How bad is the PC port? On steam it has 80% positive reviews but it seems people are excusing the bad performance. Should I get it on PC or PS4?
How bad is the PC port? On steam it has 80% positive reviews but it seems people are excusing the bad performance...
I run it fine but I have an i7 and a 1050ti. The port IS NOT fantastic, the reason why Im playing on PC is because I share a library with a friend who bought it and I'm broke.
If you have the choice go with PS4
Its an okay port. Some people's setups really make it go bad but you just have to look at feedback if your PC is in the "danger zone". But if you can run it, you most likely wont have any problems.
Keep in mind this is at 8x MSAA because, "max graffix" test
The only people really having problems are those with outdated specs. The game doesn't look very well so a lot of people with toasters assumed wrongly that they would be able to run it. Turns out they can't and it's a 2017 game that needs an updated rig.
Get it if you're not a third worlder with a 4 year old setup. I have had no problems on a gtx 1080 and can't see why its a bad port apart from maybe not having good kb+m controls.
Do you have toaster + PS4?
Get it on PS4.
Do you have 1337 RIG?
Get it on PC.
It's confirmed to be buggy, wait for patches or get it on PS4.
It looks like shit but requires a good PC to run it.
It's okay, nothing that a few patches couldn't fix. The question is, will they patch it?
The port is fine aside from cutscenes being 30fps.
The only people saying the port sucks are retards with shit specs and SEA-niggers.
>i5 4690K 4.4Ghz
>GTX 1080
Other than the 60fps lock, performance is perfect. I wanna wait for a patch but the game is so good I don't even care.
"it's a 2017 game" is a shit excuse
the game looks like a past gen title, there's no reason for it to require the kind of specs that it does
If you're not going to keep your pc updated, then get a console.
>The question is, will they patch it?
Well, PC is the lead platform so why wouldn't they?
>willing to slurp up shit ports because "I can buy better hardware!"
This is why ports have gotten shittier as of late.
Japs very rarely patch their single-player games, unless it's something game-breaking.
So does A2 glowing when she dashes long enough signify anything from a gameplay perspective or is it just for show?
It's her berserk/overdrive tech.
Okay, sure. Keep expecting every single game to be witcher 3 levels of optimized, especially jap games. You're going to be in a world of hurt and I recommend you get a console, not as an insult but it will be better for your sanity.
As long they release a patch fixing some issues before the crack I'm ok with it, I don't want to pirate a poorly optimized game.
ps4 had a lot of stutering due to streaming.
is this fixed on pc?
>Hmmm please cum in my mouth, mr jap!
Not that user, but is it possible to have a discussion like an adult? Been here since 2007 and I'd figured we'd all would have grown up by now.
PS4 has some bad aliasing, PS4 Pro is smooth sailing now though
This is before any other patches
Don't ever buy a PC version you don't own the game you are just leasing a license from Gaben which can be revoked at any time. Buy a physical copy.
PC games are not "ports" anymore, consoles are x86 and are basically PCs. there should not be any "bad ports" anymore. there might be release bugs, but those are speedbumps to conquer compared to bad port code
you buy on pc by default if the game is on both
>really thinks owning the physical copy is somehow different when he can't play it without a PSN account
man,remember that time Valve revoked everyones steam game licenses? :(
>PS4 game
>port somehow needs the newest PC
why are these retards so incompetent
just use Unity if you are this fucking retarded
explain because all I know is that you can L3+R3 for berserker mode
>outdated specs
Only problem I've come across is the 1080p bug, needed to download a external program to get borderless fullscreen to fix it. Otherwise, no problems.
I bought a >1060 a few months ago and I can't run it recently on high at 1080p. The game visually shouldn't even be that demanding. There's no reason I shouldn't get 60fps
Runs well on monster PCs, if you have a mid range rig you will get performance issues and tweaking options doesn't really help, just plain bad optimization. Oh and it still has some bugs like not displaying in proper resolutions, 30 fps cutscenes, audio getting out of sync and frequent crashes.
Its running totally fine on my 970 and 6600k i5, the only issue I've had is that mouse and keyboard controls are rough, especially for the top-down segments.
fucking japanese games not even once
they will never understand PC because they dont use them
Define "totally fine" because I bet it ain't solid 60 fps at 1080
>not outdated
The game is really heavy GPU wise, but it shouldnt be a problem for non toasters users. The only downside the graphical options Nier has is that the AA fucks up your framerate for whatever reason, much more than it should, but who cares about AA really. Shitty 960 2gb here, can keep up 60fps at 1080p just fine with no AA and shadows on low/medium.
Same tech that drives her berserk mode drives also the ultra long dodges, that's why she glows the same during them.
Alright, so it's nothing related to any gameplay mechanic other than her having a really long dash
>Should I get it on PC or PS4?
Get it for PC of course.
Even a bad port usually performs and looks much better than the console version.
If you have a mid range shit will better on a ps4. It's a bad port.
On both platforms it has weird frame rate drops sometimes
Borderless windowed is required to get actual 1080p
M+kb controls are fucked, negative mouse acceleration, controller is fine
It runs good on PC if you have a very modern GPU, otherwise it runs poorly. Patch might come but I doubt it will improve performance, it'll most likely just fix the blatant issues.
Master race > PC bros on low settings(barely any difference but no AA) > PS4 Pro > toaster fags > PS4 base > dinosaur gamers.
i would expect framerate to get better, probably some bug eating a ton of time through tessalation or something
buy ps4 goy
>toaster fags > PS4 base
PS4 base is still a better experience than the shit you'd get on a toaster.
If you play the game with graphics as shitty as on consoles you'd probably get better frame rates.
My definition of a toaster is different than yours apparently.
nope, my 750ti toaster generally runs games at same or better settings as PS4 at 1080 with >30 fps, it got BTFO by this game though, I'm stuck playing at 900p on low settings at 40 fps which is much worse than base PS4
>Borderless windowed is required to get actual 1080p
It isn't necessarily, this is only required if you're using HDMI/Displayport and your computer is detecting a max refresh rate of 59.94Hz at 1080p, Nier doesn't know what to do with a non-60Hz refresh rate and just goes down the list until it finds a resolution paired with one.
Metal Gear Rising had the exact same issue and it was never fixed.
Consoles usually run games at settings below what is "low" on PC.
Some said AO causes pop up objects ?
>Nier doesn't know what to do with a non-60Hz refresh rate and just goes down the list until it finds a resolution paired with one.
The video game itself should be agnostic to this.
You basically have to write extra code, that has no purpose, in order to fuck this up.
Its amazing that japs manage this shit with pc games
>need $800 to run game that performs well on $200 hardware
>can't even mod it
some master race you are
AO + AA does supposedly.
>>can't even mod it
what did he mean by this
Why is everyone calling this a port? Its not a port.
>Blame on hardware when dev is the guilty one, dunno how to optimize properly
>not outdated
nigga even all 9xx except the 980ti are outdated by now
>3750k (not even overclocked xd)
>16gb ram
everythings fine
game is fucking good by the way
yet it still runs every other game fine because you shouldn't have to replace your graphics every 2 years to be able to run games at 1080p/60fps. stop making excuses for the lazy japs.
>bought a 960 2gb
>just wanted to play MGSV well
>play MGSV well
>later realize MGSV plays maxed out on 560ti which I had already
feels meh man
>buying a new gpu for a game that even runs on 360/ps3
Is this going to have dlc? I'm going to get it in PS4 because I have a toaster PC but as a general rule I like buying only the "complete editions" physically (in case of a no internet apocalypse)
w...................... ooooooooooooaaaaaaahhhh
>konami makes best engine of last generation
>throws it in the trash
at least we're getting Survive I guess
I heard the source was prepared for ps4 version, they used it too for pc without proper optimization
>How bad is the PC port? On steam it has 80% positive reviews but it seems people are excusing the bad performance.
It's just not your usual Xbone multiplat ported to PC, so toaster fags struggle, because PS4 Pro is actually powerful.
Pic related runs the game just fine.
When Scorpio hits and game developers start targeting that, Steam's third worlders are finished.
most likely, yes
>stop making excuses for the lazy japs.
who are you quoting
all I said is that 780ti is outdated, im not whoever you were talking with earlier
I really hope they patch the fullscreen bug tho.
>Should I get it on PC or PS4?
This is what consoles do to games today.
Most likely no, don't listen to the other guy.
Taro said he has neither the man power nor the funding to make DLC, and told his fanbase to not get their hopes up.
>Keep expecting every single game to be witcher 3 levels of optimized
Witcher 3 has been downgraded for Xbone. That's why PC toasters run it fine.
>Have a top end PC and a PS4
>PC version is buggy and Denuvo
>PS4 version is more expensive and low res
I guess I'll just pass on this one.
>because PS4 Pro is actually powerful.
>When Scorpio hits and game developers start targeting that, Steam's third worlders are finished.
I've been saying that for a while. Shit is only going to get harder to run once pro/scorpio become the standard and devs port those games to pc rather than standard ps4/xbone. Anyone with toasters should really be looking to upgrade this year.
>PC games are not "ports" anymore, consoles are x86 and are basically PCs.
That's wrong and every port of a native PS4 game shows that.
His point was that something that was decently high end 2 years ago shouldn't be "outdated" already
>literally runs worse than """poorly optimized""" games like Deus Ex MD and Forza Horizon 3, but Sup Forums will excuse it because muh based japs
But it is.
it is a great port.
0 crashes, 0 issues runs silky smooth on 970 and i5 2500k.
i7 people are having problems tho
Depends a lot on your setup. If you use a gamepad and have a decent nvidia card, most of the problems wont affect you.
hey that's pretty good.
A 970 can get 40+ fps with 8xmsaa
>because PS4 Pro is actually powerful.
lol not really dude, still weaker than a single midrange card
tfw completing father servo at level 20. Had to put a movie on in the background.
yeah, wish we could all pirate perfectly optimized videogames or buy them for 1 dollar lol, would be cool huh, vote for Bernie Sanders
>outdated specs
>GeForce 700 series cards were first released in May 2013
This is a 7th generation video card.
>be me
>see discusting and immature behavior of PC gamers and especially PCMRetards
>don't want to suppport platform with such a shitty, immature and hypocrytical audience
>literally stopped buying games on PC
>havent bought a game on PC for like 2 years
>pirate and play everything on PC though because I want to play the best version
>buy console version instead so I have a legal copy and devs get my money
>tfw 30fps on an i5 and 760
>medium graphics
I'm getting smooth 60 with 4x aa and 8x af, vsync off, motion blur off
It seems to depend a lot on cpu as well
>Works like a charm 1080p/60fps with a RX 480 and a fucking pentium
>15 minute in, hitting an enemy will result in a freeze followed by a blank screen
How does it have bad performance? I'm playing it with a 750Ti and the framerate is constant (pobably shitty or course).
The game doesn't even look that good to bgin with.
Only for Nier. Literally.
it's not wrong. old consoles were not x86. new consoles are .the amount of a "port" that anything is anymore is drastically less than it was in the past and the word does not mean the same thing. "port" used to mean completely recoding a game from a different processor architecture...the challenges today are miniscule in comparison, so when games like Nier run badly, it is objectively the dev's fault because they are bad programmers.
Wait.....AF causes fps drop too ?
My 970 runs it fine