Please tell me why should anyone keep supporting Nintendo now that they also use dumbed down generic hardware (tablet...

Please tell me why should anyone keep supporting Nintendo now that they also use dumbed down generic hardware (tablet hardware at that, not even laptop hardware like the other guys), paid online, day one dlc, season passes, content held hostage, half assed multimedia, non-gaming features, social, overpricing of hardware and accessories, and everything else wrong with the industry today.

There would be no difference with a game being on PS4 or Xbone instead of Switch, since they do the same shit as Sony and MS now, except in somewhat portable form.

By having Nintendo games on Sony or PC or Xbox, you'll have no differences in your experience, except for the huge bump in graphics and performance and online capabilities, since those systems are not held back by Nintendo's backwards mentality and outdated infrastructure.

Honestly, the Switch is such a bad piece of hardware and Nintendo has implemented every single greedy tactic in the book you could slap a Sony logo on it, show it to someone who doesn't know anything about it and they'd believe it's the latest derivative, overdesigned and overpriced piece of shit sony device after the Shita.

Please, give me ONE FUCKING REASON to support Nintendo in this day and age, they're a shadow of their former self and there is no difference anymore between them and Sony or MS, they're just another unlikeable faceless corporation hell bent on maximizing profits while fucking their customers, and all of their games would be better on LITERALLY every other piece of current gen hardware than they would be on the shitty Switch.

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>>Please, give me ONE FUCKING REASON to support Nintendo in this day and age
Because they create the best games. Even other developers admit this.


>It's only not okay if Nintendo does it

You keep denying the fact their games would be better on literally every other piece of current gen hardware. You'd have a point if the Switch had some gimmick like the Wii which prevented their games from "working" on any other system, but what the fuck does the switch has that the PC doesn't have (except limited portability, and even then most people aren't interested in this). What makes Zelda require the Switch, give me a single fucking reason. Fuck, if it was on PC you'd have the same game except with better graphics and free online, and probably less day one dlc. Nintendo is holding back their own games nowdays, by being just as bad if not worse than Sony and MS.


Need to update that, Nintenbro.

So you agree with me? Now that everyone INCLUDING Nintendo is doing it, why should I support them over Sony or MS? Especially when Sony and MS make better hardware and have better online features and less censorship.

fpbp as usual
Nintendo just makes the best games.

And in the end, that's what really matters.

Now imagine if that 9.8 game had 60fps, 1080p, graphics like the bullshots, and didn't require you to buy an overpriced piece of shit tablet to play.

Their games are held back by Nintendo themselves. Why do you keep ignoring this simple point?

Because they don't have the games I want nigger

Also what censorship? Switch is region free now

Stay mad, if you don't want to buy the hardware you don't get the games

They will keep making hardware because they will profit off them, and you complaining on a Vietnamese basket weaving board will change nothing

>Because they don't have the games I want nigger

You keep ignoring the point you double nigger. Why do Nintendo games need Nintendo hardware and infrastructure anymore? Even if they go third party, their games will keep existing and be even better by not being confined to shitty nintendo hardware and infrastructure. Nintendo going third party would be the best case scenario now that they're officially as bad if not worse worse than Sony and MS.

If you keep denying this you're the very definition of a corporate dicksucking drone.

>You keep denying the fact their games would be better on literally every other piece of current gen hardware.
Why would it be? If it was on xbox or ps4 I wouldn't be able to aim well with a bow in Zelda for example. I wouldn't be able to get right back into my game because xbox and ps4 are just shitty pcs. I wouldn't be able to take my Switch and play it at work. You call it gimmicks but it affects gameplay and it WOULDN'T be better if it was on xbox or ps4 or PC. See, you're not as smart as you think you are. And you know what the best thing is? All of it is optional. If you don't like motion controls you don't have to use them. Oakhill HUERTAS
I played PC games back in 2007 in 1080p and 60 fps and you know what? That didn't make them better games. PC is for multiplats at best. It never have any exclusives, even indie games are on consoles now.

I have always been anti Nintendo ever since Wii U but you gotta admit the switch is impressive if you compare it to their 3ds

For just $50 more you can get a switch instead of a new 3ds. Switch is like 1000x more powerful the the 3ds, is the mainline console for Nintendo this gen and it is portable.

Is there any reason to get a 3ds at this point?

>Is there any reason to get a 3ds at this point?
More than one game, more than 2 hours battery life.

>If it was on xbox or ps4 I wouldn't be able to aim well with a bow in Zelda for example
Why not? The DS4 supports aiming like a Wii remote.
>I wouldn't be able to get right back into my game because xbox and ps4 are just shitty pcs
Why not? PS4 supports sleep mode just fine.
>I wouldn't be able to take my Switch and play it at work.
Vita Remote Play faggot, also if you even consider playing at work you confirm the fact you don't have a job. Who the fuck plays games at work without getting fired on the spot or getting branded as an autismo by every coworker at once? But that's another story. And yes if you really value portability THAT MUCH this is your only valid point.

>xbox and ps4 are just shitty pcs

Being a shitty PC is still miles better than being a shitty nvidia shield m8.

100x the games compared to the switch. Good battery

>Vita Remote Play faggot
(sounds of Nintendo executives laughing)

>Even if they go third party, their games will keep existing
Nintendo has already said that if they go under, their games go with them. There is zero chance of them being a third party developer, they do their thing on their platforms or nothing.

More games and CFW right now.

Yes I realize it obvious has more games. Can't comment about the battery life though since I don't own a switch.

I still hate Nintendo for introducing amiibos

They get some good games every now and then, I wanna play them.

>nintendo games would look like nier if they were on other systems
I have no idea how this meme started but it needs to end right now

Yeah, they also said they wouldn't do DLC scamming, paid online, mobile games, etc.

Also a brain dead monkey could CFW a 3DS nowadays. It's a one-time investment if you want it to be.

The dog tan is cute? I don't have much for positive feedback, and I'm grasping for straws. Last Nintendo console I owned was a gamecube.

Actually, they never said that.


>Brand new hardware
>Literally struggles to play BOTW straight out of the gate
This is pretty disastrous if I'm being honest
I do plan on getting one for Splatoon, Animal Crossing and Pokemon but how can your new system been this out dated on launch?
This bodes horribly for the future of the Switch, This system is meant to last about 6~8 years and its already struggling to play games on day 1.

games wouldn't be limited to the hardware restraints of their shitty consoles if they were made for more powerful machines instead. Not a hard fucking concept user

The same guy that said valve will unlock all your games forever once they go under ;^)

>please spoonfeed me

They said all of that. Also, let's be more specific, IWATA said that, and now he's fucking dead. The new CEO can do whatever the fuck he wants and completely disregard anything Iwata said before. And believe me, if the choice is either third party or go under, they aren't going to leave all of their workers without a job, they will go third party to minimize the damage.

>Because they create the best game.
Fixed. I have no interest in racing, multiplayer or party games so unless they announce a new Metroid Prime there is absolutely nothing else on the horizon that would make it worth it, which is why I'm hoping to just emulate BotW.

Nope, he didn't. Nice try though.

Its a little unfair to compare to the 3DS which came out about 6 years ago now.
I don't think its a testament to how impressive the Switch is but how bad the 3DS was on arrival.
Everyone has abounded 480p and yet Nintendo thought 240 would hold up


The GPU is still laptop hardware.
Its a rebranded Geforce 920mx with fp16 cheat to make it more compatible with the android platform, which is why it failed as a tablet chip, too much unused features which leads to too much battery waste when running android shit.
Now the whole rest yes.

It already takes them absurd amounts of manhours to make games that look like they do. If they were using the PS4 to its fullest potential every Nintendo game would take at least twice as long to make, probably more. So unless you're interested in once a decade Zelda or Mario...

>Everyone has abounded 480p

They make retarded social rejects shitpost and copy paste the same threads for attention.

Your moans, cries and squirms are reason enough for me.

>I have no argument so I'll just use ad hominems

It still runs BotW better than the WiiU, no matter how you measure it.
But the main conundrum here is that most of the power boost on the switch come from it being "smarter" rather than having more grunt power, and a plain rushed port like Zelda will not take advantage of the extra smartness to run faster.

If you want to see the real power difference:

This company that actually do care about optimizing shit managed to get a maximum of 4.5 times more pixel per screen if compared to the game on the WiiU. (640x720 vs 1920x1080).
This happens because they used the extra smart that comes from a modern video chip that supports DX12/Vulkan/Open GL 4.5, versus a DX10/Open GL 3.3 chip.

Whoops, i meant this video:

>believing in reviewers blindly when consumers have already gotten it in their hands
Have reviewers ever been as out of touch as they are currently?

Since when were childrens cartoon games with shit controls considered the best games ever?

Here's your spoonfeeding, you fucking braindead drone.


I wonder how many of those are actually Zelda OOT cultists pretending to be sonyfandrones.

Obvious Sup Forums posters trying to prove a point and make le sony boogeyman seem real.

I actually enjou the Switch as a console. It's actually really useful to have a console where you can literally just pick it up and use it as a portable. I've been playing Zelda at work, When someone else uses the TV I just play portable, when I'm lying in bed I play portable. Multiplayer tabletop has also been useful with Snipperclips.

The problem with the Switch is once again Nintendo's bullshit pricing comes into play and everything is fucking ABSURDLY overpriced compared to any other console or PC.

Why in FUCK are Bomberman, Binding of Issac essentially full price games? I can pick up these games on any other console or Steam for like $5.

Why in FUCK is Snipperclips $30? Everyone knows this shit would be $5-$10 on Steam or any other console.

Why in FUCK is one two switch a full price game instead of packaged game already on the console when you buy it?! I swear to fucking god, 12 switch would literally be like $4 on Steam or any of the other consoles marketplaces. Voez is a $4.99 mobile phone game and it's like $40 on the fucking Switch.

This is where Nintendo once again show themselves as utter cunts. The second an R2 card is made for this thing I'm getting it, because if they don't respect me as a consumer, why in fuck should I respect them?

>Sonybros pretending to be nintenbros pretending to be sonybros

I know man, sure sucks they only have like 4 guys that can make games at a time. Not like they can make teams that make multiple games. That's crazy fantasy talk.

500 people worked on BoTW

Wow, guess those are the only people in the whole industry.

>Please, give me ONE FUCKING REASON to support Nintendo in this day and age
I like their games. Would be nice to play them on my PC, but unfortunately monster hunter, zelda, and xenoblade are nintendo exclusive at the moment.

>1 2 Switch sells hundreds of thousands

Please explain to me why Nintendo should give games away for free if people are happy to buy them for almost full price?

So you're suggesting that Nintendo, now with half of their business gone is just going to hire thousands of devs?

You're a stupid fuck, aren'tcha?

BoI is about 35 dollars with all the dlc. Nevermind that you can't turn it off on the switch.

For everything else I agree, though from a business standpoint it makes sense, especially considering scuttlebut I've heard about games actually dropping in price and going on sale.

>Image starts off with a valid point about the hardware
>Rambles on about pointless shit to pad out the image size


>Please tell me why should anyone keep supporting Nintendo now that they also use dumbed down generic hardware (tablet hardware at that, not even laptop hardware like the other guys), paid online, day one dlc, season passes, content held hostage, half assed multimedia, non-gaming features, social, overpricing of hardware and accessories, and everything else wrong with the industry today.
cause this is what the industry standards are and what you asked for for years :3

I never buy Nintendo unless I can get it dirt cheap and the system supports cracked games and homebrew shit. They seem to be doing just fine with the support of their cult of rabid fanboys

>Now imagine if that 9.8 game had 60fps, 1080p, graphics like the bullshots, and didn't require you to buy an overpriced piece of shit tablet to pla
The gameplay would be identical, I would not be able to take it to bed or work, and I would have to pay even more to play it. I'm good.

urrrgghghhh zedla is babby game switch is doomed

>Vita Remote Play
>must be online, lag out the ass
Lol no thanks.

>if I hate thing, all fans of it are a rabid cult
Classic Sup Forumseogaf.

I stopped supporting nintendo when the 3DS came out. Got it second hand and hacked it.

I was given a Switch for my birthday and it's collecting dust until the hacking scene finishes blowing it open. Should take about another month or two

>Who the fuck plays games at work without getting fired on the spot or getting branded as an autismo by every coworker at once?

I'm a grave-yard shift vet tech so I'm literally alone from 11pm to 7am making sure the animals aren't dying / taking care of.
I don't really got much else to do besides an hour or two of work and Vita.

>trying to use logic and reasoning with NInteniggers

They will continue to support Nintendo because Nintendo is Nintendo.

I'm not poor and their games are actually fun.

>me neither so lemme just green text with words that I picked up by lutking here for 6 months