Starting to play Binding of Isaac after watching some youtube playthroughs I enjoyed. Just have the first game on Steam...

Starting to play Binding of Isaac after watching some youtube playthroughs I enjoyed. Just have the first game on Steam. Is that a good place to play for a while? Should I just go ahead to the new game? Afterbirth I think? or are there others?

Also any general tips for the game would be nice. Still getting the hang of dodging and shit because I'm bad

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Do you have a Switch? Its just been released on that and its the definitive version.

Get Rebirth and then download the Antibirth mod.

I don't. I don't plan to get one until a price drop or something.

>definitive version.

How is rebirth different than original one I have? and what does the mod do?

I know next to nothing about the games

Wtf with this shilling.

I've played all versions. Rebirth and Afterbirth are good to start and play for a quite while. Then you can get antibirth and have fun. After 50+ or 100+ hours you can go to Afterbirth+ if you want to. Have fun.

I doubt we will see a Switch price drop anytime soon as its been selling like crazy, maybe a decent bundle with Mario or Mart Kart.

Dont listen to this, just get the binding of isaac rebirth and try it out, once you become better at the game you can install anti-birth.

ok. I will get rebirth probably. Does it run smoother than original? Feels slow for some reason frame wise. Maybe just me.

It has 9 more achievements than the other versions. You have to unlock some of the DLC items just as you would with other items in the base game. It changes literally nothing and adds literally nothing.

Rebirth has everything the OG flash version does, it just runs better has more synergies, more items more bosses and alt floors. If you like the flash version then rebirth/afterbirth+ is an easy sell.

Rebirth is the main game you should be playing. Has a shitton of new items, characters, levels, endings, bosses, all that jazz.

Antibirth adds even more stuff to the game, but the content is actually decent unlike Afterbirth.

Looks better, more items, more endings, alternate floors, more floors, everything. Don't get afterbirth or afterbirth+ they make the game suck

Has a physical copy and can be played portable and on TV.

ok, sounds good.

Just download afterbirth +, dont fall for the antibirth meme.

The original has shitty performance because it's literally made in Flash or something.

It's still a good game, though, despite its flaws. I think it's kind of sad how Sup Forums pretends that it doesn't exist. If you mention The Binding of Isaac without specifying that it's "the first one", everyone will automatically assume you're talking about The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth.

Buy the next one when it's on sale. There's no rush if you haven't already gotten bored with the first game like most fans of the series have.

It's suposed to be the game as they wanted. The original is more flashy and clunky. Both are fun in the end but Rebirth feels more Dungeon crawler than a flash game.

What shilling? Why cant you kids accept that some people actually like the Switch?

Rebirth adds additional content, items, characters, and a new route that splits off from Sheol (The Dark Room). I think Greed Mode was added at this point, too. Also changed the graphics from the rather drab flash version to sprites.

Afterbirth adds a new floor (The Blue Womb) but it is a sort of stop-over before heading on the usual routes. More items and enemies as well.

Afterbirth + adds a third route (The Void), but was criticized for adding only a few new bosses, kind-of-boring items, and limited mod support. The Void is also a "remix" floor, with rooms from any other floor in the game, rather than its own look and feel. The new final boss also feels mostly broken with its crazy speed and teleporting. Fortunately, a lot of the kinks in the design have been fixed since the expansion's release (bosses got a decent nerf, bugs ironed out, etc).

Go back to eating steak Edmund

Or just get the physical copy on Switch.

I accept it, dude. Is just that you pulled out the 'definitive version' out of nowhere what lead me to think that is on switch is the only argument.
I have them in my laptop and, to me, is the definitive version, but I don't pull that out because is the fucking same game.

Original game is a flash game, rebirth is like a rerelease but with a bunch of extra content and isn't flash. They redid the art and music too.

You're the reason Switch threads from now on will be what Vita threads are now. Stop being a nigger.

Is hardcore a meme in rebirth or am I just bad? I've been trying to beat mom's heart with every character on hardcore but I keep losing and it's brought my win streak down to the negative one hundreds

honestly if you're new, get rebirth + regular afterbrith. don't get afterbirth + because it's fuckin shit.

aftrerbirth+ still not out on ps4.

You should get Rebirth, it adds a lot more content. The unofficial mod for it, antibirth, is also worth downloading. Antibirth is more balanced and enjoyable than Afterbirth imo.

Some general tips:
>Blue rocks with x's on them can be bombed for items
>Secret rooms are generally located in the space between 3 or four other rooms. There's one per floor, and you bomb where a doorway would be to get in.
>There are additional secret rooms in rebirth and beyond. They are located fairly close to the boss door and are adjacent to only one room.
>Don't waste keys on shops unless you have a shit ton of keys or at least 15 coins.
>Shopkeepers, slot machines, etc can be bombed for items.
>Rocks adjacent to empty spaces can be bombed to make a bridge.
>Pills are randomized each run, but it's generally more worth it than not to test every pill you get.

No idea what you're calling hardcore. Hard mode? With the pentagram below your keys?

The Switch will easily sell Vita lifetime sales by this time next year. Cant compare the two systems.

That manual is a beauty.

Yeah, hard mode is what I meant. I've only beaten the game on hard mode with isaac. Also for some reason after reinstalling I lost blue baby, eden and the lost even though I distinctly remember playing as them. Any idea why this happened?

Yeah, refund it, OP.

Nope. But I don't even know what's harder in hard mode, looks like there's just more champion enemies. Since it's needed to unlock shit, might as well always play on hard

Regular enemies do 1 heart of damage instead of half a heart. Also more champions, it might also change the RNG somehow but I'm not sure

Hard Mode has less heart and consumable drops, more champions, more curses, and a higher chance of getting "hard" versions of floors like Burning Basement.

Shit, but the only game with good soundtrack.

Meh, but so much better than Rebirth.

The way it was meant to be played.


Okay, but nobody really takes it seriously and they're planning to port it to the Afterbirth+ mod API.

Sorry homie, anything on the Switch is not the definitive version by default as it is on a garbage console.

Why? God knows. Maybe an old save in the cloud.
How to fix? Head to stats page, press Alt+F2 and you'll at least have the unlocks back.

>Regular enemies do 1 heart of damage instead of half a heart

wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong

I'm not comparing the systems, I'm comparing how much shitposters the early fanbase will attract. Your faggotry will only bring shitposters to anything switch related on this board.

>Also any general tips for the game would be nice.

That is all. Also, git gud and get into the habit of playing every day or you'll lose your routine. Your skills degrade crazy fast.

Antibirth is for babbies that can't handle AB+'s difficulty, which is really saying something considering it has been nerfed to hell and back. Double item rooms on alternative paths made it literally impossible to lose in Antibirth, it's easy mode. No piecing together synergies or digging yourself out of whole required. Just shoves shitloads of good items down your throat.

Really? Guess I'm just delusional then. I just looked at the unlocks for hard mode and they're not even worth it, I'll just keep playing on normal
Thanks I'll try it

Youre too poor to afford one. Ive been playing my Switch on the train and its been a flawless experience.

I really wish there was a cheat code or something to 100% unlock all items

I hate knowing there is stuff in the game I'll never get to use because I don't feel like doing certain challenges

>Stick a rusty flathead screwdriver in your urethra and swing your dick around while singing the Barney theme song to unlock an item that gives you +.10 damage and +.25 movement speed

Yeaaaah no thanks Edmund McMillen

Champions do double damage. Maybe that's where your misconception stems from.

I don't care about AB+'s difficulty, I care about its shitty bugs. About as bad an issue I get from Antibirth is rare crashes, but AB+ some items and bosses are/were outright broken. Plus, none of the new content in AB+ interests me in the slightest - they promised a new final chapter, what we got was a literal rehash of all previous chapters instead.

The shitposters are sonyfags that just want Nintendo to fail. The Switch version of the binding of Issac is the best version as its portable and physical.

>being the best version of anything
I don't care if it's physical, I'm not buying Edmund's uncooked steak

Stop shilling

>The Switch version of the binding of Issac is the best version as its portable and physical.

lol no. pc version is and always will be the best version.

pc has easy access to mods, earlier updates, most features, and portability if you choose.

who the fuck cares about physical versions these days, they are easily the minority now, and 100% more inconvenient.

thank you for the tips user

>paying $50 for a newgrounds flash game

>Youre too poor to afford one

Literally anyone with a mcjob could afford it. Not an argument. It's a cheaply made fisher price toy with 1 shitty nutendo game on it.

>on the train

>riding public transport
>accusing others of being poor

Wow, stickers, neato. I'm sure the 12 year olds that own Nintendo consoles will love them.

>I care about its shitty bugs

All fixed.

>they promised a new final chapter, what we got was a literal rehash of all previous chapters instead

The Void is great. I wish there was an Isaac mode that was all huge maps with lots of bosses and items.

>The Void is great
Opinion discarded


Tell me what's wrong with it without using buzzwords like rehash.

Afterbirth+ did a lot of damage to the brand. Never seen so much interest fall off. Otherwise its good

Those stickers are fugly.