To the surprise of nobody, The Evil Within 2 is happening and Bethesda will most likely announce it at E3

To the surprise of nobody, The Evil Within 2 is happening and Bethesda will most likely announce it at E3.

Thoughts? What would you like to see?

It needs to have some personality, the game recycle too many cliche horrors, atleast Resident Evil had iconic designs like NĂ©mesis or the Tyrant.


Well the first one was fucking awful so I'd like to see an actually good game this time around from the guy who made Resident Evil

Female protag who is tastefully dressed but has huge titties.

Got a source on that daddyo?
As for what I'd like, mostly more Sebastian.

Game was basically a horror road show that wouldn't be out of place in a weekly series.

Decent pacing and characterization would be nice this time.
They should really just ditch the VR setting and make it supernatural instead.



I want it to be more like the Kidman DLC. That was better than the actual game.

>Decent pacing

I thought the pacing in TEW1 was great. Since the game needed no real foothold in reality they could have very interesting locations that complimented each other well.

the camera gave dyskinesia


Job description leaked.


>To the surprise of nobody
It's surprise to me, I thought that game flopped hard.

You were constantly teleported everywhere. There was no sense of progression. As soon as I started feeling like I was getting somewhere I would just warp to somewhere else. It felt unsatisfying compared to something like RE4 or Metro.

Remove agony crossbow. Its inclusion imbalanced that game so hard


>new IP
>530k only on PC
By Sup Forums standards it must be blunder of century.


A good game, the first one sucked and the story was trash.

Stop just trying to be RE4 so goddamn hard and do your own thing

Needs a Switch release.

Maybe DLC that doesn't shit on the main game's plot.

>What would you like to see?

An actually scary game? Maybe a game that isn't trying to ride on the coattails of the incredibly overrated re4?

The agony crossbow was like the most fun part of the game though.

I liked the dreamscape disjointed settings but I agree, it needed to connect into one map.

Do more stuff with impossible space. That was the only cool part of the game.

Maybe throw in some grotesque body horror.

And make it first person.

And you have a camera instead of a gun

I liked the first. I would hope for better pacing. Just when I was settling into something, or becoming interested in an environment, it would totally shift to something else. The creative freedom allowed through that was very nice, but it happened way too frequently. I would have preferred to be given more "long term" challenges. It had all the mechanics of burning bodies and traps and stuff like that but most areas in the game were not designed in a way that the player would be staying there for a while, and thus those mechanics lost a a lot of potential.
I loved how over-the-top surreal the first was. Like getting out of the hospital at the start to find the whole city collapsing and stuff. And the different settings were really great, it was cool truly not knowing just where you'd end up or what horrors you'd face.
But yeah, I'd prefer longer areas that have you exploring them a bit, doing a little back and forth, stuff that would give greater purpose to the survival mechanics by making the player have to consider them in a longer span of time, instead of just knowing "well I'm going to be teleported to somewhere totally different soon, so I don't really need to worry about this and that"

>And make it first person.
>And you have a camera instead of a gun

A different game being announced

Making everything into one map would ruin the disjointed feeling the world's supposed to have. They'd have to find some way to give consistent travel to previous areas without resorting to backtracking. Maybe something similar to the mirrors that took you to the hospital.

I want her to come back

More kidmann porn.
Goddamn fucking hell trying to find good kidmann porn is next to impossible, its a crime, dammit.

>To the surprise of nobody, The Evil Within 2 is happening

It's sure as hell a surprise to me. I figured there's no way Mikami was getting a sequel for it. I figured the game didn't really click for a lot of people.

If the first Evil Within was only alright with Shinji Mikami directing, I don't wanna play the one with someone else doing it.

i want to hug her

I'd prefer to see a different IP. Did not like the virtual whatever meme and the first game was mediocre. I also don't like the unkillable cliche enemies they had in the first. That doesn't increase the horror, it just makes me think the game is shallow for copying Nemesis from RE3.

As far as sequels or successors to RE4 go, TEW somehow managed to be worse than RE5.

I will not buy a TEW2.

How have I not seen any porn of her?

Is Shinji coming back for the director's chair?

>unkillable cliche enemies they had in the first
What enemies are you talking about? Because I don't remember any enemies I didn't kill besides those water monsters.

God I hope no

I really liked her. My favorite part of the game was finding the next mirror and seeing what's changed in the safe room. And of course, listening to what the nurse lady had to say. I felt a bit sad when she disappeared for good near the end. Her being the only other character you consistently interacted with over the game, It felt like losing a friend.

He's busy working on a spiritual sequel to God Hand.

The PC port was shit.

They fixed it, somewhat.

Here's things they did wrong;

>Offered no stealth at all. They tried in the beginning but then said fuck it, and went all out action
>The action was.. Boring. Become bland, repetitive. Shoot this in the head. Shoot that in the head a few dozen times.

If they make it actually about survival horror where your enemies should be feared, but not in a way that makes them stupid hard to kill and waste a fuckton of ammo, it could be fun in that way.

Iunno. I think they tried something big, and it 60% worked.

What I wanna know is, why do they call it The Evil Within over here but Psycho Break in Japan? Whoever you are, STOP CHANGING THE TITLE OF MIKAMI'S GAMES

>Offered no stealth at all. They tried in the beginning but then said fuck it, and went all out action

Maybe you just sucked at it? I killed lots of enemies by sneaking up on them from behind, saving me the trouble of having to burn them afterward.

>What would you like to see?

I just want to see much better AI, which was garbage in first game.

Same thing with them calling Resident Evil as Biohazard instead.

Didn't you see the ending? It screamed sequel.

>To the surprise of nobody
I honestly didn't and don't expect a sequel. I thought it sold and reviewed poorly

Yeah and Mikami thought that name was stupid. Now those evil bastards are at it again at his new studio.

Psycho Break is such a good fucking title. It's a shame the PR team felt it was necessary to change it.

I like Evil Within better because 99% of the game takes place inside someone's evil brain.

Better shooting. The revolver was so inaccurate in the first game as to render the combat unfun.

are you retarded user or just trying to "correct" history?
It was biohazard first then localized for NA to be Resident Evil.

This. A good horror game is not with a nice female protag.

Remove pointless upgrades, make them less frequent but more meaningful
Better pacing and progression, maybe some backtracking
Rework or remove stealth
Up the survival and psychological horror elements
Tone down the action (no turret sections for the love of God)
Develop characters, themes and story
A better engine and optimization