>about the same price as Nintendo Switch
>runs normal Windows and plays many newer games
>plays all old games
>same resolution as Switch
>triple the battery life of Switch
>can emulate all consoles up to ppsspp, with some tinkering can emulate PS2 and 3DS
>Xbox controller built-in, it's a lot better than Switch controller
>games are cheaper since you buy them on Steam and games are free if you prefer to pirate
Why would you buy Switch when this beauty has been out for a year now?
About the same price as Nintendo Switch
Other urls found in this thread:
What is it?
Looks uncomfortable to hold
Probably because of the games that will eventually be on the Switch.
Doesn't play the new Zelda. Period.
I bought one of these last week. Currently living in China, so it cost me about 200 dollars.
Fucking hell, it's good. I got Fallout 4 running on it last night, but I still need to gimp the game down a bit more because it was getting hot as fuck.
What need do I have for a third pc? I already have a desktop and a laptop.
GPD Win.
Here you have old indiegogo:
And here you can buy it if you want:
Also plebbit general FAQ:
You have to change plebbit to normal name of that website.
It's about the same size as 3DS XL and feels the same to hold.
What the fuck are those analogue sticks? Is this a handheld made for praying mantis people?
GPD Win can emulate Wii with some tinkering:
You should be able to play Klonoa on it.
Which CPU do you have? 8700 or 8750?
8750 is newer and more powerful, but has worse thermals.
Interesting. I'll look into it. Thanks user.
>android version just uses 3ds case anyway
becaise it has no exclusives and looks somehow more autistic.
Yeah, I got the 8750 in the end, because I care a bit more about guts than temp. I really only tried FO4 for fun. Mainly, i'm in it for New Vegas, Deus Ex and VTM:B.
I am in love with it so far. And I won't deny the angry reactions i'm getting from my switch-owning friends. They finished Zelda.
The indiegogo page is filled with backers complaining in the comments and the devs responding in broken engrish.
The have a PC as a handheld idea needs to die. It doesn't work.
New Zelda is a bad knockoff of The Witcher 3.
And The Witcher 3 runs on GPD Win.
Deal with it.
It looks interesting, but I doubt that I would ever actually use it if I got it. When I'm home, I'd rather play on my desktop and if I go on a longer trip, I have a laptop that is perfectly capable of playing older games with no compromises or newer ones with low/med settings.
On this channel you can see how well various games run on GPD Win.
As you can see it can even run Resident Evil 7!
and it runs at a buttery smooth 9 frames a second.
at least breath is semi consistent at 30
No Link, No Fun, Bakaa~
But if it's a bad knockoff, why is Zelda much more highly praised than Witcher 3? Doesn't that make Witcher 3 the bad knockoff?
>The Switch is a lot more powerful
>GPD Win's manufacturers tell you not to play newer games on it because they will damage it
>more expensive than the switch
>have to install patches to games that will damage the GPD to get them to have a playable framerate
Yea, nah.
That video is something i would post if i wanted people to not want it. Its choppy as fuck.
It is a good mini laptop though. I was actually looking to buy something like it for non gaming reasons but i didnt know where to look so thanks for posting.
>more highly praised
Check out the user score. It's the real score for any game.
You literally cannot argue with Nintendo fans. You could show them something twice as powerful as the GPD WIN, even, and they'd still cry "muh exclusives".
They're literal retards who bought a console for a single game, despite the fact that the SAME game is available (a better version, might I add) on the predecessor console. And who will wait 7 months for the next game.
You could it there with a GPD WIN playing Witcher 3 at 120 FPS while the thing makes you an iced tea and sucks you off, and they'd still be talking about BING BING BING WAHOO NEW DONK CITY
>nongaming reasons
Consider then this:
It has bigger screen and higher resolution. GPD Win had 720p, GPD Pocket is going to have 1920x1200.
Sup Forums has less shitposting than zelda's user score page.
silky smooth 10fps in 450p! Nintendo btfo
> real score for any game
You can literally taste the salt in the user score reviews.
User scores don't mean anything if there's no way to be sure if that user actually played the game. And even then it's still a total shitshow just look at the steam reviews.
Nice, Thanks for the suggestion. I lie the pocket better.
What do you call PCs of this size?
User scores tend to be far too easily swayed by autists spamming 0 or 10.
Actually reading reviews and fan complaints, as well as watching videos of both gameplay and story scenes is the only way to form a decent opinion without actually playing it yourself.
Review scores are only useful from anyone as a way of alerting you to potential flaws if there's too many low numbers, and even then it's not reliable and you still need to do the research to see if you'll find it a flaw yourself.
Pocket PC, I guess.
used to call them palmtops back in the day
I like how you forgot to mention how much weaker this thing is than Switch. Maybe just buy a PSP instead of this shit?
It's called UMPC. It stands for ultra mobile PC.
Except this thing can emulate PSP:
And Skyrim on it looks better than on Switch:
You can't deny it. Nintendo Switch is the choice of a cuck.
>And Skyrim on it looks better than on Switch:
Is this bait?
>that framerate
>user score
Yeah man, I totally trust random people who literally do not have to play the game to leave a review, over people whose actual job is to critique and score video games. I'm absolutely sure that nobody, like assmad Sonybros for instance, would intentionally review bomb BotW because it's so highly rated. I bet if I looked at the scores giving the game a zero, I'll see that user's other scores are as even-handed, and totally not sock puppet accounts.
>Skyrim on it looks better than on Switch
its for autistic fags who cant get enough of "muh pc master race" so they decided they can shove it in other peoples faces by taking it outside with them.
the funny thing is, it can't run anything exept indies without stutrering like a raped child.
being that guy is probably x10 worse than the man children who just want to play super smash brothers and zelda on the train.
Dipping below 10 fps on psp games.
Fuck off shill.
>Yeah man, I totally trust random people who literally do not have to play the game to leave a review, over people whose actual job is to critique and score video games.
>people whose actual job is to critique and score video games.
wew lad
>Those user reviews
Wow, really makes me think
It's on default settings which means that it forces render at higher resolution than PSP actually had.
It's good, but it can get a lot better if you tinker with settings.
I honestly can't tell whether you're talking about the GPD or the switch here..
PSP works a bit better now because PPSSPP has a DX11 renderer now whereas before you had to use the OpenGL one.
I got Tekken 6 running non-buffered at fullspeed with only frameskip 1 enabled on my Win (and thats only to stop lag on some stages). Hatsune Miku works perfectly on it too.
(You have to turn mipmapping off. Most peole who use PPSSPP forget to turn mipmapping off. Its a massive performance sucker for PPSSPP)
I got a GPD XD. It does PSP pretty well, but it cant handle those harder to emulate games anywhere near as well.
You forgot this:
>Can't run any AAA game at good graphic settings
>Can only get 30 FPS max at low settings and low resolution
>Regularly goes to 90c, overheats and explodes because of shitty chinese components
Greentexting doesn't make my point any less accurate. It's objective fact that there are people who are paid to review things. Book critics exist. Movie critics exist. Food critics exist. Art critics exist. Video game critics exist. Those people are paid, aka professional, for reviewing the games. I'm sure you think your literally who opinion is worth more than those people, but it's not. I'm sorry it offends you, but that's life.
As long you can actually install windows 7 on it..
Because the default is windows 10, and the company says it is incompatible with win7 due the CPU.
But lies are being told.
Sounds about right. This person wrote an actual review for this game.
Lack of content WAS a huge problem with Splatoon, though.
Sounds like you're angry?
At least this one isn't as transparent as the others. I haven't checked in a few weeks, but it used to be that almost every single person who gave the game a 0 either had no other reviews or rated HZD a perfect 10.
>Why would you buy Switch when this beauty has been out for a year now?
what exclusives does it have? Also can I play with others locally seemlessly?
>Those people are paid, aka professional, for reviewing the games.
They're paid. That doesn't make them professional.
> I'm sure you think your literally who opinion is worth more than those people
I'm one of them. It's why I find your comments so amusing. You're being naive. Nintendo gives shit to "trusted" reviewers. AKA people that score their shit higher than a 9. Not just Nintendo, though. It's a crooked as hell system, and everyone knows it.
Everyone but you.
All PC exclusives except the most GPU demanding along with all old consoles exclusives via emulation.
>local multiplayer
Actually yes. It has WiFi so you can set up wireless LAN if you play a game that supports multiplayer.
It plays Dark Souls 2 now..
As good as the PS3 version.
>15 fps
Figured it was all bullshit
>complaining about FPS on PC games
>not getting into lo-spec gaming
Why are you alive?
>15 FPS
>Lowest graphic settings
>Low resolution
>CPU 63c
>$500 GPD WIN
Its still over $300 when its on sale
Looks like 500-599 normal retail. Too bad its garbage and probably why its on sale so much.
I wanted this but got myself a switch instead.
I already have a PC at home and the limitation of the GPD win storage doesnt justify it because PC games uses shit ton of storage to play. Also most of the steam games might have a problem starting up need a lot of tweaking which sucks.
So nah
That looks like just about the worst keyboard I've ever seen.
Also, there are enough do-everything machines out there that force you to connect to wi-fi and various servers that steal your personal information. I want something that I can keep disconnected from the internet and switch out cartridges (pun unintended) when I want to play a different game.
I don't want a netflix machine. I don't want a shitty internet browser. I don't want a device that's essentially just a shitty PC but is desperately trying to not be a PC.
I have enough devices that run Windows and all the games Windows supports. I want a dedicated gaming device. Nintendo is the last major company doing that. Fuck online play, fuck day-one patches, fuck downloadable content. As long as I can get a good experience with the Switch without all this bullshit that's ruining gaming, I'm perfectly satisfactory.
>not playing everything at 144fps with GSYNC
>settling for less on PC
I could run my games on minimum and force a 20fps cap, but why would I do that when it's objectively worse?
15 fps is atrocious no matter the system you clod.
The point of true low spec gaming is to remove alresources to the point where it looks like potato skyrim. All the examples here are a hot mess because whoever didnt even try to reduce setting beyond lowest.
>having to go beyond low to get any amount of fps FOR $500
>$500 for a piece of shit chinese computer that can't even run Rocket League at 15 FPS at a resolution lower than 720p
Can't fucking make this shit up.
>casually ignoring the fact that it's a fucking handheld
Can I install games from my GOG account onto this?
Yes. It's a normal Windows machine.
My 13 inch laptop is also a fucking handheld and it has a 120Hz 1920x1080 IPS screen and a 1070 GPU in it.
Is this sorta thing the death of cell phones? Just get 4g for a pocket PC like this and communicate online via skype and what not.
In one year's time if the switch doesn't have a few more must have games, I might pick this up, otherwise I'll just get a switch then.
Ill wait for one of those using the rizen architecture.
While it is obviously slower than the intel offerings, the onboard video chip will be a fuckton better.
I dont know what people actually expect of the GPD XD.
I got one. I play indie games on it and some older PC titles. I browse shit with it occasionally too and I can always HDMI it out to my TV and use it to watch a movie or two if I downclock it a little. Or I got a attract mode frontend setup going on my microSD card for my emulators.
Its got a 1.6ghz quad core CPU in it. You dont even need the turbo enabled on it most of the time (it just drains power and makes excess heat), and if you dont tax the GPU too much it doesn't even get hot.
It honestly gets hotter charging it with a fast charger then it does actually using it once its setup right.
(Windows 10 is the problem. Its setup entirely wrong by default. It scans directories constantly and its always trying to update. Once you stop it from dong that it doesnt get too overtaxed)
how is the performance on it?
>My 13 inch laptop is also a fucking handheld
No, it isn't.
>$500 GPD Win
>So slow it can only run indie games at a 480p screen
>Overheats all the time with shitty build quality
>$300 Nintendo Switch
>Nintendo games and every indie game on PC
>Stardew Valley multiplayer only on Nintendo Switch
>Beautiful 720p screen and Nintendo build quality
Nintendo wins again baby
tagged videos amd webms show it.
tldr: pretty fucking shit
>1080 screen and 1070 GPU
>350 dollars
Yeah, well my car is even bigger than your laptop, and gets more MPG so I win!
>every indie game on PC
Can it emulate Dreamcast?
Even though the cpu is compatible, something in the i/o isn't, we can't put 7 on it
Actually, I don't have a dedicated emulation handheld, so I might get one of these. Gotta admit, playing some of my older PC games on the move would be a dream come true..
>runs normal Windows
Welp, you were doing fine until this part.
It's worse.
It's windows 10 only.
Ill buy it with ZEN+ APU SOC.
At least it can run PC games, poorly. You'd be lucky to break 20FPS in Skyrim with low settings @240p while the device goes thermonuclear. I don't even think GTAV will even launch on that thing b/c of how shitty the IGP on the Atom is.
The most obvious shill post ever
I got drunk last week, and ordered one because I wanted to play Stardew Valley on Beijing Metro.
it launches GTA5 with ~20 fps, im not sure if you're right about Skyrim
At what, a low settings hacked even lower via .ini tweaks at 144p?
Ironic shilling is still shilling.
>Stardew Valley
This is coming out on the Switch.