I bought Yakuza 0, Nioh and Horizon Zero dawn. They were all overhyped trash. Is this also just overhyped garbage...

I bought Yakuza 0, Nioh and Horizon Zero dawn. They were all overhyped trash. Is this also just overhyped garbage? You guys better not make me waste another 60 bucks for an hour of actual gameplay and 50 hours of cutscenes.

You might just want to invest them in another hobby.

You actually need to buy two copies in order to play the whole game. It's a weird DRM scheme where the game will let you play like 2/3 from one disc, but towards the end you need to put a different copy in so it can verify that you purchased both copies.

i think you need a new hobby

>Yakuza and Nioh
>an hour of actual gameplay and 50 hours of cutscenes.
How is that even possible, especially for Nioh

If you are facing puberty and think you are a special snowflake that just DOESNT WANT to lose virginity you should get a lot of fun out of this adventure.

I can understand Nioh and Horizon, but Yakuza 0 is fucking great. OP confirmed for shit taste. If you had any taste you would have gotten Gravity Rush, Yakuza 0, and NieR and wait for P5.

What don't you tell us what games you like and we'll see.

Do you like jrpgs?
Cause you seem like a giant fucking faggot from the op.
Maybe play p3 or p4 first to see if you will like it you uncultured swine.

If you like Persona get Persona 5, if you don't like Persona don't get Persona 5. It should take 80+ hours to play through.

Zelda BotW was the last game I really enjoyed.

As long as they're good. Xenoblade chronicles comes to mind.

It's Fatlus shit, of course it's overhyped

post picture of you with the game boxes and time stamp or gtfo OP and stop larping

Go play Persona 3 on an emulator.

Do all cutscenes in Nioh even amount to a full hour?

yes, user. everything is terrible. you special snowflake you.

>likes xenoblade

ah, so you're a fan of terrible combat systems. you'll love it then.

Of course not.
OP's just shitposting.

>an hour of actual gameplay and 50 hours of cutscenes.
Nice bait. false flagger.

but Persona 4 is better in every way than 3

>start game
>beat 10 minute dungeon
>choose weapons

And I directly closed the game afterwards. Fuck off, if you want to make a movie then make a movie.

Persona 3 vs 4 just comes down to opinion.

>WOW cutscenes are frontloaded to give background/perspective on the story

Have you ever actually played a video game before?

Yes, and mine is right. Persona 4 is better.

>yep, it's not me who do not enjoy video games anymore, all these praised games must be shit, time to buy other game

>Yakuza 0
>overhyped trash
end yourself

OP, I don't know about Persona 5, but Persona 4 had first glimpse of gameplay after 3 hours of cutscenes

You barely touched it even and you better not be the same one in this thread that says Xenoblade is good since that game is pretty much that but instead of 20 minutes opening, it's a 1+ hour one.

>talking shit about Yakuza

Maybe you should spend your money on a rope to hang yourself OP

The difference is that one is a JRPG and the other one is a shitty dark souls clone. Dark Souls 1 and 3 had like what? 2 minute intro movies that told you fuck all and you could easily skip them?

OP is a faggot
Invest in another hobby, OP.

>easily skip them?
Then skip them? They are skippable.

According to this guy they are necessary though. I don't have the game anymore, I traded it in to buy my switch and from what I heard it was a steaming pile of shit anyways.

I would recommend Mass Effect Andromeda for your tastes OP

Oh ok, good luck with your future endevours then.
Wierd thread

Good thing you didn't mention 2 which also has an intro in that style.

>yakuza 0

You must hate fun

>Nioh and Yakuza
I think you just have a bad case of the shit taste

>Yakuza 0

Just quit videogames already

I want to live in the timeline where Yakuza is overhyped, that might mean Kenzan, Ishin and the psp games are localized there.

really had to think to make up that one, didn't you