Best girl of Souls/Borne?

Best girl of Souls/Borne?

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nice diaper, but that's not Doll

women actually bleed out or their genitals, thanks for reminding me. Can you imagine that? Waking up with your legs covered in blood? Taking a piss and the toilet being full of blood, wiping and lots of bright fresh red blood being there - and having all that be normal? What the fuck.

What am I looking at?


hemorrhoids are like that

exercise friends

You know the eggs you eat are just chicken periods, right?


He said girl, user


doll or mib i cant choose

Ornifex is the only correct answer

She was a girl in my game user senpai~

Really, I loved her voice acting a little too much.

that's kind of my point I guess- the terrifying thing is that it's normal for women to have perma-hemorrhoids like that, it's entirely normal and you're meant to accept that.

Lady Maria

Priscilla for Souls, Eileen for Borne.

and speaking of perma-hemorrhoids
Lady Maria's are so abundant that she needs to constantly wear diapers

Objectively right, just imagine that there's people out there not interested in touching fluffy tail.

No, that would be Lucatiel.

Milf panties

Ciaran is cute!

>artist is good

Why waste his talent on making goddamn diaper porn.


to elevate the standards of diaper porn.

>why waste his talent making diaper porn.

Do you know anything about comission work?

The more fucked up and weird fetishists pay top dollar for that kind of garbage.

He probably got payed a couple hundred bucks to draw that

He can do whatever he's paid to.

Shit taste

No, just a 1500 words fapfic.

Are you saying you'd pay a couple hundred bucks for something of this level?

He's not a girl but he'd probably be your girlfriend tonight if it offered you some comfort in this bleak and lonely world.


>emo hair

What did Solaire look like with his helmet off?

Pretty much like the image I just posted.


His other helmet

Best Girl coming through.


The Fair Lady

she is just a shit version of Maiden in Black.


Maiden is ugly af tho


technically it's not blood per se

is she?

Is it the wax that turns people off? It comes right off!

That + she isn't thicc like Shanalotte

She's the only one who actually loves you, and she's so gentle and caring. Plus, her cute outfit looks great on her.

Correct answer is Maiden in Black

but MiB is actually cute. The way she talks, the way she moves, the way she gets scared when you walk away from her without telling her because she can't see you, the way she apologizes to you when you "kill" her and she tells you she can't die.

Sorry for your shit taste. Enjoy your bear seek seek lest, ugly shoes and emo hair.

That's cool and all but make way for real best girl.


Isn't that obvious?

You mean the superior version because she is an actual character and not a cardboard cutout waifubait?

whatever you want to believe man. I feel so sorry for you.

I personally wouldn't but there are weirdo's out there that would

Someone posted a furry artist recently that was topping like 15k a month on patreon

>sexy catgirl bent against wall

I want to bone Nashandra in her abyss

He's right. Emerald Herald is just poor fanservice.
It's like fighting Ornstein again.

This is true best girl. Such a kind heart.


point me towards the weirdos I need cash


Plebs to the right of me, plebs to the left of me

>Nobody posting best girl

What the fuck is wrong with all of you faggots?


Not being able to rape her is stupid. Any man who's stuck in a lawless place like that would try to fuck that.


Go back to your tower, silly pizza girl



I legitimately hate Aldrich and Sullyvahn for killing him.

Oh hey I just stole her sigils yesterday, how convenient.

yeah I know a more reasonably-sized mess would have been preferable.


who the fuck would make this


Why don't you reverse-GIS it if you want to know








>Why waste his talent on making goddamn diaper porn.

you dont understand user. lots of people can make good art. Its not hard. but if you want to be successful, you have to go after a specific niche in order to shine/profit.

The little madam is not worth her salt without her family name.

Than you are ready to be one with the dark.

It's not hard but it's tedious and time-consuming. Success alone isn't a strong enough motivation.

She invented pyromancy, is at the least adept at the original fire sorceries, and took part in destroying the stone dragons. You whip out your dick and you'd be instantly incinerated.

Besides, what if you're a girl?

Depending on your circumstances, it can be. I knew a girl who did furry shit for people on comission cause it paid as well as a shitty retail job thats overly competative to get for college aged kids.

Scoundral, Invasions exist to punish impure lost souls such as yourself.

I don't see the big deal with Priscilla. Shit waifu tbqh.

Best girl coming through.

isn't she's either a ghost or stuck between dimensions. most people can't even see her.

Same VA, even. Could be intended.
Pity Alfred was so unhinged and had basically no development. But then that's most BB NPCs.

PlagueofGripes, leave this place

>tickling Artorias' soul

devil incarnate, why did I give it to her

>painted world
who is she even supposed to be?

A cat is fine too!

>ywn hold her hand and practice pyromancies with her

Well, it's true. Alfred had maybe two states, zealous yet approachable and crazy. Oh, and dead too, I suppose.
That's not to say Solaire had that many more, but his arc was less static.

you are garbo taste personified