I got Hector. Now what?
FE Heroes thread.
I got Hector. Now what?
FE Heroes thread.
Feed him to Gwen
I have a +5 Gaius though
Inherit ruined the game for me. It really brought out all the whales. You can tell who is and who isn't a whale by looking at a persons party and them having all skill slots maxed
>tfw rolling since day one for my boy Hector
>still don't have him
>Ike and Boyd aren't even in the game
>playing pvp
At least April update will separate F2P patricians from the blue whales
In what way
There's nothing else to do.
Everyone beat the story weeks ago and the one map a week that takes 5 minutes to blaze through doesn't cut it.
Not to mention it's the only way to get any decent amount of feathers which are needed even more now to upgrade units just to get their weapons and skills.
Which one to keep?
Inheritance should only have been allowed for missing slots and maybe to change weapons.
Four factors will now determine matchmaking, not just overall total stats
>farmed all those stratum quests (except level 10)
>got this
I wanna unninstall
Alright, good to know
>6/7 wins
>see Camilla
>think it's an easy win
>Ryoma and Tacomeme
Fuck this game
Pvp is the only thing this game has to offer. It's has an abysmal campaign mode, events that takes weeks to appear and can be finished under 10 minutes, and a exp dungeon sim to farm SP/quests
Nintendo has no clue what the fuck they're doing and it's hilarious
>inherit ruined-
How to spot a retard
It's an incredibly successful gatcha game.
It's doing fine.
>level 30
Level them to 40 and then ask again. Quite hard to see their IVs' right now.
>gets one bad roll
>wants to uninstall
I've gotten about four 5 stars out of about 20 rolls, that's just gatcha games
i got 3 bronze stahls a bronze beruka and a bronze virion
at least you got based cherche
You must have had a pretty good luck up until now if a single unsuccessful summon session disappoints you.
I got lucky and my Hector is -Spe +Def. What skills should I give to him other than Vantage?
i told you to stop rolling for hector
you shoulda listened
Do i keep summoning or leave? Really dont need greens (if one if these is a bartre ill rage)
Escape with your life intact.
Roll for Hector. He calls to you within those green orbs.
The only green i want really is minerva and she'll be in a focus next week. Even with 3.25 its too risky to search for hector, im escaping. I was just looking for ninian
Keep rolling if you had a good summon % since its gonna reset when you leave.
Go back in time 2 months.
>The only green i want really is minerva
I don't understand waifufags.
>She'll be in focus next week
[Citation needed]
Hector compells you to roll.
Green tomebreaker/wom is imo better than vantage. Give him pivot and a hone skill. Maybe pavise, or eschu. Moonbow or Luna work with green tomebreaker
Tomorrow actually, part of the next grand battle. Only lasts 45 minutes though
>45 minute banner in a game that's supposed to cater to all timezones
Great job.
>mfw I've been playing since launch and still don't have a 5star
No, 45 minute grand battle,we don't know how long the banners going to last.
>rolled 4 5*s, only 2 that are useable with like 140 orbs
>worthless 4*s, no one to promote
>decide to make a new account on my other phone
>first roll on it
im actually uninstalling this fucking bullshit FUCK ISIS and gatcha whale shit
No, i have 2 already and want more to merge her
I had 3.25 but its not a big deal
I have spare Palla, Catria and Odin to pass some skills and yeah, Vantage doesn't sound that useful. I was also thinking about a Threaten Atk or Def to replace his C Skill.
Nigga what the fuck are you on about? The battle isn't even tomorrow.
>7-8 AM Eastern
Fuck that.
Do it for the gems
>4:15 Pacific
Michalis better be damn good
Just started playing, do the maps get any better than just these small square grids?
Any beginner tips/ things to avoid would also be appreciated.
They get better, but not really bigger. The weapon triangle is god. Damage is calculated by Attack - Def/Res, so always do calculations.
T-t-t-th-th-they turned hector into a-a-a...generic fucking husbando anime character? Fucking kill me now nintendo, fire emblem was my life as a child and to see what it has become fucking kills me. A series this good deserved to be laid down to rest before the shitshow of awakening and now fates and the fucking mobile game and a fucking musoushit game. Like really nintendo? Just fucking leave your old ips alone, at least f-zero/metroid still have their goddamn dignity.
What time is that in central europe time?
It's literally just Hector, what the fuck are you smoking?
>Rekka no Ken
>as a child
You must be 18 or older to post here.
How the fuck do I make Lucina good? I'm trying to get her SP, but she keeps dying against greens in the Training Tower.
I can't even remember the last time I had a good roll.
user has no clue how much of a ignorant faggot he is and its hilarious
Whos retard ass idea was this? Time to wake up at fucking 4:15 am fucking stupid jap bitches
>metroid dignity
>other m
>federation force
Slap Vantage on him, put him on your defense team, and enjoy the free defense wins.
Well I guess I don't need to sleep tonight.
You realize FE7 came out 14 years ago, right?
My Arena defense team is the first team, correct? And there's also no bonus for using the bonus characters in my defense team, right?
>watse orbs yesterday
>didn't know about this
feels bad man
That's the most retarded thing I've ever heard.
>green tomebreaker
Who is this for? Both Nino and Julia die in one hit, and when they initiate they're getting doubled anyways.
Give him vantage and Bonfire. Beats Red swords with that combo.
Who the fuck approves this art style? Disgraceful.
Lucina's a glass cannon, not a tank. Don't carelessly place her against a wave of greens because she won't survive that. She's best used to pick off greens and dragon's 1v1.
Fake, everyone knows that Lucina is unkillable SSSS tier.
Awesome thanks.
Yes to both.
Yes, and bonus characters don't matter on defense, so just use your best team.
Corrin has never had a problem :^)
>5000 players - 5 orbs
Is this gonna be hard as shit like the Ursula map?
He's probably going to take regular damage from archers.
In high arena, hector will be crushed by +10 fury julia or nino doubling him. Gtomebreaker lets him actually kill them. Wherever your matchmaking is, it might be less important.
Ursula was piss easy though. I had a harder time with the F Robin map than her.
It's completely fine when Nintendo blunders into gatcha games
>the skills that lower the enemies defenses work well with the skill that counters squishies with no defenses
What the fuck are you smoking?
Man, user, it only took me a few tries too, but let's not pretend that nobody had a hard time with it.
I'm deciding between Vantage or Wings of Mercy. And is Bonfire better than Luna then? I wanna suppose because of his +Def boon.
He's the same star ranking as her, so yes.
Cool thanks. Was just wondering since this setup seemed decent enough but wasn't getting many successful defenses at all. Then again, it feels like the best I can do with what the fucking gacha's giving me.
I had a hard time with it till i leveled green robin up, then it was piss easy
Turn her into best healer :^)
Of course it's doing fine, waifu emblem has never been more quality than ever since its first entry, Awakening.
Better start leveling up that faggot of Gordin.
How do you do this?
He's a cheater.
You are asking to get friendbanned m8, keep it low
The power of money, lad.
>2 reds
>2 archers
Haha why would you even run this? Switch in Olivia at least fuck.
I assume michalis is gonna have a bunch of fliers with him, so who should I level up, Gordin or Niles? 4* btw
I don't have taco
Clearly leftmost is +def/-res. Go with that.
He probably morphed that Lucina and doesn't have the summon movie. He don't give a shit lad.
I already have tacomeme with closecounter and vantage
Best Lord when?
That's not Eliwood
It's better for the situation he's describing. Mages defense stats are negligible at best outside of Robin or Merric, so you're looking at maybe an extra 6 to 10 damage with luna/moonbow compared to over 20 extra damage with bonfire.
Did someone say Eliwood?
I rolled all my orb for him but didn't get him.