When do i get out of ELO hell in Overwatch? When do i finally stop seeing shitter genji and hanzo mains throwing games?
When do i get out of ELO hell in Overwatch? When do i finally stop seeing shitter genji and hanzo mains throwing games?
Stop playing support.
When you get some skill and get some friends which since you're on Sup Forums will be never so you should probably just kill yourself
play better and you should eventually rise
>still playing ranked
>still playing ow at all
>stop playing support
But ana can carry a game provided you have 1 decent dps and tank, the other 3 can be just fodder.
I'm in Master and I took a friend's account from bronze to Diamond. I took another friend from bronze to gold in one day just before S3 ended. There is no elo hell you shitter. Git gud. Also stop playing supports.
True, Ana is insanely good. However she can't hold a candle in terms of killing power compared to any offense hero
Except there is elo hell. Did you win every single game you played? I tried to raise my cousins account and people in 2000-2500 are so fucking bad i had to stop. It was embarassing carrying games so hard only to barely lose them because a few teammates were literally throwing.
Does your dad work for Blizzard, too?
Stream link? I will give you $100 if you can get from bronze to gold in one day on stream.
why can't I pick orisa in comp yet, I want to grief
>tfw top 8th global mercy for dmg/min and 5th for elims
>still cant get out of diamond
>stomp two matches
>3 games in a row with dc'ing teammates
>4 games in a row after that with entire korean teammates I cant communicate with
The secret is queing as a stack of 3 at minimum.
The game has a very low individual skill ceiling, you cant really carry all alone.
Its all about coordination.
Yeah I'm a different user than but I make exactly the same offer, I'll pay you 100€ if you get my account from 2k to 2k5 on stream in a week-end.
Honestly mate, seems to me you have a lot of money to make here.
I didn't win every game but I won most. Some were lost causes if I had a really good thrower or two, but I was able to power through and win 5v6 most of the time when that happened. My smurf in gold has the opposite problem right now. I keep getting throwers on the enemy team and smurfs on my team. I ended up having to group with another smurf to finally start losing. Fucking matchmaking almost forced me into plat even though I kept picking widow each game and missing half my shots.
I don't stream but I wouldn't mind helping you if you're in bronze. I have a smurf I use to help low ranking friends climb. Sometimes I feel bad when I'm throwing hard and add people. If they accept I group with them later and help them climb. Low ranks are fun.
>bad at game
>pay someone to get your rank higher
Why the fuck would you do this? If you pay someone good to play on your account YOU ARE STILL BAD
I just want the tank meta to stop.
I'm tired of it
The game is very team based.
You 'skill' doesn't matter if you doesn't coordinate, which is also why this game is very much prone to elo hell.
> implying we're not just calling that user out on his obvious pompous bullshit
You make me sad.
Nobody in diamond or even plat will struggle getting an account from bronze to gold. Just play Zarya, God76, or Pharah. I main Zarya and she's painfully OP at low ranks. She gets more charge the worse people play. Your teammates will overextend and give you charge while your enemy will have shit trigger discipline and also feed you charge. gg ez.
What's the best character to play if I'm around 2700/2800 ?
I want to make the final push for diamond, I'm usually only playing Soldier 76.