ITT: Things in vidya that have never bothered you

ITT: Things in vidya that have never bothered you

Other urls found in this thread:

colorful kiddie game graphics

Paid on-disc DLC
Season passes
Game delays
Anthony Burch

>Paid on-disc DLC
>Season passes
>Game delays
>Multiplayer only
>Always online

People pushing agendas in their games. I believe that devs can do whatever they want with their games, like the one guy doing the medieval game that was told that he has a responsibility to put black people into his game. So if I agree with that side, I gotta agree with the other side as well.

mouse acceleration

you've gone too far

"Tech demo" games

"Bad Camera"

This has never once ever been a problem for me in any game that I can think of.

Amputee detected.

All those too. I won't buy a lot of DLC, and I don't tend to play much multiplayer, but it doesn't bother me. It's all whatever.

>Paid on-disc DLC
How does this NOT bother you?

Framerate being 30 instead of 60.

I fucking love these

This. It is literally cutting of a part of something for no extra purpose than to make more money. How are you okay with this?

This really bothers me, but
>framerate being locked to 60 instead of 144
also bothers me

>Paid on-disc DLC

This should bother you.

Shitty food analogy but here we go: it's like not getting those free ketchup packs from burger places and having to pay for them.


Fighting games becoming "casualized". Comfortable buffer windows and input shortcuts are the way of the feature, cry some more.


kid graphics
grey and brown graphics
color filters (like in Human Revolution)
indi retro pixel style

Basically anything to do with graphics, I don't give a fuck, I'll play it. The only graphics that can turn me off, is a roguelike with no tileset and only ASCII art, yet some ASCII art games I enjoyed greatly, shit like Candy Box 2.

low fps, or low graphics, also FFVII old character models

Mediocre/average graphics, so long as it's not completely terrible it's fine.

Sup Forums always seems to have a fit over "PS2 graphics" when it's never that bad

FPS is not about grafix, it's about responsiveness.

was going to post this

Blighttown was never a problem for me and i legit didn't even realize that fps was an issue until people whined about it on the internet

Morrowind combat
Turn based combat
30 fps
ascii graphics
cosmetic DLC
Trial and error if it's not too much
Communities (just mute everyone)

I still don't even know who Anthony Burch is.

>Eh-tier graphics
>Paid DLC

Graphics have never mattered much to me and nobody's making me buy the DLC.

The most important aspect of a games presentation to me is always the art. The performance is important too, but after that I don't really care. I can't fucking stand people who buy a game like Skyrim, install a million autistic lighting and texture mods, and then just walk around gawking at the scenery like shaking keys in front of a baby.

It's a game at the end of the day, and if it's not a good game, IT'S NOT A GOOD GAME

No, fighting games should revert to the Fighting Street days where there's only one character, move inputs are so demanding that they're functionally impossible, combos don't exist, and everything is slow and unfun.

English dubs

Lack of story.

Go back to losing lawfuits, Carmack.


Absence of good story. I'd prefer games with good stories, but realistically long as gameplay is fun I'll pay it. There are too few games with great stories 2B picky

Cute anime girls and basic gameplay.

Censorship because I play a game for its gameplay.

Framerates in anything except fighting games. Botw has some minor issues in some towns but does not impact gameplay or enjoyment in anyway. Fucking goldeneye and perfect dark were perfectly fine to me and framerate was never an issue. Even just cause 3 with every frame drop during explosions the game is built around dont hinder me or the game in anyway. You are literally autistic if that affects you.

Apparently I'm the only one here but I don't see nor care about a supposed "SJW agenda" in games.


I prefer a game without tutorials, but they aren't the torture chamber that people make them out to be in my opinion

>you are literally autistic if you want a smooth experience
>I didn't notice shit framerates when I was a kid

most games I play are either turn based or are singleplayer. I don't need every single edge I can get against the AI.


If it's stable I'll take anything above 20.

The Sonic Adventure camera that everyone says is so bad

Chromatic aberration and motion blur.
I actually like how chromatic aberration looks on some games.


I like it when a dev can pace a game out and introduce me to mechanics and story elements in a well thought out manner.

Visuals have never bothered me. Framerate doesn't bother me unless it drops to single digits and becomes unplayable.
This may be game specific, but the "enemy mobs" in Dark Souls 2 never bothered me either, in fact, I liked them. To me, it's more satisfying to slowly dismantle a horde of foes, rather than have 5 second encounters with enemies in groups of no more than 3.

yeah i'd prefer a well-thought-out linear game to a where-the-fuck-do-i-go game

No u.jpg
I'm sorry user, but you're just too slow in the head. Normal people can't stand for lags and shitty framerates. Especially if it is on fucking console! Those morons knew the specs years in advance and still figured the dog in note. Fucking pathetic development quality, complete disregard for customer, and scum like you will eat that shit up with a grin on the face, it doesn't bother you. Fuck right off.

Fucking retard I was about to post this.

Eurocuck detected

Initializing scan...
Nationality identified

you're not the only one, I even actually liked Gone Home.

30 FPS
Visual censorship, such as covering skin
SJW "agendas"

>screen tearing
Never used to give a shit or even notice.

Now that I have a Freesync monitor I think I've ruined myself and i Can't not notice in other things I play. Fuck PC gaming.

>slippery slope fallacy
Fuck you, play some KOF2002. Perfect game that's not casualised in the least

Close call, Belgium.
But seriously, why do you care so much?

The sailing and boat controls in Windwaker never bothered me, it's the sort of thing I think was better being a bit too long than too fast.

No story
Preordering and preorder bonuses
Bayonetta is in my top 5 all time and I only played the PS3 version

people who play console games
30FPS (assuming its locked with proper frame pacing)
'cinematic' games
'normie games' i.e cod, battlefield, halo



Linear games are almost universally better. Botw is the only open world game I have ever enjoyed


I don't see much complains about boat controls in WW.
It's more the fact that you have to readjust the wind at every single change of direction that gets tiresome real quick.

losing in general


The boat controls have been a large enough grievance that they were changed considerably in the HD re-release. They made most things faster and also made it so when hit you don't fall out of your boat as often. And I consider changing the wind direction to also be apart of how the boat controls, something that also never bothered me.

In general I liked the feel of sailing, combat, and navigating in the boat and everything tangent to it.

Was it Down Syndrome?

Morrowind combat is really painful.
Its like everything's hitbox is a box hovering at chest length even if the creature is short or a small worm

This, I just want a game that can entertain me for the longest time, a prime example is dying light
The story is patronising but the gameplay makes it worth it.

Lol its part of the experience XDdd

>have a common-as-dirt opinion of a typical philistine
>think you're a contrarian because of it

Did you do the opera boss from neir automata. I never had a problem until then.

have you tried playing gravity rush

that was cool though



Many here like to say certain controllers simply don't feel right due to size, analog placement, or even just the finish of the grips.

I never really had any hand cramping issues using most gamepads. Handhelds are fine, too. A mouse and keyboard? That's some fucked up shit right there.