Dammit, came to post this.
*whisper's* THERE'S THIS GUY
What a makeup nightmare, I really hope the character is the comic releif
You First
This can't be the actual writing from the game. Can it?
>misspelling it in a pointless attempt to revive a still active meme
It (she?) literally says these exact words, but not in this scene
It is
Where the hell have you been?
This bitch is a goldmine of idiocy.
I take it you don't know about goddamn poetry.
I knew I saw that face before
Fucking tim and eric are behind this game, no wonder it turned out this way.
>some random bitch on the Nexus has become the most popular character
Is this game worth getting? Is it anything like Fallout/Skyrim? I like open-world games of that nature.
I don't understand why that line was put in unless they were straight up admitting their facial animations were disastrous.
>there's this guy
Is that a dank reference to that old psa commercial of that down syndrome kid talking to his goldfish about his swimming coach? That shit was priceless.
is there any explanation for why this krogan is gay and has a lisp?
It's not out yet
It's a girl krogan, dingdong.
I think it may be a female Krogan.
>6 hours in
>Other than a few shitty models just her and two Ryder instances have been shitty animating
Unsurprising hivemind whined over nothing. Prob just more Nintenbros bashing any non-Ninty AAA title.
Why exactly did she say that? It actually seems like a really strange thing to say, and in context it doesn't make sever either. Is she a "sora" type character, just really wacky and strange putting nonsense interjections in her sentences? What did she mean by that. If someone said "my face is tired" in real life I would ask them what they mean.
Facial animations aside, the voice acting is a mess. It's like talking to a text adventure.
>tfw playing through ME2 for the first time
Grunt is the best. He ordered an action figure.
>"No one's a pathfinder until they've pathFOUND something"
Okay serious question. I liked DA: Inquisition.
Do I buy Andromeda?
I think she was supposed to say, Sorry I'm tired but the writer had a stroke while writing the line and just left it in.
>We came here to make history righter, not repeat it.
People paid people to write this?
You assholes sent death threats again to another female game developer. Jesus guys. Why do you hate women in gaming?
I can't wait until the sex scenes get recorded. I want to see the trainwreck in WebM for with silly file names by week's end.
This is the line that stands out to me, because you know the person who made it thought it was clever
I'm pretty sure the line was written by Tumblr people. "My face is tired" isn't that far away from "I can't even" or whatever
wait a second, this is actually next-gen graphicx.
Isn't this the character that corrected your grammar earlier in the game?
I want to ______love______ Ciri
Colonial Affairs
Because they keep making shit, and instead of admitting that they make shit they hide behind the fact that they have a vagina and you're a big meanie if you don't like their shit.
Animating issue is overblown and the "shitty models" while present is also overblown. Expect standard Bioware fare.
I made a perfectly serviceable and cute Ladyryder.
The combat and customization is best its been, scanning while slightly annoying is immediate, and the crafting is quite expansive. The story is Bioware standard fare as well. Big bad, unite, take it down.
Draw backs:
Can't micro allies skins (but they use them pretty intelligently.. usually).
Can't equip allies
Warboard-esque quests are back, but as far as I can tell the rewards are all multiplayer? Can someone correct me on this?
Andromeda is made by another studio.
She says Ryder, not righter
>have female shortage on homeworld
>send valuable female to other galaxy
Are the Krogan, as a species, also autistic?
allies skills**
>customization is best its been
Bull shit I've seen the character creator. It doesn't even come close to Inquisition, hell it's one of the worst ones we've had in years.
Who the fuck thought Ryder was a cool name for a protagonist
Why am I such a busta?
It's also made by Bioware. Gamergate lies again?
Show proof of a good animation/voice acting because I have yet to see any.
>take single frames to "prove" bad animation
>take 1 second animations and slow them 200% to "prove" it's bad
>just say fuck it and post le epic shoops because who cares about proofs when you've already decided that true Sup Forumsros hate bioware for the lulz
Honestly, if you're part of this Mass Effect smear campaign you have a sever case of the memebrains and I'd feel sorry for you if you weren't so darn annoying.
Bioware Montreal is still Bioware you stupid fuck.
I ask this in every Andromeda thread, but how, HOW, does this game look worse than Fallout 4?
>Corrects your grammar when you say "who" instead of "whom"
>Almost immediately after, says "less" when she should have said "fewer"
What's the fucking point of making her a grammar nazi as a character facet if you're not going to write her lines correctly?
They're the germans of Mass Effect
Fucking this.
Why don't they pay attention to their own lore?
>Can't cure the genophage after thousands of years
>Nuked themselves into oblivion
>Fractured political structure beneath even Earth's monkeys
Literally autistic and shittiest race for sure.
It's so juvenile lol
Is there enough BBC in this game? Needs interracial action.
I think the "bacteria" line is even worse. That shit is broken on multiple levels.
This is what happens when you hire designers who graduated with honors from Westwood College.
shitpost about the right things retard
Lets name as many things wrong with this scene as we can. I'll start
the lip flaps
Yeah but think of how tightened up the graphics on level 3 are gonna be.
somebody give me a quick rundown on Sara
This is what you get when you hire people to fulfill a diversity quota and dismiss every critique people have for your games as trolling or misogyny for 5 years straight.
>"Oh maih guwd! Rai durrr"
Kill. Me. Now.
Holy shit
People will pay money for this.
suvi is whispering for no reason
Not him, but the male Ryder/Cora sex scene is genuinely well done.
mfw the animation for it was unironically outsourced and isn't from BioWare at all
>Kill me now
Im honestly confused. Its edited in, right?
>quality AAA Western gaming
the dialogue reads like a tumblr fancomic
Why the flying fuck does it look worse than ME2???
Why are most experienced gamers critiquing this game, but the YouTube trailers have overwhelming support? Very few dislikes at all.
Too "icky" for the professionals at Bioware?
>people still play western trash
Lmao. This is what you deserve you peasants.
Tim and Eric's Billion Dollar Game
>he pays money for western AAA shit
I mean in armor, weapons, and skills.
Ryder can spec points into every tree and there are a lot of weapons, armor, and mods for them.
kill me
That's not an actual quote, r-right?
Why wouldn't they send fertile females to another galaxy to repopulate, ya dink?
>a white male having sex with a white woman
>not absolutely disgusting