I love yoshi!
I love yoshi!
Other urls found in this thread:
i wonder what his shit tastes like haha
Yoshi didn't deserve this fate
maybe you should ask him it might get into a book or something haha
I wonder if he wonders what I taste like
i wonder what the book smells like haha
haha i wonder what this thread smells like now haha
Amazon publishing was a mistake
What the fuck is this "haha" shit about?
I wonder if he uses his tongue to clean hos butt after taking a shit haha
Imagine people selling these at a con and some young kid buying it haha
Haha, I wonder what this user smells like
haha nice haha i hope he answers for a laugh
>535 genitals
I wonder if yoshi ever steps on his eggs so he can smell hos feet coverd in his own eggs
Yoshi is just so cute!
If you were a Yoshi, what colour would you be and what would you do?
I'd be a pink Yoshi and touch fuzzies all day!
Haha I kinda want to buy this book as a joke.
haha i kinda wanna masturbate to it as a joke
So Nintendo gets AM2R taken down, but let's this shit live?
haha i kind of want to shit in my hand and smell it like yoshi as a joke
maybe Nintendo likes it haha you know as a joke haha
>that question on bottom right
It was said that on this very day Yoshi's reputation was changed forever.
I wonder what Yoshi's back smells like after taking his saddle off on a hot summer day. Just curious on the smells for laughs haha.
Saddle? It's clearly a shell haha
Oh silly me my mistake. Haha
i wanna buy that book haha
just for jokes though haha
haha i wonder what would happen if i bumped the thread just curious for a few laughs haha
what if I went into your home and burned your eyelids with cigarettes for posting this haha
i want to fuck yoshi like everyone else but im not going to buy this book because it was posted on Sup Forums you just lost a sale shill
>whatever it takes
How can Nintendo let this book be sold?
allowing the distribution of this filth...
having brand integrity IS important...
alienates those who don't wonder how he smells...
I don't get how this can weird some of y'all out when there is shit like fart threads and the like.
Is this the same guy who drew that fap 4 times a day comic?
Nishi draws the cutest Yoshi. I never saw Yoshi as cute until I saw his art.
fap 4 times a day comic?
yep haha
youre retarded and obviously not a connoisseur of yoshi art and im going to rape you
Why is Yoshi so happy about falling into this giant brass instrument?
It look like it
>mfw planning 4 times
the biggest joke in this thread and it was just something briefly mentioned
Also Video Games
>ctrl f haha
>28 results
Everyone I've seen with a Yoshi name/avatar online has been one of those creepy autistic dudes with legit mental problems
I don't understand why
make it 29 haha
Poopoo! Haha jk I'm sure he just is trying to be funny or something would that be weird if it was poopoo and he really wanted it? that makes me feel funny thinkn about it
when are mods going to make 'haha' an autoban word?
we're talking about my man Yoshi here not German highways
just joshing ya, haha
let me guess your either gay or autistic
yoshi is ok.
>tfw had a period where I was obsessed with yoshi and turned out gay and autistic
>grew up loving yoshi
>didn't really become some weird furfag
I guess maybe choosing Boo in the newer games saved me
Boo has always been cuter than Yoshi.
could you put a cute little saddle on that boo though?
hmm, I think maybe you could
>mfw Tuler started drawing porn
Yoshi really is cute, though.
how do people get such vibrant colors?
do u think he had his way with mario? just wondering haha
>you will never change the perception of a character on Sup Forums with just three shitposts
I dunno. Maybe?
Yoshi had always been associated with weird homosexuals, see those Mario Kart charts
Color relationships and saturation.
The artist is using a really saturated pallet, but also is using really warm colors in light, and really cool colors in shadows. Even in the darkest shadows, the actual tone isn't that dark, but the color itself is very cold
thank you for that explanation, basically if I wanted to replicate it I should use very saturated blues and purples instead of grays and blacks for lines and shadows, and bright warm colors elsewhere?
would i want to crank the gamma in computer works and use watercolor pencils or markers dipped in water for that on paper? pls responde ;_;
Im not weird.
Sure, that's why you jack off to a cartoon dinosaur from a videogame and pay hundreds of dollars to have drawings of your Yoshi OC being rimmed by your Internet boyfriend's OC
just like my faggot brother did
You only got the first part right.
This beats Diary of a Farting Pikachu on the "AM2R gets taken down bu t Nintendo lets this shit by" scale.
>just like my faggot brother did
is he cute?
>just like my faggot brother did
Post it ! And how much did he payed ?
I'd say the more important rule to follow is that you don't want to get darker by using a darker version of a color, but rather make something look dark through color relationships.
Maybe this image illustrates what I'm saying a little better
why are highlights like that a dead giveaway that something is fetishistic
It's on his computer, which is some hundreds miles from where I am now. And he cost him enough to be always asking our parents for money even though he had a job and no living expenses
>girl likes yoshi a lot
>She's cute, good-quality nerd, nice
>guy likes yoshi
>shits on his dog and then fucks it
Shit, it's not on a shitty tumblr or something like that ?
Either way, sucks for your family to have a disgrace like that as a son. If you're going to be the fag of the family, at least have some decency
Yoshi didn't deserve this. No character deserves this.
>No character deserves to be thought of as attractive
Yoshi is cancer
>annoying as fuck
>only fights with tongue
Yoshifags are still being cancer btfo
He also fights with his butt and his eggs, which also come out of his butt ahah
>only fights with his tongue
>you will never mass debate with yoshis
I can still dream at least hhaa
>tfw vore threads can't exist on Sup Forums because they always turn into tubaposting or hahaposting
it's not fair
fuck i don't have any angry squinting anime girls saved on this computer so pretend quoted you and posted one
No idea what this is
How far and how fast do I need to run
>And he cost him enough to be always asking our parents for money even though he had a job and no living expenses
Have you considered pouring gasoline on him and setting him on fire haha
What do you have against tubavore?
I wonder if Yoshi uses his long tongue to self suck his penus haha just curious haha
Why should vore threads be on a board about video games?
Because it's a fucking meme
only like three people on that shitty discord even actually enjoy it including the timothy guy who started it, the rest of them are memeing faggots
i can find vidya-related vore in a heartbeat