Why do us Eurofags get shitty boring white PS2 game spines while the Americunts get nice artwork and colour on their...

Why do us Eurofags get shitty boring white PS2 game spines while the Americunts get nice artwork and colour on their spines?

At least we don't get their stupid upside down Gamecube cases

Because liberals.

I actually would prefer that over the colorful cases. Uniform is best.


Can someone post the american ones then? I don't think I have ever seen one

I feel sorry for people who accept those garbage gamestop cases. My autism never allows me to never to accept the trash.

why do you have 2 ps4 copies of shantae?

>The World Ends With You

God-tier taste

One to use, one to loan, one to keep hidden away.

>on the WiiU

I bought a game from gamestop once, and it turned out they had cases for like 40 PS2 games they sold without their cases in the back, I asked if I could have them, slipped the guy 10 bucks and walked out of there with cases to fucking every xenosaga game, a pre-order case for .hack//GU vol1 (with the second space for the terminal disc), a few tales of game cases, and more.

I was so happy that day.

I feel bad for europoors. They get shafted so much when it comes to video games. At least they don't have to pay out the ass like the Aussies do.

Hey, ink is expensive. Having to localize multiple languages for Europe isn't cheap either.

It's addictive as fuck. Very fun game and I get a joy and excitement in my heart for trashing noobs and dominating the field. My original copy got error codes.

>1079 hours

>plays less than an hour every time he plays

>collecting PS2 games
What a waste of money and time.

>talking about Eurofags
>posts a Strayan collection

>I get a joy and excitement in my heart for trashing noobs and dominating the field
that's cause you're likely playing against a bunch of literal kids. all the actual talent is on the other consoles and PC.

>1079 hours
that's nuts.

>tfw I like the simplistic spines as it's uniform and minimalist as fuck

I get why some people like the alternative but as far as I'm concerned it's perfect the way it is.

shit, son

What a waste of money

kys nigger

>One to loan
You're either underage or have jobless friends.

>American videogame covers

Not to someone you faggot, what do you like doing thats pointless? Guess it lost be trash by your logic.

Why do they put gigantic PEGI logos on some of your games?


Come on its a fun game. I hardly play the game as I use to back in 2014 and 2015. I play ever once in a while when I want to feel good inside and am having a shitty day. I'm looking for a replacement to this game tho. Is uncharted 4, destiny, battlefield or titan fall 2 any good?