a joke anyway, here's my absolute favorite vidya shirt.
Would wear with my bf
>written horizontally and flipped -90 degrees
>in a language that's written vertically half the time
oh come on its my first thread
its not meant to be read legitimately at all
Spoiler that shit holy fuck user.
I was too embarrassed to wear that ingame, let alone IRL.
weebs are retarded. Weebs even talked shit about filthy franks japanese when he's literally half jap and grew up there.
this is a blue board god damn it
i dont see the problem with this image?
You sick fuck.
Hand holding is lewwwwwd!
A little bit of everything, but I can't stand CIV.
Mostly play lol, dota 2 and ow now, but I'm up for anything.
Favourite games are Dark Souls 1, VtMb and Morrowind.
Oh, I don't like MOBAs, maybe I should just show you my chest.
You know, it's probably a Japanese shirt.
>hurr duur nobody can tell I'm a gaymer without geek culture clothing xd
That's fine, we can play other games that you enjoy, user.
If you don't hate my for my shit taste, you could add me on steam
>Literally the famous as fuck product logo and giant text down the arms that says the name of the product
This is fucking bait
I could see a fatass wearing it and not get made fun of for wearing it. (as long as he's well groomed and sociable)
post it
Bedtime now, I might add you tomorrow.
I want to bite ur nipples
I want to bite your finger .