Are we finally ready to admit this game is disappointing?

Are we finally ready to admit this game is disappointing?

Nope, its great.

Another week or two and the honeymoon phase should be over.

Are we finally ready to stop making these threads every day?


You havent even played it.

Nah I actually played it and its pretty fun.

Just in time for BOTW nostalgia.

It's pretty good, though.

No. They'll keep going all year, and just when you think they'll leave, the Game Of The Year awards happen and the shitposting is worse than ever.

I think the only people who are disappointed are people who are upset that this game isn't an easy target like Skyward Sword.

It's one of the best games to be released in many years, if not the best.

nah, it's legitimately a great game

just finished it yesterday... what a ride user, too bad you haven't played it.

>hourly threads around the clock non-stop since release
>heh, s-so you guys are ready to admit the game is shit right? i-it's bad isn't it? y-you'll get bored, you'll s-see...

That's not how opinions work.

Honestly I'm only disappointed in that it's so close to being a 10/10 if it was tweaked a little.

Still a great game tho

Whenever you are ready to admit you haven,t played it, il be ready to admit that i wish it was longuer because the rest doesn't compare

What would you say is disappointing about it?

It has flaws, it is not disappointing. Here is what needs fixed about the game:

>Greater enemy variety, more classic enemy staples
>More world secrets that award observation, like the korok puzzles and the caves but more varied
>More trials like the Eventide and Thundra ones
>Either axe VA or get smoother translation to help pacing (which is half the problem with the VA though some are just shit)
>Implement craftable one-use items to repair weapons or Biggoron's-style quests to ensure your favorites won't break on you
>Re-release BOTW in the future or release its successor on better hardware to help with the framerate, the pop-ins, and the amount of on-screen effects such as fire that can happen

That's all I can think of that needs improved. The overworld is great, the combat is fluid, some of the puzzles and dungeons are actually ingenious, the areas are colorful and lively, and the sense of scale/freedom is unparalleled. I really don't see the landscape design praised enough, every facet of the overworld feels meticulously crafted for every landscape to run into the next and I love it. Sometimes exploring feels like its own reward when you find a hidden grotto, or some ruins off the beaten path, or a sunken ridge with some goodies strewn along it. Game is still a 9/10 for me.

>says the nervous Sonyfiend for the 3356th time this week
>"Nintendoom! am I right?"

It's so good I'm hoping the next Zelda title is just an improved BOTW. Fuck the old, linear formula. This is what I want zelda to be from now on.

Is it flawless? No of course not.
Is it disappointing? Depends on where you set your expectations friendo.

Like I went in unspoiled and just did the Eventide Isle bit. That shit was pure magic.

The ending.

Particularly if you went through the trouble of doing the temples.

It did get a little repetitive at times but it had that awe factor I hadn't felt since skyrim

Do you remember SS threads on release? Sup Forums will shit on BOTW after year.


>Harder boss fights
>Longer dungeons
>Ganon needs two more phases
>longer main questlines, especially rito

game needs to be expanded

Zelda's Creed looks fun to play, I'm just not willing to spend $300+ on a tablet to play it.

It's not perfect, but it's certainly not disappointing.

It's a good game, honestly not mind-blowin,g 8/10, has some flaws.

Honestly not worth buying a console to play

Maybe dlc will change that, it's pretty close to being a mind-blowing game

What was pure magic about it? I went in blind as well and beat it in a few minutes. Felt like too much work for one shrine.

It's definitely the game of the year, and this year had its share of good games already, so no.

Ganon needs phases unlocked by doing all the temples and getting the memories.

True ending my ass.

It tapped into them good feels of the early game of a new playthrough without the new playthough part.
Also the Zelda Castaway crossover adventure was really fun as long as you role play it right.

Protip: If you ever need to qualify something behind
>as long as you role play it right
it's not good.

Fuck off

>Using your imagination is bad