Which FF was the worst of Square's golden age? FF8 or FF9?

Which FF was the worst of Square's golden age? FF8 or FF9?


FF9 is a fucking pile of unbelievably awful shit and everyone who considers it the best FF should be murdered.

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FF8 is a fucking pile of unbelievably awful shit and everyone who considers it the best FF should be murdered.




not happening, homo


8 was bad 9 was meh

This one got me good



FF9, pure child shit characters, worst story and world and stupid minigames.

>squares golden age was the PlayStation

FF8 flat out wasn't fun or interesting. FF9 wasn't nearly as good as some of the others but it wasn't a total chore playing it like FF8 was. FF8 is the only FF I stopped playing before beating because I just couldn't bring myself to care anymore.

>Martian Queen
>having any semblance of a face outside of her seductive eyes


I'm just happy we can all agree that FF8 is at least in the bottom two. People who say 8 was good after playing any of the others legitimately baffle me.

>thread is literally just an ff8 fan trying to shift the blame onto a better game

should have compared 2 and 8, that would make more sense.

FF9 is just a game for nostalgia trips

FF7 was the shittiest of the PS era. FF4 is the worst of the SNES era, and FF3 for the NES. FF12 is worst PS2 and every later game is worst anything.

2 turned out shit, but it introduced so many things to the series I can't hate it. It had Mysidia (IV), a female pirate captain (V), ultima (VI), dragoons, chocobos, Cid, and more storyheavy games.

Wasn't it confirmed they fucked though?

That thread was fucking gold just for that alone.

FF9 is one of the best

FF8 is only barely passable if you have the right shade of rose tint on your nostalgia goggles.

I like how first post didn't get any (You)s hahahaha your bait didn't work.

Isn't Spongebob gay and Patrick his partner?


>God tier

>Great tier

>Good tier
I, IV, X

>Shit tier



so this...is...the power...of the edge...

I don't think so, but maybe.

ff7 and ff8 were scifi and not fantasy, ff9 is loved because it went back to the medieval theme.

Does this count? It's my favourite.

sponges and starfish are generally asexual

But FFXIII is sci-fi too and it's the most succesful FF, even got TWO sequels because of that.

Don't give me that crap, you and i both know exactly what I'm talking about.


Ren and Stimpy were a confirmed gay couple. Don't know about Bob and Patrick.

FFXIII is the right mix of sci-fi and fantasy, the game design was just awful
so much wasted potential, I'm still mad

FF9 best, FF8 worst.


Well, FFVII gets pretty fantasy like more than once after Midgar. Cosmo Canyon, that Temple, and basically every non-city dungeon.

Haven't played enough FF9 to be sure but FF8 was terrible.

She was a woman so what gives? They probably humped sometime.

these threads always give me a hardon, keep it up Sup Forums

FF8, though it's not too bad a game

FF9 had a great start, but it got worse and worse over the course of the game.


Legit question, WERE they banging?

Of course they were banging.

Yup. Who wouldn't?

Still mad about Quistis not being main girl.

I like it. A lot. It has its share of problems, but to me it's a far more interesting tale than Final Fantasy VII, and the system allows for a lot of improvisation on how to play the game, even breaking it. It's fun.

>self insert to Balthier
>kick the autist kid out of the party
>game becomes much better

That zig zag isn't her mouth, it's a tattoo on her nose

For someone never playing a FF game, this thread is very confusing. I wanted to play XIII first, then the X remaster, and until then XII remaster should release and play this.

So I'll play a shitty one first, then a good one, then a master piece?

From a one-line reference, plus their interaction towards the end should've given the hint.

What's the line? I don't remember this.

XIII is unironically a good starting point for FF and jRPGs in general

Different preferences. But don't start with XIII.

Neither are really bad games, but I think FF9 is on the whole a little bit better thanks to it's characters being very likeable. It does kind of get pretty stupid by the end, though.

Basch was supposed to be the Main Character, but square pussied out because they felt he was too old and the girls and manginas who usually play their games would not be able to write Yaoi fan fiction if a character older than 12 was the protagonist.

I like FF1 the best

the GBA remake of FF1 is godtier and one of my favorites as well

My nigga
Hows the 2 remake bundled with it?

To be fair, Vaan is pretty popular in Japan so I guess they were right in one very specific fashion

The OFFICIAL Sup Forums Final Fantasy Tier List

>God Tier:

>Good Tier:

>Allright Tier:

>Mediocre tier:

>Bad Tier:

>Shit Tier:

I want to deflower Yuffie

Sup Forums mostly loves IX though. Also, shit taste.

Yep. They know their demographics. Although it's pretty jarring that the main character of the game feels so disconnected from the overall story. They could've made you play as Basch's son and achieve pretty much the same effect, but with a character that felt more in tune with the story and the politics, rather than a guy that wanted to be a pirate.

Tifa = Arieth > Scarlet > Cissnei >>>> trash > Yuffie

it's like playing as a gay(er), unfunny and charmless Guybrush Threepwood

>Sup Forums mostly loves IX though
No, IX was shit

Literally who?

swap Tifa with Yuffie and that's my list, faglord

>having this much shitty taste
Fixing this
>God Tier
>Good Tier
>Alright Tier
1 (assuming remakes)
>Mediocre Tier
1 (original)
>Shit Tier
>Fuck you I like Romancing SaGa Tier


>Hows the 2 remake bundled with it?
I didn't play the first one until recently so I haven't gotten around to playing the 2nd

Square's golden age was from FFV-FFIX. Out of the five games in that period, FFVIII is the weakest, but it's still the fifth best Final Fantasy.

I played the fuck outta the 1 gba remake but never touched 2
Time to emulate, I suppose

8 is good but 9 is great

>God Tier
5, 9

>Great Tier
6, 7, 8

>Good Tier
1, 3, 12, 15

>Acceptable Tier

>Wasted Potential Tier
2, 10, 10-2

>Utter Trash Tier
13 and its sequels

If it's the fifth best FF why would I want to play 10 of them over it?

You have bad taste? I dunno man.

Exactly this. FF9 proponents are fucking plebs.

Obvious bait is obvious

Agreeable list

>replying to yourself

IX was a bad Final Fantasy. It had absolutely terrible equipment, skill, and ability systems that allowed no room for players to shape their characters in any way. The trance system going off outside of your control was even worse designed than VIII's limit spamming. The combat was slow and boring and the only interesting mechanic AT ALL was the dynamic between Steiner and Vivi, and it didn't really add anything to the game at all. It had a terribly boring setting that's only praised by "classic fans" because it didn't emphasize sci-fi, completely disregarding that Final Fantasy has used sci-fi elements from the start of the series. Your cast consisted of characters like Freya who were completely forgotten by the plot after their usefulness to the story was up, characters like Quina who basically just showed up whenever the game felt you needed a 4th party member and didn't do ANYTHING of any relevance, and characters like Amarant who I'm still trying to figure out why he was added to the game. The protagonist and antagonist being "space alien grim reaper brothers" is by far the worst plot twist in the series, much worse than either the orphanage in VIII or "You're a dream Teedus" could ever hope to be.

The worst part of all? In a series that's known for its innovation in its genre, Final Fantasy IX bitched out and actively BACKTRACKED to boring, outdated, mechanics. At least the early games it was a callback to were innovations of their time like the ATB system in IV, and at least for the PSX titles VII, VIII, and Tactics all tried to do new things with turn-based RPGs, storytelling, and world building even if it didn't please everyone- whereas IX actively decided to say fuck that, and appeal to idiots who want video games to stagnate.

It was boring and had nothing unique going for it. In fact, nothing about the game is particularly memorable. It has no sense of identity for itself and just takes after previous titles.

Is the ff3 translated rom on snes any good?

>Junctioned Ultima to my fertility stat
Wouldn't Full-life be better? Also, girls wanting to get impregnated is extra hot.

>Is the ff3 translated rom on snes any good?
If you mean FF3 on the famicom, then yes. It's the best way to play it.

That chart is actually very helpful. Thanks a lot!

>God Tier
5, 4

>Great Tier

>Good Tier
9, 12, 3, 10-2, Tactics

>Okay Tier
10, TA1 and 2, 13 sequels, 15,

>Bad Tier
6, 7

>Shit Tier
8, 2, 13

>MMO tier
ARR, 11, 14


Yes, thats exactly what I meant
Downloading a bunch of roms to emulate on my phone, so far I downloaded all the GBA remakes and Chrono Trigger, was wondering if the ff3 translation was any good
Thanks user

>God tier
Literally 0 customization in an RPG, repetitive story beats, and not a single one of the official or unofficial translations is any good at all.

Not gonna even touch the rest of your stupid opinions.

That's some absolutely bizarre rankings

I don't give a fuck about customization if it doesn't serve a purpose beyond being there for customization. Why do you think 6 and 7 are so low?

As long as we can all agree 13 was the worst
Sazs was the only good part of that shit heap

Every time I watch a clip of 13, I'm saddened by how annoying I find Sazh now. They play up his cowardice too much, and he comes across as pretty forced comic relief. I guess I just latched onto the least awful of six obnoxious characters.