What happened to bioware?

what happened to bioware?

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They are working hard on proving for us that forcing diversity and shit SJW shit does NOT make for a good business tactic

Guess DAI was not enough.

Electronic Arts happened.

So, this is the power of N7

>They are working hard on proving for us that forcing diversity and shit SJW shit does NOT make for a good business tactic
Is there a definitive list of video games/developers that were ruined (with some degree of proof available) by diversity hires?

Every western developer post 2007.

I guess N7 training didn't include a fitness test.


What the fuck is that thing on the right?

Has he never heard of bras before?

"ruined", not really, as in not the way we want it

Many games turned out shittier because of it - but what we need is a game that is a financial failure because of it.
DAI was piss but it still made them money.
Hopefully Andromeda is so bad it'll actually tank, and then shareholders can force bioshit to clean house and actually hire talent again, or just sell them off close them down or something.
I'm fine either way, ME1 was their last good game.

>Blaming anyone other than yourselves

Top fucking kek

The reason the industry is awash with hambeasts and the like is because you've wasted your life here rather than putting yourself out into the world.

Literally everything wrong with the gaming industry at the moment is as a direct result of you all being lazy sacks of shit.

So point and laugh all you want, but make sure to save a little for the mirror.

Bioware is probably the poster child. CDPR is the antithesis of Bioware

We all hurt sometimes user.

Well there clearly mandykes so maybe they're somewhat talented?



One on the left isn't bad looking, she just has a stupid haircut. Would ask her for milky wilkies.

Your standards could not be any lower user.

well i dont know
what if he said the one on the right

Wanna bet?

Nah, Cisquisition is trash at every level, from performance to story, visuals and gameplay are trash too, and even that get the GOTY.

Person on the right made me think of a female Gaben.

Standards only apply when determining the desirability of same species partners.

When copulating outside of ones own species a whole new metric applies.

How does one even get so fat? Like, come on, you've gotta think at some point that you are getting too big and you should start hitting the gym. How do you not feel bad constantly about having such a body?

Genetics user, its not her fault.


she reminds me of snusnu

More like bloatware amirite

Short spicy haircut.


>How does one even get so fat?
It's an american thing

Holy fuck I can't breathe

>all went to shit because you 4channers didn't do something!

It's called discrimination you fucktard. There's plenty of talented people out there, they just happened to not be the right race/sex to get hired.

They are discriminating against white people, specifically white men and probably east asians too. Now they see what happens when you hire based on race and not skill. It all goes to hell in a hand basket.

BioWare is a Canadian developer dumb dumb

I hope you're not a bong taking the piss

>England had higher obesity rate per capita than the US

I'm glad to see that Ornstein and Smough are keeping busy.

canada is in america, dumb dumb

It's mostly Andromeda, but you can see common theme




Canada it's just muricah backyard
No, but in Europe something like that is considered a illness.

Fuck BioWare and fuck EA.

BioWare ended after 2007.


Newslfash fuckface, the majority of Bioware and virtually every other fucking games developer on this planet is still WHITE MALES.

Quit with the fucking excuses.

this is LITERALLY the most disgusting thing Ive ever seen and I've been on the internet since the 90s

I'd bang the one on the left with no issues. She looks tomboyish. I want to come home after a hard day of work and lay ME with her, then passive aggressively hint that ME3 was shit and that she chose a shit ending, knowing full well it's her favorite game.

Worst part is that she is young. When she is 30+ years old, she'll notice she fucked her youth.

That is burned into my mind forever.

>this is LITERALLY the most disgusting thing Ive ever seen
nigga you need to lurk moar. Srsly.

I wanna fuck that whale.

Buying Andromeda direclty supports this filth, keep that in mind.

This is going in literally ever Bioware damage control thread from now on. Saved.

>gigantic pustules popping as the rag barely scrapes against them

>she will never force you on the ground and rape your dick while screaming at you kind feminist words and then leave you alone with nothing else than your lust

all of them
even blizzard


Gore doesn't do anything for me, but diseases and bodily decay does

I used to browse Ogrish everyday when I was an edgelord, a decade or so ago


Is boogie like this as well?

That pus pouring.

whats the problem if they passed the interview with a perfect score ? Clearly they are qualified

Nice Boomer cosplay



Imagine the smell.

God I swear for a brief moment I could fucking smell it.

The dude on the left is so buff.

You know that kinda acid like saliva you get before you puke. Yeah, thanks for that feel...

How do you get to 300kg without genetics. What do you ameriblobs eat. I struggled to get to 150kg.

Don't actually exist. DICE and bioware are owned by EA. They just use the names of the old companies.

Genetics don't make you gain more than 5-10 pounds.

>CDPR is the antithesis of Bioware
>W3 promoting LGBT throughout the whole game

Not him, but I might be sociopath.

ISIS and death videos don't phase me but hospital gore videos do.

so what happened? he dead?

ha ha ha ha this :)


I think the left one is kind of cute and i would date her if she loses the SJW baggage.

Mods deleting a proud bioware employee
Fucking thin privileged bigots


IT pros are, on average, fat. So you will end up hiring fat people for your software development company.

Whats wrong here?

I have to admit, Bioware's games and all those SJW propaganda actually make me become a Trump supporter and conservativist and strongly oppose anything relates to LGBT degeneration. I even help promoting Trump’s campaign. I never thought I’ll end up like this.

The best part is I'm not even American nor White nor pro-GG, I cannot vote in US. I speak Chinese and live at a small island in East Asia which now unfortunately is in charge by an evil cutthroat closet homo cunt, she and her party are also bunch of treacherous self-hating SJW who are aggressively propagating LGBT marriage, fluid genders, “toilet politics” and poison our children’s mind since in elementary schools.

Those SJW degeneracy you see in the West gaming industry, such as Bioware, are merely part of the so-called “sex revolution” or “identity politics”, and they’re not only infesting the West but also half of our world, including mine. So it really doesn’t surprise me that ppl of Sup Forums have such strong “reaction” to Bioware.

>Is there a definitive list of video games/developers that were ruined by diversity hires?
Yes! Let me revv up my meme pics
>(with some degree of proof available)
Oh, its a tumblr troll post. Fuck off, SJW.


was the test a buffet?

Just a reminder if shell out your personal money for dis sjws bs you're only encouraging them if you really want to play it

ITT; Random Pic you know what to do :)

What good games has Ubisoft done lately besides For Honor? Even that is in the 'just okay' category.

Don't you mean Oreostein and Smore?

I think that user means in their attitude towards making games. They don't have to be political opposites.

Bioware is full SJW, CDPR is moderate leaning left.

thats because there are stairs between her and i

ryder is such a beta

Was this written and voiced by fucking teenage girls?

Kill yourself you ignorant fuck face. A lot of Asian people struggle to find work in comp sci related fields because of the "you're Asian you must be so smart" stereotype. It hurts more then just your supposed boogieman, and here's a real newsflash for you cum breath: white skin is a trait of nationalities other then people from the United States

For Honor was not a good game.
Siege was their last good game, before that they hadn't released good games for years.

Fuck she really is autistic

Considering they have no talent at Village it seems their only qualifier for the job is being fat

EA happened

Wasn't this the plot of Perfect Dark?

Besides the fat part.

This also :)


He did say "just okay game".
Fuck it, I'm itching for some games that have flails and shields, think I'll pick it up later once I jew some people for money.

I can't wait until every single one of those walking aids incubators are going up in flames in the incinerators.

Good night, parasite.