For those who are done with Nier, Do you have answers to questions like why Eve has the cult symbol of the watchers...

For those who are done with Nier, Do you have answers to questions like why Eve has the cult symbol of the watchers? Who made YoRHa? What is the origin of the Logic Virus was it because they have records of the Red-eye virus in the network so they let the machines get infected by it? Also Nier Automata thread

Other urls found in this thread: Research Report

No, I have no answers.
I JUST finished Ending E, though.

Androids made Yorha.
It's probably the being from the volcano was a watcher that gave the machines sentient egos.
Yes mind control is handy for an army.

it's all interpretation
logic virus = watchers dickin around
machine lifeforms made yorha to provide constant conflict to evolve further probably

I would like to believe Accord set the machine war up so that she can capitalize on selling weapons to the resistance and yorha units

All your questions will be answered in ending K

>white text on white background

Nice job, fag

>It's probably the being from the volcano was a watcher that gave the machines sentient egos.
I thought the volcano shit was the giant robot you fought from the ocean?

It went berserk and the feedback cut off a whole bunch of robots from the network, so they started to have free will.

Either way, only the mother watcher made it through to this world, and she fucking died.


actually nier 1 beepy gave machines egos. he didn't die in nier 1 and was able to fix himself and get to the surface. just so happens that was when Emil was fighting robots. so he linked with robots and gave them feels

What was the purpose of fairy tales in route B? The last one on the server especially bugs me, as it basically precedes its events.

what fairy tales?

>machine lifeforms made yorha to provide constant conflict to evolve further probably

Don't believe that. It feels like not giving the androids, who have by this point been around for 8000 years, enough credit.

These videos you see when playing as 9S. I forgot how they're called in the intel menu.

actually it's true it's why there was a backdoor to the bunker server and why yohra models all got the logic virus but not the androids. remember the paper about not being ethical to use Android ai I still don't get the morality of it but that means they used the machine ai which is why the androids were able to feel emotions.

oh okay. which one confused you?

Their purpose. Each one of them had something to do with the theme of the area they were going through, that much is obvious.
But 9S actually heard the last one ( and I feel like they mean something more and I'm just missing something.

what were those picture books all about? it was kind of vague for some

>remember the paper about not being ethical to use Android ai

this is exactly what leads me to believe that YorHa was established by androids. YorHa was designed to be destroyed after a while, so they could in no good conscience create proper androids only to be destroyed. That's why they used machine cores as a basis, they didn't believe they would have such an advanced consciousness and emotional response. They wanted to create androids that continually improve in their fight against the machines but without the complex consciousness that would make their eventual destruction an ethical problem.

Is wanting to have sex with 2B normal?

Im still consfuse on Terminal. Im sure the image and likeness comes from brother One or Manah except the blonde hair but arent they from a diffrent world from Nier's world. How can the network even coincidentally make the Terminal look like them if they are from a diffrent universe

going off what I heard from gleams of discussion between pc shitposting. the robots in automata rebelled and killed their alien overlords because they gained sentience from nier1, which I assume you played, beepy boss whose goal in the game was to see the outside with his shade buddy. beepy the robot didn't die but learned about humans and their nature from his shade companion amd was able to link with alien machines giving them their desire to be human. now this part is speculation until they release the audio dramas or resource books like they did with nier 1. but beepy learned somewhat of the gestalt problem from him and realized that he wants to transcend his form to be human. after learning humanity he also wants to transcend his form and become human too. become as gods

I am so mad we did not get any more on the Red Girl.
I accidentaly "spoiled" her design by flipping through the artbook and expected some huge Mannah like twist, but they did not even do that much.

Watchers find a really cute loli and use her likeness everywhere, because the Watchers too want to be the little girl.

I've only seen two so far, but they seem to be vague retellings of how the machines disconnected from the network and became self aware.

The event at the volcano, whatever it was (I think it was the big robot goliath in the ocean rampaging, but could be a bunch of things), is how they first disconnected.
The next one says they found treasures that were all different shapes. Unless a future one I find proves me wrong, I think that's their personalities they are finding.

The machines were trying to imitate humanity, right? Because humans are weird and unusual and unpredictable. So I think each of the Robots took on a specific quality that they were given by the Terminal AI, the hivemind or whatever.

Amusement park bots live for fun, Pascal bots live for peace, God bots live for God etc. I think Adam and Eve were like that, living for one purpose.

I don't really get how it links to Drakengard though. I mean the Terminal girl looking like Brother One / Manah is weird, like what said. When it happened in Drakengard 3, I feel it was just a coincidence, but now this is the 2nd time someone connected to the watchers' will just so happens to look like a red little girl with a male voice.

I will admit this part I'm still hazy on. but yorah was not made by androids. but by whoever the weird little girl server administrator thing was. they had all the data on yorah and recognized a2 as being a first round model that future yorah units were based on. something about the interaction make me believe this.

did 2B and 9S ever fuck?

>this was the first game in a very long time that i felt comfortable sinking hours into and grinding for shit.

>the music
>the fighting
>the butts
>the work

i really love this game and i've been playing for 26hrs straight

That's because N2 is from the YoRHa stage play. The terminals create the design to interface with A2 in the main server room beneath Mt. Ka'ala and tells her everything about YoRHa, the moon server, humanity being extinct, the machine war, etc.

They let her go in order to create a monster that will create the perfect conditions for machine evolution. Then A2s girlfriend nukes the server.

That's right; A2 was the true heroine and you didn't even realize the "don't fight them" section was actually the final boss fight.

The Terminals hacked into the Moon server and knows everything the androids were planning and thus can manipulate them into having 14 android wars, that's what they told you themselves. As for A2, they met in the screenplay in the Pearl Harbor attack before.

What was the meaning of her appearing in cutscenes in 9S' story prior to the reveal, but not appearing in 2B's side of the story. I only caught it once (aside from the really obvious one in the ending cutscene), but the first time you fight Adam & Eve, you can see the Terminal at the side, but only during 9s' story.

Why could 9s see her?

why do the mcs cover their eyes?
How are they supposed to fight if they can't see?

Protagonist powers

The documents in the boxes directly state that project YoRHa was created after the extinction of humanity by androids to perpetuate the myth of humans surviving on the moon.
The Research Report should tell you more about the terminals and the network. Supposedly terminals also appear in stage plays.

The blindfolds have fucktons of sensors in them, allowing them to see better than if they didn't wear them.

He couldn't see her, or he would have freaked out over ghost girls appearing at the corner of his eye. They were observing him for the trolling ride in route C/D.

makes no sense at all

>>That's right; A2 was the true heroine and you didn't even realize the "don't fight them" section was actually the final boss fight.
Square Enix CEO Yosuke Matsuda was the true final boss.

They're androids, they're not human eyes underneath. The blindfold gives them a cool blind monk look, and make them look less emotional which is apparently a big deal even if 6O is emotion city.

The terminals are the main antagonists of the stage play. They spoil the plot of Automata for A2.

I'v seen her in the hangar in the second play through

But why is she not there in the first playthrough. Is there something special about 9s?

too edgy to make sense

Metaphorically, only the androids who don't wear blindfolds know the truth about YoRHa. The rest are blind to the truth.

I think it's just a foreshadowing.

Also, you can see one Terminal when 9S gets into flight unit near the end of route B.


>only the androids who don't wear blindfolds know the truth about YoRHa.
The Operators and even the commander herself didn't know everything about the Yorha project.\
She doesn't even fucking know about the backdoor.

is there another document I might have missed nothing in the one you linked says androids made yohra. the fact that machines need enemies makes more sense that they created yohra than androids.

Im starting to lean on the fact that all these references to Drakengard are just easter eggs rather than story elements related to the franchise as a whole. Give us answers Taro. WHAT DOES SYMBOL OF THE WATCHERS EVEN MEAN?

So she's watching the events of the story unfold, almost like she's..... a watcher?

Either a troll, or possible DLC down the line. Probably the former.

>why do the mcs cover their eyes?
we are thinking on the basest of planes. what we need, are more eyes...

9S hacked into Beauvoir/Simone for you burgers and got somewhat infected by logic virus which enabled him to see the terminals.


you're too edgy to make sense

Drakengard 1: Just a cool logo for the empire
Drakengard 3: picrelated

should the ark at ending c/d have been fired? was a2 right to stop it.

So is this game worth picking up? I'm just about finished with Zelda and need something to fill find until the new Mario comes out.

Is it similar to the first Nier? Is it just as mindfucky?

it's just as mindfuckt but not as melancholic. also everything plays better, even the fetch quests.

>Madmen toil surreptitiously in rituals to beckon the logic virus. Uncover their secrets.

Just got ending A after about twelve hours. Did a whole bunch of sidequests as well, though certainly not all of 'em. I started on my second 'playthrough' already but I'm kind of annoyed at 9S's even-simpler combat. There's not even a heavy attack, he just has that shitty hacking game. Think I'll just blaze through the main missions as fast as possible since route C actually has new stuff, or so I hear.

Do any of the routes contain some new information about why Emil was inside a random robot's head and is now driving around selling you stuff?

So 2B want 9S boipussy ingame or is just shipping tier?

>The machines and the androids are one-The Watchers

>it's just as mindfuckt but not as melancholic.

Might have to check it out then.

He has a heavy attack.

Try not spamming the attack button and time the presses.

Emil made a thosand copies of himself to fight the aliens before but as a side effect evertime he make a new copy of himself he loses his memory little by little until the point he cant remember anymore his friends

Hold R2 while attacking, 9S has the best combos

>not as melancholic
I'd say that melancholy was replaced with nostalgia. As if the whole world longs for the time long since gone and every area shows it. That's why there are so many ruins and traces of human life compared to the first Nier.

How does Taro do it to not make me absolutely hate 9S?
Just like with Emil. I usually really don´t like these boyish-characters, but they always work in Taro games.

>Think I'll just blaze through the main missions as fast as possible since route C actually has new stuff, or so I hear.
I'd say route B has some very thematically important side quests. One of them basically foreshadows the ending twist.

Because he is secretly Caim 2.0 that loves to murder now

Emil is such a pure and good boy that he can make even the most jaded love him.

>One of them basically foreshadows the ending twist.
I really liked that in hindsight. A friend of mine actually called that twist because of that quest and having watched Madoka he said.

They're both well rounded characters with proper motives.

You can't blame 9s for going batshit nuts the trailer spoils a lot but it does it in reverse.

which quest again?

Having anything Drakengard related to Nier isn't farfetched because that's where it spawned from.

Accord is even mentioned in one of the logs.

Amnesia, the one about the E-Type in disguise who went nuts from killing all her buddehs

Dito is the only shitty Taro shota, even Seere is better.

>Accord is even mentioned in one of the logs.
The weapon shop in the resistance camp even says that she is his boss or something.


I'd love to see a sequel where 9s travels the cosmos with Adam and Eve going on a genocide murder campaign to the Aliens' home planet.

>posting delicious White with such a shit post
Get purged. You are probably a Cent lover.

How many of the endings are actual endings and not just jokes?


>thought I'd hate Cent
>ended up being the only disciple who loved his intoner and was basically the best boy all around

5 main ending and 21 joke endings

5 Endings, 21 Joke/Bad Endings

why didn't Four just ask Decadus to fuck her?

>9S with two swords

Could anyone stop him???????

My 9S chose to stay. Seemed fitting.

Main: A-E
Joke: F-Z

Alright. I just killed myself eating mackerel

Decadus is a good boy who deserved a better Intoner who wasn't...
autistic as fuck

But man, was it good.

>be at robot village
>big ass explosion all of a sudden
>have to head back to main area
>accidentally go the wrong path back
>resistentece camp destroyed
>close game and start back up
>still have a 2nd ending,but luckily i was able to start back in the camp and beat the 2 goliath properly and save everyone
>now curently doing quest and theres a big ass hole in the ground

So is there only one ending that cause you to start the game over and lose your save data or are there multiple?

>reach Pascal's village
>murder them all
>get a bad ending

but Four was the best intoner, her and Decadus just had incompatible fetishes

>start the game over
Nah. The joke endings have you begin at your last save point.

How about you stop posting on Sup Forums and go suck Decadus' dick, Four?

Only one. And the game makes sure you know which one. You won't do it accidentally.