Regarded as the best strategist of China

>Regarded as the best strategist of China
>Lost most of his battles and his kingdom was the first to fall.

Explain this.

Other urls found in this thread:

Pang Tong died effectively leading Shu to not have a strategist.
Shu was also lacking in skilled warriors, brave generals and wisdom but ultimately Pang Tong not letting Liu Bei die to the ambush was his biggest mistake.

Let's just say... he had a lot or fans...

fuck off


Wei was the first to fall to Jin

all part of his plan

He was punching way above his weight.

Everyone always knew Wei was going to take it all in the end.

Daily reminder that chinks haven't won a single war, rendering The Art of War completely meaningless.


read the book, sissy

what is vietnam war?

call us vietcong or slant eyes or whatever but dont group us with chink you faggot.

>best strategist
>not gua jia

Pang Tong is overrated by you guys and Koei.

Shu was, for the longest time, a bandit kingdom that only survived for as long as it did because of the talents of Zhang Fei, Liu Bei (I'm not kidding), and Fa Zheng. They were all assholes but also strategically gifted and in Liu Bei's case a charismatic monster who gained a legion of followers from each warlord he betrayed. A lot of the battle strategies attributed to Zhuge Liang were actually thanks to either Zhang Fei, Liu Bei or Huang Zhong.

>Believing Cow Cow's lies
>Not thinking that the battle of Chibi would've ended the same way.

post yfw when the gang's all here for the divergent route

He carried the game

By that logic Wu was the best of the three kingdoms because they were the last to fall

*blocks your path*

*goes around*

Best strategist, not the most efficient.

Did someone say best strategist?

He may be the best strategist but that won't help his kingdom if he spends all day shitposting about games on Twitter.

*pursues you*

*opposes you in the first/second/third level being completely overpowered and impossible to beat*
Four fucking games in a row now Keoi stop making me fight lu bu and at the same time not letting me fight him

>local strategist ruins everything

he actually won most of his battles, don't judge history through dynasty warriors games. After Liu Bei died, he was out in the front lines and was on the verge of winning a number of times when the idiotic son of Liu Bei called him back from the front lines because he was suspected treason.
This happened over and over.

After Zhuge Liang passed away... Sima Yi saw the perfect opportunity to finally beat the Shu so he launched a all out attack. Shu then propped up Zhuge Liang dead body on top of a building to make it look like it was alive and standing up. Sima Yi saw that and thought the death was a lie and a trap to lure Sima Yi there. Sima Yi was so scared that he ordered a full retreat. That is how much Sima Yi was scared of Zhuge Liang.


Zhuge Liang, stop posting.

>not making zhuge liang a cute boy

t. Luo Guangzhou

go to bed zhuge liang

Zhang Liao is just a better Lu Bu

>Regarded as the best strategist of China

Considering the fact that China's sole battle doctrine throughout it's entire history was/is just zerg rushing with as many conscripts as possible that doesn't saying much.

Zhuge Liang is a fucking hack. Redirecting the wind my ass. Zhou Yu is best boy. If he had only lived long enough, he could've rivaled Zhuge along with Sima Yi.

It's not very Confucian to talk shit about your lord like that, Kongming

what would have happened if Lu Bu had joined Wei

Is Sima Yi arguably the main bad guy boss of the series? who sadly wins historically?

>*runs away*
>*leash Diao Chan with me*
>*get Dong Zhuo really low*
>*kill Diao Chan*
>*kill Dong Zhuo after*

That's the best way of defeating Lu Bu.

Cao Cao loses a few of his best men in a failed coup by Lu Bu

He's the best China has to offer. That should tell you how shit the Chinese are.



Best strategist? Best strategist.


Too bad he's a cuck

Lu Bu doesn't turn on anyone unless someone tricks him into doing it

I do wish they would give him a more fleshed out character, give him some thoughts of his own instead of just doing what anyone tells him to. He's got a lot of stories that Koei have never touched, like his entire time in Yuan Shao's service.

Have they ever even shown his archery feat in the DW series?

Wang Yi is best girl

>Xiaoqiao is best girl

good joke

Remove yourself, Shufag.

DW has a lot of good waifus



wtf how do i even get to this area

They weren't that good looking until they Koei merged with Tecmo, the makers of dead or alive. After the merge, the quality of their girls went up like crazy.

You have to raise your social links

>be foot soldier wandering some random plains
>see soldiers of differing colors and kingdoms flying at very hihg speeds in the distance
>hear muffled I FEAR NO MAN shouts as a whirlwind of chi is raging in the same area

she's cute

Is this the ambitions mode in DW8 or from Empires?

This is from DW8:XL